6 Budgeting Tips to Save on sports your children

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6 Budgeting Tips to Save on Your Kids’ Sports - TaxACT Blog

youth sports teams encourage physical fitness, teamwork, communication and self-confidence. But they often come with a high price tag.

In fact, a survey of more than 250 parents who use TeamSnap, a team management service and activity, found that the majority of respondents pay between $ 3000 and 5000 $ youth sports every year, with some paying as much as $ 10,000.

as Ben Edwards, a sports dad and founder of moneysmartlife.com says, costs can vary depending on what sport your children play and if they participate in a recreational or competitive team.

for example, playing on a competitive team ice hockey youth often involves more equipment and more travel-intensive than, for example, running with the team Athletics school.

We talked to Edwards about budgeting tips to keep the cost of your sporting children in check.

avoid late registration fees

Often the biggest cost is the cost to register your child for a league soccer, baseball or other sports, so pay attention to the registration deadlines. "Sometimes if you register early, they'll give you a discount," says Edwards. "Or if you register late, there are late fees."

Attend a speed swap

two Edwards Children play soccer (among other sports), so it is assisted speed swaps instead of buying new equipment every soccer year.

"Basically, at the beginning of the season, they will have a day where people can bring their old equipment that is not responding," he said. "You add crampons old your children and old guard shin in the pot and you are shopping whenever they grow their equipment. "

If your community does not rate swap, check consignment shops, yard sales or used sports stores like Play It Again sports for deals on clothing and equipment used smoothly.

Volunteer to help the team

Some leagues give a registration discount for parents who volunteer as a team leader or co-captain, said Edwards, who has used this option itself.

If you intend to participate in most practices and games anyway this option could make sense.

Use -me-down hand

with several children playing the same sport, you can get more mileage by making gear too big and clothing for younger siblings.

But if, like Edwards, you have a son and daughter, avoid colors or designs that are gender specific and make hand-me-down harder. "When you buy things, try and buy neutral so it is easier to put down," he said. Children can easily wear a size too jersey as they grow into it, but the shoes should fit properly to avoid injury.

Learn about the league reductions

Sometimes sports leagues negotiate discounts with local sports shops for families who are part of their league. Edwards said his family used these discounts to buy sports equipment as well.

Join a car pool

If you are a team captain or manager, you may have to attend every practice or game anyway, says Edwards.

But for other parents, car pools can make a lot of sense, especially if your child plays on a travel team with many games away.

taking turns driving, you save fuel and your little athlete will have more time to bond with teammates and games or practices.

your turn! How to save money on kids' sports? We would appreciate saving strategies of smart money! Share in the comments below.

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