5 easy ways to save $ 50 each month

1:44 PM
5 easy ways to save $ 50 each month -

5 painless ways to save $50

Looking for ways to save each month?

What you could do with an extra $ 50 a month

See if you can find that extra money in one of these five ways :?

1. Cut the cable

Who needs more cable?

Register a streaming plan like Amazon or Netflix, and watch current movies and online TV.

You can download entire seasons of your favorite shows or buy them on DVD, go to a real time theater in time and still get at least $ 50 in advance on the payment for the cable.

2. Find unnecessary repeated charges

It's easy to sign up for a trial subscription, or even the one you intend to use, and continue to pay year after year without even knowing it.

Get out your bank card statements and credit for the last two months and examine each line.

investigate, cancel or challenge each item that you are not needed (or never).

If a bill is not authorized or in error, you have 60 days after the first bill with the error has been sent to the contest.

3. Bring your own snacks to work

vending machines and snack bars in the workplace make a healthy profit.

If you buy biscuits or crisps at work, start making your own hiding place for your break. Please bring your own tea and other drinks, too.

You will have a better selection, and there is probably much healthier than the snacks you might catch at work.

If you save a few dollars every working day, you can easily save $ 50 a month.

4. Copy your favorite meal in the restaurant

do you go out to eat because a restaurant dish called? There is no such thing as a secret recipe on the Internet.

Learn to duplicate the dish at home, and do it once a month. You could save $ 50 a month on taking the family to eat.

5. Lower your consumer interest expense

If you pay 18% or more on credit card balances, you might be able to save money by reducing interest costs.

The best way to save on interest is to pay the balance.

If you have a savings account earning next to nothing, and you can pay off credit card balances without jeopardizing your emergency fund or other financial needs, by all means to do so.

another way to save on interest charges is to make a list of your credit card accounts, their interest rates, balances and available credit limits.

Use the cards with the lowest interest rates and gradually pay the cards with the highest rates. A new card with a low or zero percent rate may be a good idea, depending on your situation.

If you have a good history of payment, you can try calling your credit card company and asking them to lower your rate. If you succeed, you could save $ 50 a month with a phone call - and no pain

Do you know the interest rates on all your credit card accounts [1945003?]

photo credit: lanier67 via photopin cc

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