4 simple car maintenance tips that will Save you Thousands

11:30 AM
4 simple car maintenance tips that will Save you Thousands -

4 Simple Car Maintenance Tips That Will Save You Thousands - TaxACT

Have you ever owned a car that was a complete lemon?

I know I have.

Whenever I'm something repaired, it seemed to be another part went wrong. The repairs completed and left completely empty my wallet.

As I matured and grew older, I realized that this may not be the fault of the car, but maybe I was not maintain properly.

If we take the time to keep our car works well, it will most likely continue to function well and enable us to save our money rather than spend it on avoidable repairs.

Car Care Tip # 1: Look at the oil

Did you know that many cars today do not really need an oil change every 3,000 miles? Many newer can go 7,500 miles before they really need a new filter.

However, how many of us regularly check our oil? If I asked you how many liters of oil were left in your car right now, how many of you have an idea?

In fact, some of you do not even know how many liters of oil your car can hold. Oil is the lifeblood of your engine.

If you leave unconsciously the oil change in your car, your engine will soon be destroyed, leaving you on the side of the road with a large repair bill that come to you in your near future

car care Tip # 2 :. Check your transmission fluid

Another important part of our car's transmission. If the transmission begins to break down, we risk losing the ability to change our car in reverse.

Soon all the gears start to come out, which means we will not be able to get anywhere without getting out of our car and walking.

it is extremely important to check your transmission fluid, both to ensure that you have enough, and to be sure it is clean.

If you see metal shavings in your fluid, or if it is a dark color disorder, you should take it to your mechanic immediately for a flush.

If you do you'll probably lose your gear and need to pay for a new transmission. This may cost you $ 2,000 to $ 6,000

Car Maintenance Tip # 3 :. Beware Dash Lights

Today, there are lots of lights on the dashboard that can warn you of different things. Make sure you research the problem when you see one of these lights on.

If, instead of taking your car to solve the minor problem, you'll most likely face an even bigger problem in the future, which can mean big dollars

car care Tip 4 :. Rotate your tires

The tires are quite expensive. Just for a complete set of regular tires, unmarked, you could spend more than $ 0. If you have a nicer car, you can easily get more than $ 1000 bill.

Want to make your tires last a little longer?

Take them to the store to get a rotation at least twice a year. This will allow each tire to wear more evenly, allowing them to last longer and save you money so!

Follow these preventive steps and you will keep more money in your pocket, rather than in the hands of your mechanic

Do you use a mechanic for car repairs simple maintenance or are you yourself

photo credit:.? I_am_Allan via photopin cc

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