6 ways to reduce health care costs Your

3:46 PM
6 ways to reduce health care costs Your -

6 Ways to Reduce Your Healthcare Costs - TaxACT

Since the Affordable Care Act became law, many of us have asked exactly how the landscape of the American healthcare system will change.

people with preexisting conditions are likely to have better access, but we are still waiting to see how expensive the premiums will be.

because of the uncertainty, it is in your interest to do all you can to reduce your health care costs today.

If you are not quite sure where to start, read on.

1. Eat a healthier diet

Shim diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is sure to improve your health and reduce doctor visits.

If there is a farmers market near you, you can save significantly on costs and get the best products available

Reduce red meat, eat more salads, and hearty roast vegetables to change things up a bit.

2. Eliminate Vices

We all know that smoking and drinking are bad for you.

Indeed, a provision of the Affordable Care Act allows employers to pay you more for health insurance if you smoke.

This should be enough motivation to quit. If you abuse alcohol, you may be charged a higher premium and

The fight against your vices is never easy, so if you need help, reach out to local organizations and vendors therapy -. Both your body and your bank account will thank you for it.

3. Increase your Franchises

If you do not visit the doctor very often, you can save by bumping up your deductibles.

Make sure that the increase is something you can sleep with at night and still have some money tucked away in an emergency fund to cover the higher deductible if needed.

If you start a new job, review all deductible choices carefully and make the best decision based on your current financial situation situation.

4. Requests Generic requirements

Many patents recently expired prescription, which means that many pharmaceutical companies can now create better prices comparable to drugs.

Every time a doctor writes you a prescription, ask for generics.

Better yet, see if the doctor has a few samples lying around and get at least some of your pills free.

5. Review all bills for errors

Try to examine a medical bill for errors may feel like deciphering the hieroglyphs.

However, the American Medical Billing lawyers reported that up to 80% of these bills contain errors.

Do your best to weave your way through the jargon, and if anything seems out of order, contact the billing department and ask for an explanation.

6. Consider opening a Flexible Spending Account

If your current employer offers him a flexible spending account can save you money.

You contribute pre-tax dollars, which in turn can be used for such things as co-payments, prescriptions and other medical expenses out of pocket

Just understand that the money in your account must be used by the end of the year - .. the funds are not turning

final Thoughts

all of these tips will remain healthy always be your best bet.

Get on an exercise program, take off those extra pounds, eat a Health- conscious diet, and get rid of all the bad habits that you may have.

you will reduce your bills, but more importantly, you'll have a better chance of living a long and healthy life.

What are you doing to reduce your health care costs

photo credit: mikebaird via photopin cc

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