6 Tips for Millennials Looking to control their personal finances

11:18 AM
6 Tips for Millennials Looking to control their personal finances -

6 Tips For Millennials Looking to Master Their Personal Finances  - TaxACT

The mortarboards were thrown, tassels hang mirrors and a new group of college graduates remain in place until 3 am submit resumes for each job opening, they can find on the web worldwide.

It is not only the anxiety of entering the workforce and desperately looking for a job that keeps young learners until late at night.

the idea to wean the bank of mum and dad is enough to scare even the most intrepid new graduate to sleep at night, drenched in a cold sweat.

a few lucky suddenly feel flushed with money after signing their first job.

Many tips are to find a job, the network learning, and always giving tasks, even servile 100% effort.

While career guidance is important for all new graduates, advice money can play an even greater role.

Here are six simple tips to ensure millennials can manage their finances independently.

1. Set a budget

This does not mean that every penny must be monitored and your checkbook must be balanced before bedtime (but I don ' not object).

Setting a budget means how much. of each paycheck should go towards bills, savings and time, and happy, and shopping

The first priority should be taking care of basic human needs: food, shelter and modern as lights, Internet, and phone bills.

most graduates also need to budget for debt payments, most likely in the form of student loans.

then the remaining money can be considered surplus funds for shopping, watching movies, Esquire a love interest in the city or whatever

When starting, surplus funds may only a pittance every month - .. so be careful not to spend more than you have won

If you are lucky enough to make a lot of money right out of college, he is extremely important to establish a budget to avoid lifestyle inflation and debt.

2. Pay yourself first

Pay yourself first is the holy grail of personal finance advice. Share on Twitter

6 Personal Finance Tips for Millennials Entering the Workforce - TaxACT

Start saving money from the first paycheck in addition to contributing to retirement.

Put the money in a savings account to build the emergency fund of prime importance. You should aim to have three to six months of living expenses in savings and readily available - therefore not invested -. In case the unexpected happens (such as job loss, medical emergency, car accident)

Three to six months of living expenses may seem out of reach, but everything you need to start is a small amount. If only $ 5 of each paycheck goes to the body, so good.

It is important to build a habit of saving. Just be sure to increase as $ 5 paychecks increase.

3. Contribute to 401 (k) your employer

Except in certain circumstances, continue to contribute to an employer-matched 401 (k) or similar retirement funds.

By delaying or failing to do at all, you leave hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands of dollars on the table.

Pensions are going the way of VHS, so a 401 (k) is often the preferred means for financial stability in retirement.

4. Do not accumulate credit card debt

Credit cards are an effective tool for credit building history and even earn lucrative rewards, but beware, do not buy more than you can afford.

does not make a habit of paying the minimum amount due on a credit card. It does nothing but charge interest.

Paying just the minimum does not help to improve credit scores. Pay the time credit card bill in full each month and.

Confused about how to manage credit card debt? Try using MagnifyMoney.com.

5. Create a strategy to pay off student loans

Evaluate student loans and research how to effectively pay down with less accrued interest.

Does it make sense to consolidate? forgiveness student loan programs available? What loans have higher interest rates? Can you afford to pay more than the minimum to help pay the principal faster?

Take time to create a strategy and explore the free resources like ReadyForZero.

6. Ask for help

The transition to life after college can be overwhelming. It does not matter if freelance or a job with a six-figure salary (think oil engineers), manipulation of the life of finances can be daunting.

Ask for help or support persons councils (teachers, friends, relatives, colleagues), even if it means sharing a book or useful website

photo credit :. wili_hybrid via photopin cc

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