6 things to know about pre-existing conditions and health insurance

3:22 PM
6 things to know about pre-existing conditions and health insurance -

6 Things to Know About Pre-Existing Conditions and Health Insurance - TaxACT

You have heard now that health insurance companies can no longer refuse to cover you because you have a pre-existing condition, thanks to Affordable Care Act (ACA).

sounds like good news, and for many people it is.

is not quite simple, but

Make sure you understand the new rules for pre-existing conditions :.

you can not buy insurance on the way to the hospital

It takes time - sometimes weeks - ask and to obtain health insurance. Besides, if everyone could wait until they are loaded onto an ambulance stretcher before signing up for insurance, why would anyone buy in advance?

You can not buy insurance through the exchanges any time of the year

If you buy insurance through the exchanges (also called markets), you can do so for open enrollment periods.

the current open enrollment period ends on 31 March 2014.

The open enrollment period for coverage proposed in 2015 begins November 15, 2014 .

you might be able to buy insurance on exchanges outside of open enrollment periods when you have a qualifying life event, such as marriage, divorce, change of level income, or move to another state.

individual health plans grandfathered may not cover preexisting conditions

If you have any of the health insurance plans that you are allowed to keep, these plans are not subject to the rules on pre-existing conditions.

sharing of health care departments usually do not cover pre-existing conditions

Although the sharing of ministries of health, such as Medi-Share, are not defined as the insurance, ACA regulations state that you are not subject to the tax penalty for not having insurance if you are a member.

However, you can not be accepted as a member if you have pre-existing conditions.

Short-term health insurance plans, often used for people between jobs, generally do not cover pre-existing conditions

Short-term health insurance plans are not considered adequate insurance coverage under the affordable care Act, so you can always liable to a penalty, despite the payment of premiums.

age is not a preexisting condition

you can not pay more or insurance refused on the basis of a pre-existing condition, from 2014. However, you can be charged more for being older.

in general, people use more health care services as they age. The ACA allows insurance companies charge more to individuals based on their age

If you have a pre-existing condition, the new rules mean that you can get health insurance coverage, although you have diabetes or other health problems. - Now or in the past.

rules does not mean it's a good idea to wait to obtain health insurance.

Go without insurance is still taking a huge risk with your health and your finances. Know the rules, and make sure you and your family can still receive health care you need.

Have you ever been denied insurance because of a preexisting condition?

photo credit: Lincolnian (Brian) via photopin cc

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