No Regrets Road Trip: chompin 'at the Savoy in Pittsburgh (VIDEO)

5:00 PM Add Comment
No Regrets Road Trip: chompin 'at the Savoy in Pittsburgh (VIDEO) -

There no secret that Pittsburgh has undergone a metropolitan makeover in recent decades. The rise and fall of the city as an industrial power - with smoke and soot to prove it - has given way to a new generation of entrepreneurs and industries who won Pittsburgh main accessories as one of the best places to live, work and visit the United States.

Want to see what all the 'Burgh buzz is about? There is no better place to start than the Strip District. What was once the home of the mills, factories and wholesalers have turned into a historical market with outdoor vendors, craft unique local shops and - of course - great food. In the last episode of The Summer of No Regrets Road Trip, we chat with John Bettis, executive director of local hot spot Savoy. The restaurateur Pittsburgh (and customer ERIE) shares her story about what it takes to start your own restaurant - seriously good insurance for a killer wardrobe

Then :. We check a turn-of-the century "caveman" in Richmond, Virginia.

5 Must-Haves You probably do not have in your car emergency kit

3:59 PM Add Comment
5 Must-Haves You probably do not have in your car emergency kit -
car emergency kit

Imagine this: You take a road trip for the holidays winter. It snows a lot, but you've driven worse.

Rounding a corner, you see the flashing lights and cars stopped on the highway. There was a crash, and cars are stopped.

You start to panic. Then you remember the car's emergency kit you've created a few months ago and stored in your car. All the essentials are there, and you breathe a sigh of relief.

Are you ready?

Most people know to store food, water and first aid materials in their car emergency kit. But there are some extras that are really worth to have on hand. you probably never knew about. Here are five things to add to your emergency kit:

1. hands and feet heated: hands and feet warmers will prove invaluable in the months of 'winter. They are inexpensive and very easy to use: just shake the bag-more you shake, the hotter they get. In addition, they take up little space in your vehicle.

2. A whistle :. If you ever get stuck and need to signal for help, a whistle can help you do the job more quickly

3. cat litter: not having a chat? Always get! If your car is stuck on ice or snow, sprinkle some cat litter around the wheels to help your tires gain traction.

4. toys or playing cards: If you're stuck for hours at a time, every child (s) in the car will get tired quickly. Have toys or games stored in the car will help keep them entertained. Of course, adults can become bored, so too tidy a few cards to play there to help pass the time.

5. Reflective tape: If you get stuck, you want to be visible. Reflective tape can help get the attention of drivers passing by.

Many people do not think of a car emergency kit until they actually need. Do not be one of them. Put together a kit does not take much time and it could save you a lot of grief later.


Another thing you want for your car is car insurance you can rely on. Erie Insurance offers a wide coverage of the automobile tariffs and gives you the opportunity to save on the road service coverage. Talk to an Erie insurance agent in your community to learn more and get a free quote.

No Regrets Road Trip: Knoxville Knowhow (VIDEO)

2:58 PM Add Comment
No Regrets Road Trip: Knoxville Knowhow (VIDEO) -

No. I 'M Chris Laxamana.

Wait, huh?

On this next stage of our Summer of No Regrets Road Trip, our host made a move through Knoxville, Tenn., To check on the Market Square in the heart of downtown. This large outdoor shopping center, is a popular place for locals and visitors, with a farmer's market, live music concerts and even ghost tours.

While in the marketplace, Chris shares some valuable tips on how to protect your identity in crowded public spaces and prices

Next: .. Nashville, Tenn

How to tame your tree

1:57 PM Add Comment
How to tame your tree -
tame your trees

The trees in your yard offer many advantages. They throw shade on the hottest days and add beauty to your garden. Furthermore, they are essential for kids who like hide and seek, tree houses and tire swings.

Although they seem to require no work, they need a little attention from time to time. In this series of posts, you will learn about all this and more, including:

  • How to spot a sick or overgrown tree: Trees are living beings that age and sometimes it is not enough. This post will give you some tips on how to spot a sick tree or overgrown. This will allow you to correct the situation before it becomes a larger, more destructive problem and you might even save the life of your tree.
  • How tree pruning and stump removal: You have seen the warning signs that your trees need trimming. Or maybe you've decided it's finally time for this old stump to remove. Now what do you do? This post will outline your options for tree pruning and stump removal. It will also help you decide when to do it yourself and when you should let the pros.
  • How to know which trees to plant: In this article, we'll help you find the right trees for your property based on size , disease resistance, how fast they grow and what tree provides the best shade.
  • What happens if the shaft of your neighbor falls in your yard: This is a common and confusing question for homeowners. Find out who is on the line when the trees to damage a house person to another person.

Whether you're looking to cut, tear, or plant a new tree, the result will have a dramatic impact on the appearance of your yard. This series of posts as a guide as you get started on the fight against your trees.

Video: Actor Anthony Anderson Kicks Off Life Insurance Awareness Month

12:56 PM Add Comment
Video: Actor Anthony Anderson Kicks Off Life Insurance Awareness Month -

may know Anthony Anderson success of his TV show black-ish and as host of Eat America . But in September, it will be taken on a new role in 2015 national spokesperson for Life Insurance Awareness Month.

The annual campaign, held in September, is coordinated by life happens to encourage more than 100 million Americans who do not have sufficient life insurance to get the coverage they need .

As spokesman for the campaign, Anthony will share his personal story of how he and his family were directly affected life insurance.

As a young boy growing up in Compton, Calif., Anderson saw the importance of his family put on life insurance. Although his parents are not many, they have Mary or the family of Anthony called it, "The Lady of insurance." Mary was a staple in the house Anderson, visiting the family along year to review and update the life insurance policies of her parents. She even sold Anthony its first life insurance policy when he turned 18.

Now, a husband and father, Anthony understand why her parents have made life insurance a priority. He also made it a priority to protect his family.

"Even on their limited income, my mom and dad instilled on us all the importance of planning for the future and that tomorrow n 't promised to everyone, "Anderson said." I know how hard it is to lose someone you love. An accident took my brother when he was 26. Soon after, I lost my father to diabetes, a disease that I, myself, am today. he was getting through these tough death, but the fact that they had all two life insurance is so much easier "


life insurance is something that many people need -. And it is probably more affordable than you think. Talk to a professional insurance as an Erie Insurance agent for more info and a free quote.

Google helps promote solar energy

11:55 AM Add Comment
Google helps promote solar energy -

Did you know that the sun emits enough energy every hour to meet the energy needs of the world for a whole year?

Solar energy is just one form of renewable energy that is growing in popularity. Thank you for efficiency gains, lower prices and various tax incentives, the use of solar energy has grown about 20 percent annually for the past 15 years.

The most recognizable form of solar energy is solar panels attached to the roof of the house and offices. They work by allowing particles of light to knock electrons free from atoms. This process generates electricity to power a home or office.

The solar panels provide many benefits for the environment and for consumers. However, they usually require a significant initial investment that does not pay for a maximum of 12 years. (While prices have dropped nearly 30 percent between 09 and 2013, the average price of a five kilowatts system stands at $ 23,000 before tax credits or other incentives.) The price tag can deter many would-be consumers to buy solar panels.

There is an upside, however. (Play on words). Google, the most popular search engine in the world, announced earlier this year that it has invested $ 300 million into a fund to help finance residential solar projects.

And solar efforts of the company do not stop there. In August, Google announced that it will use its satellite technology and a part of the latest artificial intelligence to create Project sunroof. This online service estimates how much you save if your roof has solar panels. Project sunroof is available only in three areas at the moment: the San Francisco Bay; Fresno, California; and the greater Boston area.

No Roof project opening in your area? To get an estimate of how much you could save with solar panels, talk to a qualified installer of solar panels. It may take some time to recover the initial costs, but one day your wallet and the environment thank you.

Installation of solar panels on your roof? If so, be sure to tell your insurance agent. Like other projects to improve the house, solar panels can increase the value of your home. By talking to an insurance agent, you make sure you have enough coverage in case something unfortunate happens.

Solar panels can also suffer damage from hail, lightning and more. So you'll want to also make sure they have the right coverage. For a quote on home insurance, talk to an Erie insurance agent in your community.

Video: It Started Like any other day

9:53 PM Add Comment
Video: It Started Like any other day -

September marks National Preparedness Month. During this month, Americans are encouraged to plan how to stay safe and contact if disaster were to strike their community.

Disasters such as tornadoes, floods, earthquakes and can strike at any time. Many people mistakenly believe that these kinds of events will never happen to them. Yet, as the above video shows, they can - and do - occur.

Watch the video to get an idea of ​​why the questions in preparation. Easy to process kickoff is creating emergency kits for your home and car. Another way to prepare is to make sure you have the proper insurance. An insurance professional as Erie insurance agent can help you get the right coverage at the right price.

For more ideas on how to prepare for any type of disaster, visit

Gen Y Blogger Spreads the Word about Insurance Careers

10:54 AM Add Comment
Gen Y Blogger Spreads the Word about Insurance Careers -

There are many misconceptions about working in the insurance industry and is especially true of Millennials (defined as anyone born between the early 1980s and early 00s).

Carly Burnham is on a mission to change that one blog at a time. The 29-year-old is a commercial underwriter Erie Insurance and one of the bloggers behind the blog Nerds insurance. Run in conjunction with a former colleague, blog posts center on opportunities within the insurance industry and how to develop your career. Nerds Insurance puts special emphasis on the opportunities for Millennials, who are now the largest generation in the workforce of the United States

Since its launch in November 2014, Nerds insurance gets more than 5,000 views by mail by promoting well planned through LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook®. Read more on the blog, the benefits of working in the insurance industry and Carly in this Q & A.

How did you end up in the insurance sector?

I went to work in the growing insurance, I really wanted to be a novelist.

In high school, I was an office assistant at an insurance agency in my hometown of Duluth, Minnesota. I worked during college; Meanwhile, I permit holder and was promoted to office manager.

When my boyfriend and then I moved to Des Moines, Iowa, after college, I worked as direct sales agent of personal lines for Nationwide. I sold the car, home and life insurance in 26 states.

In 2014, we moved to Erie to work my fiance. It was my goal to become a commercial underwriter, so I entered the subscription program for three months ERIE. I had a great mentor who taught me a lot and I really prepared for this work.

How would you describe your work and what does a typical day look like?

As a commercial underwriter, I take millions of dollars of business decisions on a daily basis by working with companies in a wide variety of industries. I approve or reject the risk based on the risk appetite of Erie Insurance. I also advise our agents on policies, coverage and pricing. My work day to day is interesting and challenging, and I'm always learning new things!

In a typical day you will find me on the phone with my agent, talk about companies they visited, reviewing emails about risk information and claims history, review requests and work on projects that will impact the future of our department. My favorite part of the job is the variety of information that I receive for review.

Learn more about how insurance Nerds began.

I met my writing partner, Tony Cañas, while working at the national level. We started an associated Resource Group Gen Y there. While there, we used Yammer, a social networking site operated by Microsoft for employees of specific companies. I have written career advice there. When Tony and I moved to different jobs, we missed writing. The blog was super we divide the work, and it helps to have an accountability partner.

We had a very good working relationship since we are almost polar opposites. Tony comes up with great ideas and innovative approaches grows and growth, while I keep us grounded and make pragmatic choices to ensure that we accomplish our goals. It is easy to work with those who are the same style as you, but exciting things can be accomplished when you partner with someone who has different strengths of yours.

Why do you neglect the millennium to consider a career in insurance?

Historically, people do not say, "I'll be a claims adjuster when I am" There is a perception that insurance is boring or that selling insurance is.. like selling used cars. But our generation is always looking for the next challenge. We want to work in a place where we are engaged, we understand the potential of our career where we can see that the contribution we bring to the business is important. the insurance industry is beginning to recognize and reaches out to high school students and colleges across Ensure My Path, INVEST and corporate programs like ERIE internship program.

What Millennials (and others) forget is that insurance provides a vital service that keeps our economy working well after personal crises and disasters. the industry also did much to individuals, communities and charities .

Why Millennials consider a career in the insurance?

First, there is an incredible amount of possibilities. An estimated one million insurance professionals will retire in the next 10 years is 43 percent of the current workforce. Insurance is also a growing industry, with experts predicting that there will be 400,000 additional jobs insurance in the next decade. These two developments mean Millennials are poised for entry and advancement in the industry.

Millennials also underestimate how interesting and varied career of an insurance can be. There are many different jobs within the industry, and you have a lot of property on your career development path. It is always something new to learn.

Want to learn more about careers in the insurance sector? Then check out the blog Nerds insurance and Erie Insurance Careers page.

Cyber ​​greater security than ever

8:52 PM Add Comment
Cyber ​​greater security than ever -

marks the October National Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month, a time when all Americans are encouraged to learn more on security in the digital world.

There is no doubt that cyber-security is more important to us as individuals and as a nation. Someone in corporate data breaches from hacking into one Facebook ® account, cyber-threats are real for government, businesses and regular Joes.

As part of its efforts to raise awareness of the importance of cyber security, President Obama designated October as awareness of national security Cyber ​​months. The goal of the month is to promote awareness of cyber security and increase the nation's resilience in the event of a cyber attack.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to reduce your chances of being a victim. See Eriesense items below to learn more about cyber security and how to stay safe.

8 tips to protect your identity

Hacking a Smart Home Rising risk

How to Protect Your Tech

Are You Being Smished?

New scams draw attention to the identity theft protection

Cybersecurity Expert Shares Tips for Small Business

Although there are many preventive measures that you can take, there is no foolproof way to prevent identity theft. Therefore it is useful to consider the protection of identity theft insurance. An insurance professional as Erie insurance agent can tell you more about this growing need, affordable coverage and.

Affordable and safe: The best cars for teens

7:51 PM Add Comment
Affordable and safe: The best cars for teens -

Do you have a young driver -or a teenager who will be behind the wheel soon in your House ? If so, chances are good they look forward to their first car.

But what are the best used cars for teenagers? Although there is a good chance that the appearance of the car is the main criterion for your teen, it is likely that yours is very different.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has what you're getting into. That's why they recently looked in which used cars are both safe and affordable for young drivers.

The good news? There are many options to choose from. IIHS reports that the list has increased more than 50 percent in a year, although prices and safety criteria has not changed.

See what the best cars for teens are- and get some tips by useful purchases to read the article source

Erie Insurance is committed to helping teens stay safe behind the wheel. Shift, the annual program ERIE that teaches teens how to stay safe on the road and earn points for great prices, is currently underway. Teens are invited to the driving engagement safely and meet the fun weekly challenges. Also check out what's new this year: an interactive map that shows how each state ranks when it comes to teen driving deaths.

How to Winterize your bike

6:50 PM Add Comment
How to Winterize your bike -
winterize your motorcycle

You were riding your bike for months. You may even hit a motorcycle rally or two have during the summer.

Yet there is no denying the fact that the temperatures plunge. Soon the snow and ice may well make it impossible for you to take the road on your motorcycle.

If you're lucky, you have enough space in your garage for storing your bike during the winter. If not, you'll need to find a place to store your bike. Then you'll want to make sure to follow these tips when it comes time to winterize your bike.

  • Give it a wash. Some substances may corrode the outside of the bike. It is best to get all the dirt and grime from your bike before storing away for winter. also wax your bike, it helps protect against rust and moisture.
  • Take care of the tank. It is a good idea to fill the tank with fresh fuel and fuel stabilizer. The stabilizer will help prevent gas breaking down. It will also prevent the accumulation of form. Make sure you start your bike for at least five minutes to ensure that the stabilizer makes its way through the system.
  • Change the oil and filter. Old oil can be corrosive, so invest in an oil change before you stash away your bike for the winter.
  • Check the coolant. It is important to make sure your coolant can withstand freezing temperatures. Use a floating-ball tester to see if the coolant is up to the task.
  • mind the muffler. Mufflers can rust when they are not in use. Protect yours by spraying the quiet with light oil. Then stuff a plastic bag in the quiet before attaching another plastic bag around it for extra protection.
  • Remove the battery. There is a small but constant power consumption when your battery is hooked into your bike, but is not used. For this reason, it is best to remove the battery from your bike and store it in a cool, dry place. A battery maintainer can help ensure that the battery does not work juice during storage. Some officials of the battery built into the float charger prevents the battery from being overcharged. Do not allow a battery to freeze and do not attempt to charge a frozen battery.
  • Inflate the tires to the recommended pressure. Cold air causes tires to lose air.
  • cover. A well-fitting lid is a breathable protective barrier.

A final way to protect your bike is having the right motorcycle insurance. Erie Insurance now offers improved motorcycle cover for your bike so you can easily climb. Contact an Erie Insurance agent in your community to learn more and get a free quote.

4 less known Halloween Safety Tips

5:49 PM Add Comment
4 less known Halloween Safety Tips -
Halloween Safety

Children (and adults and even pets) in costume are not genuine scares this Halloween. Those belong to realities such as those on the list below.

In addition to keeping security councils trick-or-treat in mind, do not forget some of the less known safety tips for Halloween. They include:

  • Looking for circulation The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that Halloween is the deadliest day of the year for young pedestrians .. Keep your safely kiddos having to stay close to you, attaching reflective tape on their costumes and only cross at designated cross walks.
  • Defensive driving. Things are also more dangerous for drivers and for pedestrians- especially when Halloween falls on a weekend as it does this year. Impaired driving is more common on weekends and holidays, making this year a double whammy. This Halloween, do not forget to buckle up, slow down and drive carefully.
  • Remember your furry friends. Many people forget to bring their pets inside or hold on Halloween correctly. This can lead to your pets are spooked or flee. Another danger is Halloween chocolate candy and artificial sweeteners can be fatal for animals. For them, make sure they are safe inside and that all candy is stashed somewhere, they can not access.
  • Maybe make glow sticks a no-go. poison control centers see a sharp increase in calls on Halloween. And many of these calls are on poisoning glowstick. The liquid in glow sticks may cause irritation and vomiting, so be sure to tell your children to keep them away from their mouths. And when it comes to especially young children, you may want to spend glow sticks together.

Keeping these tips in mind, you keep the fears in the haunted house and outside Halloween real life. And if you are still worried to see a real ghost, you'll be pleased to know that it is possible to obtain a phantom insurance.

About Us Become TechEd Out?

4:48 PM Add Comment
About Us Become TechEd Out? -

It has already been named Alexa ™ when she came to live with us. And arrived full of energy, full of answers and ready to please.

"What's the weather going to be like this weekend?"

"What is the average gas price in Chicago now?"

"Who won the Penn State football game last night?"

She knew the answers to all.

"Thank you, Alexa."

"You are welcome."

Alexa is an Amazon technically Echo ™, which is a "browser of knowledge" similar to Siri Apple ®. With a special application and a connected home, Alexa can take care of mundane tasks such as dimming the lights, turn on the coffee machine or close the garage door.

This should not be surprising because it is 2015 and all. It's the future! And as those of us raised on The Jetsons know, we should by this time living in a resplendent spacescape futuristic robotic housekeepers, instant transport tubes and trips via aerocar the work week by two hours. (Alexa as a woman robotic household? Coffee by the way, it is a bit exaggerated.)

We are not quite there. But with the rise of smart home technology, we have more and more ways to harness the power of technology in our four walls. We can use it for convenience (did I mention the coffee already?) And safety (such as water alerts, smart tags and security cameras) and just for fun. ( "Alexa, where is Chuck Norris?" Answer: "If Chuck Norris wants to know where he is, he will find you If it does not, you will not know until it is too late." .)

Yet while Alexa can accurately report the latest Penn State score soccer do not worry, I will not spoil for you, it can not debrief you on the pregame tailgate, harmonize few bars of "Sweet Caroline" or tell you what flavor cone she got after the Creamery. (Chip coconut is the best, BTW.) it can prevent me it's supposed to rain all day on Saturday, but it will not suggest that we head to the cinema and check the new Melissa McCarthy movie together.

is like any type of insurance. (You knew I'd be the bring around this, right?) Technology high. It can get you fast automatic quote and help you file an electronic request. Yet it will not spend an hour help you choose between term and whole life insurance. Or help you stay calm when you file your initial application. For this you need the original "knowledge navigator": a ERIE agent.

ERIE Your agent is there to answer all knowledge and compassion with all sorts of questions. But ask him where Chuck Norris is currently? Do not be too surprised if you get a funny look.

How to have good relations with your neighbors

3:47 PM Add Comment
How to have good relations with your neighbors -
how to get along with neighbors

From the value of your property to your security to your mental health, your neighbors may have a considerable impact on your life.

You can also add your health in this list. Research in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health found that people who have friendly neighbors they trust are less likely to have a heart attack than those who think the opposite of their neighbors.

This is a pretty compelling statistic. Yet many of us do not even know our neighbors - yet know the least enough to trust them. A study by the Pew Research Center found that only 43 percent of respondents said they knew all or most of their neighbors.

What do you think? Do you know your neighbors? Otherwise, it might be time to get out and get to know them. This will be good for your heart in both a literal and symbolic. (You never know where your next friend will come!)

Yet, despite your best efforts, some neighbors will simply never be your best friends. So we will help you overcome some of the common reasons why neighbors do not get along in the following positions. In them, we will cover:

  • disputes between 5 common neighbors :. We'll take a look at some of the most common conflicts between neighbors and how they originate

  • How to handle disputes between neighbors: wherever you live near someone else, you are required to have a disagreement or two. In this post we'll take a look at how you can correct the situation so that you can become neighbors happy.
  • The implications of the neighbor-related Activities of insurance: life happens - not only for you but for your neighbors. So, which covers damage when your tree falls on your neighbor's house or a fire on the property of your neighbor spreads to yours? Find out in this post
  • 5 Neighbors types You never forget :. Each district has one or two of these special characters and your neighborhood may be blessed with more. Here are five of the most known types of neighbors.

Ready to learn to live in peace with your neighbors? Then we'll begin.

What-Is the road salt to your car

2:46 PM Add Comment
What-Is the road salt to your car -
what road salt does to cars

Winter is just around the corner. And with it comes the difficult driving conditions like white veils and black ice.

Salt Route definitely helps makes roads safer. A study by Marquette University found that the icing winter roads with salt reduced accidents by 88 percent and injuries by 85 percent. Each year, state and local agencies spend more than $ 2.3 billion on snow and ice operations.

However, there are some drawbacks to some road salt when it comes to your car. Read on to find out exactly how road salt and that road salt does to your car.

How does the salt route

Salt-a.k.a. sodium chloride in the scientific, lowers the melting water. Thus, while the water normally freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the water needs to cooler temperatures to freeze when exposed to salt. The more salt you add, the higher the temperature necessary to freeze the water.

The resulting water after the salt is applied to the crystal is known as "brine". Needs a temperature below 32 degrees Fahrenheit to freeze This water. If there is a lot of snow and ice on a road brine seep into lower layers, breaking the link between the ice and the road. Snow and ice remaining will then float along the top of the brine, making it easy for all through traffic to break up for good.

What road salt does to your car

Although road salt does good things for road safety, it makes some something very different when it comes in contact with your car.

Salt creates chemical reactions that can corrode your car. This is especially true if you have any exposed metal on your car.

Two car parts that are particularly susceptible to corrosion and rust are the brake and fuel lines. Indeed, they are close to the undercarriage of the car, which takes the bulk of road salt damage.

So what's a driver to do? Fortunately, there are proven and-true ways to help protect your car against road salt damage.

  • Take measures in the fall. Give your car a good wash and wax. For the best protection, apply a wax putty on your wax.
  • Have scratches, chips or rust spots repaired before the first snowfall.
  • Refrain driving behind the spreader trucks of ice and brine.
  • Get regular car washes. Spray your car down at least once a week if you live in a snowy area. Investing in a wash that cleans the car's undercarriage at least every few weeks or after a heavy bout of snow and / or ice hits your area.
  • Give an old car a little extra attention. The National Administration of Road Safety said that cars are particularly susceptible to corrosion after being exposed to road salt for eight years or more.
  • When spring comes, consider a thorough job detailing out. (See also taking other measures to help recover your car in the winter.)

One way you can protect your car in any season is with auto insurance. Talk to a professional insurance as an Erie Insurance agent for more to get the right coverage at the right price.

The best cities for Millennial

1:45 PM Add Comment
The best cities for Millennial - Contractors
Millennial entrepreneur

We shared the best cities for women business owners, advised senior entrepreneurs on how to start a business in retirement and shed light on which states are the easiest to get a business up and running.

When it comes to entrepreneurship, we can not forget the children of the millennium. Currently, 24.7 percent of entrepreneurs are aged between 20 and 34 years. And according to the US Chamber of Commerce, the Millennials are optimistic about their future and from their own business, despite an economy and record the fluctuating student debt.

While they stage companies throughout the United States, some cities are more friendly start-up to young entrepreneurs than others.

A study by the Kauffman asked small business owners on issues of local Foundation tax laws, the rules licensing, training opportunities and more. They then came up with a list of best cities for millennia entrepreneurs. (Many are in the impression Erie Insurance. So if you need business insurance in one of these cities, consider contacting a local Erie Insurance agent to get a free quote.)

Learn which cities made the cut by reading the article from source to

Q & A: What to know about smart cards

12:44 PM Add Comment
Q & A: What to know about smart cards -
credit card chips

Today, many credit cards are equipped with chip technology which requires you to "dip" your card into a slot. But beyond the need to not slip, do you know how smart cards are different from traditional credit cards?

Otherwise, the Q & A following will give you an overview of what you need to know about smart cards.

What exactly are smart cards?

smart cards go by many names, including smart cards, smart chip cards, smart cards smart cards and EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) cards for to name a few. What they all have in common is a small metal square, or chip, on them. Smart cards differ from traditional cards tape significantly.

magnetic stripe cards contain sensitive information about you. If someone steals that card, the thief can take advantage of data stored in the card to make fraudulent purchases because the data does not change.

In contrast, smart cards create unique transaction codes every time they are used to make a purchase. Each code can only be used once. So if a thief tried to use this data again, they would be out of luck.

Why more cards with chips?

Thanks to the unique chip transaction codes can generate, smart cards are much less prone to identity theft than to traditional magnetic stripe cards. And that's good news from identity theft and large data breaches are common crimes. It is estimated that by 2015, the cost of credit card fraud in the United States alone will reach $ 10 billion. credit card issuers in the United States are finally catching up with Europe, Canada and the Pacific.

How can I use a smart card?

The most common way is to insert into a slot credit card reader. The player will then tell you when you can remove the card. It usually takes more time to process a payment this way than it does to simply slide a credit card.

A less common way to use smart card is read without contact map. With this method, a smart card that is typed on a scanner is all it takes to make a purchase. Expect more of these types of scanners to appear as smart cards are more widely adopted.

Can I use a smart card scanner if a retailer does not have the special slot?

The most likely time, yes. The first smart card mailed in the United States have both chip and magnetic magnetic capabilities let consumers and traders adapt to change. While most major retailers already have national players cards with capacities processing chip, smaller stores, mom-and-pop are not often. Overall, it is estimated that only 44 percent of merchants will have chip card machines at the end of 2015.

When is the smart cards completely replace magnetic swipe cards?

It may take some time. While both MasterCard and VISA established October 1, 2015, the deadline for passing magnetic magnetic cards to smart cards, many cardholders have not yet received their new smart cards. This is especially common for people whose cards are issued by smaller banks.

Debit cards, meanwhile, are lagging behind credit cards when it comes to conversion to chip technology. It is estimated that only 25 percent of US debit cards have chips by the end of 2015.

Other countries accept chip cards?

Many do. In fact, the US is one of the last countries to widely adopt smart cards. Europe has migrated to chip cards there for years to help combat credit card fraud. As a result of this switch, many traders in these countries are reluctant to accept magnetic swipe cards.

That said, there are still many other countries around the world that are not equipped to accept chip cards.

is responsible for fraudulent charges made on a smart card?

generally a fraudulent charge will be the responsibility of the payment processor or bank that issued the card. This is similar to how the liability for fraudulent charges from magnetic stripe cards work.

On October 1, 2015, many major issuers of credit cards began shifting the responsibility for fraudulent charges credit card companies or banks issuing the merchant if the merchant does not card reader that can read smart cards. This initiative has encouraged traders to invest in machines that accept smart cards.

Although fraud will become more rare with smart cards, it will not disappear. And some of the biggest expenses are not fraudulent charges, but the time and money it takes to restore your identity.

recovery coverage

identity can cover these kinds of costs and more-for as little as $ 20 per year for basic coverage. Learn more about this important and affordable coverage by talking to a professional insurance as an Erie Insurance agent in your community.

Most Read Posts Eriesense 2015

11:43 AM Add Comment
Most Read Posts Eriesense 2015 -
most read eriesense posts

During the past year, Eriesense messages offered solid advice on everything from which the kitchen gadgets are the most dangerous for which life insurance is more affordable than you think about how to set up the ultimate kit car emergency.

With 2015 coming to an end, we wanted to recap some of the positions Eriesense of the most read of the year. The five items that have exceeded the list this year, from five to one:

5. What happens if my neighbor tree falls in my garden? This is the second year in this position made the cut.

4. What you need to know about snow tires This series of messages explains how snow tires are working, where cars need, what alternatives are there and how to buy the right tires for snow your car.

3. How to avoid hitting a deer This post explains how to avoid an altercation with a kite and what to do if one happens despite your best efforts.

2. How to take care of an old car on a series of four posts related, experts weigh about how to care for a high mileage vehicle

And, drumroll, please stamp the most read in 2015 was .:

1. Quiz: can we guess your car color? Our seven quiz questions that tried to guess the color of the car drivers in this year's list.

There will be even more useful and entertaining information in 2016, so stop often. And remember that you can always contact a local Erie insurance agent in your community if you have questions about the protection of people and things that matter most to you.

Three major schools are first contest winners Shift

10:42 AM Add Comment
Three major schools are first contest winners Shift -

The results are in for the Maj 2015 competition. All five first prizes of the Erie Insurance teen driver safety program went to the winners for the first time.

The competition included opportunities for schools and students to win cash prizes. fourth shift year saw stiff competition with record participation. Nearly 4,000 students earned points by promising to drive safely, video creation and defense of social media to safe driving. A total of 59 schools participated, but only three could win.

The 2015 Shift winning schools are:

1. 10,000 John S Battle High School in Bristol, Virginia, $

2. Gate City High School, City Gate, Virginia, 5000 $

3. Adirondack High School, Boonville, New York, 1000 $

Two students also received honors:

  • participation more individual $ 1.500 Jack Hessel, New Rochelle High School in New Rochelle, New York
  • Best video $ 1000: Wool Foxworthy, Barbara Ingram School of Arts in Hagerstown, Maryland

winning additional students won cash prizes and gift cards for their efforts to teach and advocate for safe driving.

Car crashes remain the leading cause of death among teenagers in the US The goal of Shift is to educate safe driving practices and ultimately reduce this statistic.

Ensuring Fine Art

8:40 PM Add Comment
Ensuring Fine Art -
insuring art

Most of us will never own a Picasso or a Rembrandt. But we can have (or eventually own) an expensive piece of art. And this raises the question of how to ensure the fine arts.

When you think separately ensure an expensive item, many people think of engagement rings and other jewelry. But additional coverage can also be useful for anything from a collection of valuable stamps for an expensive fur you guessed it-the fine arts.

At ERIE, your cover art is included in your personal property policy limit on your homeowners or renters policy. That should be enough for the vast majority of people who own fine arts.

Yet maybe you inherited or bought a piece by a true master. If that is the case, you'll want to consider a separate endorsement to your art.

Even if your art is covered by your homeowners or renters policy, you may still want to approve it by your policy. This can allow you to choose a different deductible for your art to the regular duty of politics to change the coverage or change how a loss would be resolved.

Get your valued art

Regarding how to ensure the fine arts, one thing you will definitely want to do is to assess . An assessment can help ensure that you would be compensated if your art is stolen or damaged.

An appraiser can authenticate your art to make sure it is not fake. There are several ways to verify the authenticity of a painting:

  • Examine the signature
  • Check artistic style and ability
  • Look construction and back of the fabric (A fake painting has often irregular or uneven paint on the edge of the canvas and is striking white on the back-forgers generally do not vary the weight of the paint used.)
  • to evaluate the past history of sale (known as the source) and a certificate of authenticity

a similar process is used if you have an original, limited edition. An additional step appraiser will check the number of fraction at the bottom of the impression that indicates how many copies were made.

It is a good idea to get an appraisal of a few years since the auction price can fluctuate. Make sure to record the assessment documents with the deed of sale, certificate of authenticity and the past history of the sale. It is also a good idea to take some pictures of your art and include in your home inventory.

You have more questions about how to ensure the fine arts? Then contact an insurance professional as an Erie Insurance agent in your community.

Hoverboards and insurance: what you should know

6:38 PM 1 Comment
Hoverboards and insurance: what you should know -

You, AOVE probably seen in music videos and blog fails. Where you see the won, AOT them are on a long list of university campuses, airplanes and football stadiums.

Hoverboards have earned a bad reputation because they swept the hot holiday gift list in 2015, not only because of their inaccurate name. two wheeled toys have been reported to spontaneously catch fire and cause significant damage. So much damage, in fact, that the Commission security of the United States Consumer Product officially deemed hazardous. A quick search online will show you how destructive they can be, Äìnot just for your posterior post-spill, but also your home.

Here, AOS what you need to know to minimize your risk:

  • batteries defective lithium-ion inside hoverboards were identified as the main cause of fires . In the case of a defective lithium battery, it, AOS possible that the manufacturer would take some responsibility.
  • If you have one, do not walk away from the camera if it, AOS plugged in to charge.
  • If you encounter any damage related to a hoverboard, call your insurance agent before cleaning or throw it so that evidence can be preserved for the claims investigation.

If you have insurance questions, talk to a local agent Erie Insurance. Meanwhile, maybe we can find a more accurate name for these devices, Äúhoverboard. At (Bruise drivers? Fun Busters?)

Video: lasting legacy of a good Samaritan

5:37 PM Add Comment
Video: lasting legacy of a good Samaritan -

Preston Newby, 24, was a youth pastor who "lived to serve other people," says his wife, Tara. So it was no surprise when he took off Interstate late one night to help passengers in a car that had collided with a moose.

After discovering they were injured, Preston returned to his car, said Tara what had happened and ran to the scene. While calling for help, Preston was hit from behind by a driver who swerved to avoid the accident scene. He died moments later in Tara's arms.

The tragic situation would have been much worse if it were not for the decision of Newbys few years earlier to buy life insurance. They had been to an insurance professional to talk about car insurance and tenants. But with their first child on the way, the agent suggested that they also consider life insurance. "We discussed how, if one of us died, the other would stay home with the kids," says Tara.

Unfortunately, this hypothetical discussion come true for Tara who was 10 weeks pregnant with her second child when the life of Preston was tragically cut short. But with life insurance, it is able to be a stay at home mom of two young children. she also paid his student loans and other debts.

More importantly, he gave his time to grieve and to focus on the children. "with so much to stress about while raising two children is a blessing not having to worry about finances, "Tara said. "I feel like it was the last gift from Preston for us."

The protection of the family is one of the main reasons why people buy insurance -life. Learn more about affordable ways to cover those you love the most by contacting an insurance professional as an Erie insurance agent in your community.

5 Safety Tips workplace for small businesses and startups

4:36 PM Add Comment
5 Safety Tips workplace for small businesses and startups -
workplace safety

The security can be the sexiest part of running a business, but it is essential. Nobody wants to work in a dangerous environment. And no company wants to be responsible for the life and well-being of its workers at risk.

Although you can not prevent all accidents, there are some steps you can take to minimize the chances of an event. Here are five work safety tips that can help keep your small business or startup safely.

1. Establish accessible and visible safety rules.

Your workplace should already have safety measures in place. But having them in the rule book do you simply need to make them accessible to employees as well. Take the time to sum up your rules in a concise, clear list before displaying them in several prominent places as a reminder and precaution for all employees.

2. Get employees on board.

The job of keeping everyone safe becomes easier when your employees care as much as you do. Rick Goggins, an ergonomist with the Washington State Department of Labor and Industry (DOSH), said that one of the best approaches is to "create a comprehensive ergonomics process that involves employees find hazards and developing solutions to control them. " Promote safety awareness helps employees remain aware of their surroundings and be on the lookout for any potential danger.

3. Cultivate accountability and communication-oriented team.

Whatever the position or title, every employee should be a security guard. If something is potentially dangerous, everyone should feel empowered to say something before it's too late. There really is no price on the value of safety for all employees.

4. Avoid shortcuts.

With orders to fill, satisfy customers and other back pile on your desk, it is easy to be tempted to compromise security in the name of expediency. But according Arbill, a leader in industrial safety products, this kind of "get-it-done-quick" attitude is the cause behind many accidents. Regardless, to encourage employees to follow proper procedures despite the time it takes.

5. practice emergency preparedness.

The safety training should be part of your onboarding, team building and ongoing training This will help employees become familiar with safety procedures and enable them to develop a set of strategies solid to respond effectively in an emergency.

Sometimes accidents happen despite your best efforts. If you do, you will be pleased to have the workers compensation insurance. Insurance Workers' Compensation provides coverage in case of injury or disease sustained by employees in the course and scope of their employment, regardless of negligence on your part. If you have the comp coverage of workers by Erie Insurance, you may be able to access personal risk control consultants who can provide a variety of control and security risk services for your business. To learn more about comp worker ERIE coverage and a free quote, contact an Erie Insurance agent in your community.

Tom Reddon is a specialist and Blog Manager for the National Forklift Truck Exchange. He also sits on the Material Handling Equipment Distributors executive team Dialogue Association. Connect with him on Twitter at @TomReddon.

Lead: Know the hazards in your home

2:34 PM Add Comment
Lead: Know the hazards in your home -
Lead Contamination

If you followed the news, you are aware of the dangerous levels of lead found in water supplies of cities across the United States that is so disconcerting to lead is that it can not be detected with one of the human senses. Contamination threat than only source is a water home through pipes corroded tastes to other areas such as walls or window sills with the old lead-based paint. Fortunately, what our senses can not detect, science and due diligence can.

Here is an overview of counseling and other preventive measures to help you keep your family safe.

  • Test of drinking water in your home. The non-profit organization Babies Bright Futures Health is working with Virginia Tech to provide and collect the lead in the action of water testing kits. You can also get your relationship of trust of local consumers on or call your local water supplier by finding contact information on your electric water bill.

  • Test your home for lead-based paint. If you live in a house that was built before 1978 (the lead-based paint was banned this year), you should perform a test to know for sure. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends three lead test kits that you can buy to perform a self-test on the paint in your home.

  • Knowing how to prevent and protect. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has useful resources for you, including a list of questions and answers about contaminated water lead. The CDC also offers a list of prevention tips to follow if you do live in or visit a house that was built before 1978, unless tests prove otherwise.

  • Lead can also affect the workplace. If you are a business owner and have questions about how to ensure the safety of your employees, safety and health administration can help. OSHA offers free consultations on site, separate inspections for small business owners.

The first step to ensure your health and safety is to be informed. There could be an organization in your community that can help get the security lead resources you need. The CDC can also offer additional tools and trainings. For additional questions about the protection of your home, contact a local agent Erie Insurance in your community.

ERIE Between a new age in claims

1:33 PM Add Comment
ERIE Between a new age in claims -
new age in claims

From smartphones to smart homes, the world around us becomes more intelligent. And ERIE is no exception

There are not just our opinion: .. Insurance Networking News recently named the hottest ERIE five carriers in the list of insurance technology

Nowhere is the pace of innovation faster than in the claims. Here are ways ERIE is upping its game when it comes to dealing with complaints and how that benefits ultimately customers like you.

A little TLC goes a long way

In 2015, ERIE opened the doors of its Technical Centre (TLC) state-of -the-art learning. In this center of 52,000 square feet, adjusters learn about the latest technologies in the automotive and construction by working on windows 14 vehicles and a model home with three floors made from 400 different building materials.

Each ERIE claims adjustment (yes, each setting) takes over the CCM to gain exposure to a wide range of situations they will encounter in the field. In addition to completing the technical lessons adjusters also learn to help customers through the often stressful situation.

"We are not only teach how claims to be more specific about the estimation process," said Pat Burns, senior vice president, claims. "We also teach them the best way to interact with customers, and to be especially in the service ® during the entire claims process." (More on TLC watching scenes tour back video.)

it's a bird, it's a plane ... it's a drone?

Drones, or UAVs are aircraft controlled by a "pilot" on the ground or a preprogrammed mission. Previously, we reported that REA has received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to use drones to evaluate more safely investigations and inspections of damage and conduct property.

last fall ERIE became the first insurance company to use a drone to inspect a damaged roof by the owner. (See a video inspection YouTube ERIE ® channel.) ERIE continues to look for ways to take advantage of this emerging technology, stay tuned.

ITEL better intel

Another high-tech tool makers is now using mobile ITEL Lab. This mobile application allows setting instantly send a photo damaged flooring, cladding or roofing in a special laboratory for analysis. In half an hour, a report comes back, let adjusters know the specifications, the replacement price and more
about a piece of property damaged. Overview of the application, combined with specific knowledge adjusters, helps them to make accurate assessments of damaged property.

More sinister in ERIE technology tools use regularly include laser measuring devices to quickly and accurately measure distances, moisture meters that detect the extent of water damage on a surface and a new and improved system for information on housing claims

Although different technologies, the goal of each of these innovations is the same: .. to provide a better service to customers

"All the progress we have made a common denominator," Burns said. "They improve the customer experience from the standpoint of speed and precision, without losing the human touch."

Top Tips for How to care for your car

12:32 PM Add Comment
Top Tips for How to care for your car -
car care

Your car takes you places near and far, often for years on end. There is no doubt he does a lot for you. But what do you do for your car?

April is National Car Care Month. If you have anything to your car in a while, check out the tips below. They will help you give your car the TLC it needs

  • How to take care of an old car :. Calling all car owners "senior" -these are tips for you
  • strange car sounds and what they mean: . whining, grinding, grinding, oh my! Here's how to say what it means and
  • How to help your car Collect winter :. Winter is officially behind us. (Hurrah) Now it's time to give your car some love
  • 9 things you should never do to your car :. This list will give you the low down on the things you need to stop doing to your car ASAP
  • How manage the vehicle repair :. Use these tips for finding a reputable mechanic.
  • When Tackle Car Problems By Hand: Sometimes you can DIY and other times you can not (or should not). This post will help you determine your best course of action.

Another way to take care of your car by making it self assurance. Auto insurance can protect your car if it is in an accident, is stolen, gets hit by hail and more. Learn how to get great car insurance coverage at a price by talking to a Erie insurance agent in your community.

10 tips for a successful veterinarian (and less stressful) Visit

11:31 AM Add Comment
10 tips for a successful veterinarian (and less stressful) Visit -
vet generic

Going to the doctor is not top class on the list for most people things Popular do. And they are not alone, because our furry friends often feel the same thing the vet.

Dr. Philip Saxton, a veterinarian who puts his business with ERIE Insurance and Wm. R. Karschner & Sons Insurance, understands this. As co-owner of the only veterinary clinic in Knoxville, Pennsylvania (population: 631), he saw it all on its 45 years of activity. And it has some useful tips for those who have a pet with an aversion to the vet.

  1. Socialize your pet from the get-go. Dr. Saxton said a successful tour starts well before you set foot in the office of a veterinarian. "Always socialize your pets to ensure they are comfortable around other people and animals," he said. "If you do not have other pets at home, it is important to expose them to other animals-and the younger they are, the better."
  2. Keep them safe and comfortable in the car. There are many ways to keep pets safe in cars. And if you have auto insurance with ERIE, you'll be pleased to know that includes coverage for cats and dogs who are injured in a car accident. When there is a covered loss, your auto insurance policy covers dogs and / or cats belonging to you or a relative who is injured in your car in the covered accident. ERIE will pay a maximum of $ 1,000, with a limit of $ 500 for each animal, for reasonable and necessary veterinary medical care. And while nothing can really replace a beloved pet, if the injuries are fatal to your dog or cat, ERIE will pay up to $ 500 for the loss of your pet, even if you actually get not a new pet. Payment is based on the cost of a dog or a cat similar and includes the cost of a first visit to welfare and the cost to sterilize, but reduces payments for veterinary treatment for the animal before death. Payment of the deaths of pets is also subject to the limit of $ 1,000 per accident. (This coverage is not available with the North Carolina policies.) For more information on the cover of Motor ERIE and how it can help protect your pet, please contact an Erie Insurance agent your community.
  3. Use a leash or a carrier. There's never a good idea to carry your pet in a veterinarian's office in your bare arms. Instead, invest in a leash or a support to you, your pet and other people and their pets safe keeping.
  4. Keep your pet close to you. Other animals might not be as friendly as yours and your pet may behave differently to the vet they do at home. For this reason, keep your pet away from other people and animals in the waiting room.
  5. Be aware of food intake of your pet. Dr Saxton said it's a good idea not to feed your pet a few hours before a veterinary visit. "If an animal eats too much and they are nervous about the visit, it could throw up in the car," he said. Pets that go into surgery are often required to fast, so be sure to follow the directions your veterinarian if this applies to your pet.
  6. Bring creature comforts. a favorite toy or blanket and some treats can help calm a nervous animal . "Some owners will even feed their pet a treat as I administer a shot," said Dr. Saxton.
  7. recognize that there are limits to what you can learn on the Internet. Like most veterinarians, Dr. Saxton sees more and more people who come to him armed with knowledge online. "Dr. Google," he said with a chuckle. "I do not mind that people are doing research, but you can not always believe everything you read. The pet a person will often have a small symptom, and the owner think it is a serious disease after reading something on the Internet. "
  8. Understanding what is driving costs. Anyone who has a pet knows that the trip to the vet can quickly become expensive. And while it is not good news for your wallet, it comes with a head. "We can do much more today that we could do it even 10 years," says Dr. Saxton. "in-office blood work is one of the greatest progress but increase the cost of medical care for your pet. New drugs also tend to be more expensive. We can test and treat much more than in previous years, which is great. The downside is that it costs more. "
  9. Expect the unexpected. In his nearly five decades as a veterinarian, Dr. Saxton has seen it all and then some. the animals are relieved him more times than he can count. at times, he had to give particularly tranquilizers control animals. once he scratched so bad that he needed three points suture under his eye. a visit to the vet can bring out a different side in an animal normally cold, so do not be surprised if your pet is out of character. Packing a paper towel roll is not a bad idea especially if it is your first visit to the vet.
  10. Know that your vet takes things more difficult than you think. Although your veterinarian can maintain a cool professional behavior, he or it often feels the same pain you do when it's time to say goodbye to a beloved pet. "It never gets easier," says Dr. Saxton, who has a dog and two cats. "We are committed to your pet, too. In some cases, I have been supported for four generations of family pets. "

ERIE cares as veterinarians and the important work they do. If you are a veterinarian (or know one), REA has a special program specifically developed products and services to cover your unique risks. a local Erie insurance agent can tell you more about it and give you a free quote.

What I learned by adopting a dog

9:29 PM Add Comment
What I learned by adopting a dog -

Christmas came early this year when four hairy legs and a tail bounded by our door 'Entrance. This made me and my fiance two things: 1. Overjoyed; and 2. the brand new puppy parents.

We quickly shower her with love, toys and tutus, but we also knew our level of responsibility was now much higher. There were things we knew to do: plan a visit to the vet for vaccinations and neutering, stock on flea and tick medicines and map the various walking routes. And yet, as our friendly rescue learned to sit and stay, we learned that we were just scratching the surface to really take care of it.

For example, if we get into a car accident on the way to the vet and she was injured? Or if we got the vet safely, but she got nervous and hit something more in the waiting room? Or worse, reversed the veterinary technician?

Like in any relationship, you want the best (behavior) to those you love. The story of Benny and Banjo taught us a lot about how to be there for each other.

For these things we still were not sure, we asked our local agent Erie Insurance. It gives us peace of mind to know that our dog is healthy, happy and protected.

These useful infographics, tip sheets and quizzes is a fun way to test and consolidate your knowledge:

Just for Fun

Love your Pet Day Infographic

Quiz: know as much about your dog as a veterinarian you

Quiz: know as much about your cat as a veterinarian you?

Keep Your Furry Friend Safe Throughout the year

Top Holiday Pet Safety Tips

Four winter for your Four- legged friends

When you take your pup out and about

10 tips for a successful veterinarian (and less stressful) Visit

What to know about Cat and dog Etiquette

the label Doggy Day Care

the label to the dog Park and beyond

the label Although Voyager

the label to the vet or groomer

How to keep Safe Pets in cars

How buckle Up Your Pup

on the protection of other

How to prevent Dog Bites

Infographic: How often Dogs Bite

Video: How to avoid dog bites

Safe Summer Fun

10:30 AM Add Comment
Safe Summer Fun -

Your backyard could be a fun place for children and the rest of the family. But is it safe?

Each year more than 0,000 children are treated in ERs in the hospital for playground-related injuries. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to have a safe summer on land, in the air or in the water

Swings :. Choose one with seats in something soft instead of wood or metal. Install the unit on a flat surface and consider the concrete implementation. Place the energy absorbing material, such as sand, rubber or mulch under overall. Check regularly to ensure that no screws or bolts are capped, rusted or broken. In hot weather, check the temperature of the slides and swings to prevent burns

Trampoline :. Make sure your model has shock pads that completely cover the frame, hooks and springs. Avoid using a scale that could give small children unsupervised access to the trampoline. allow one person at a time and have a non-political somersaults. Make sure you buy an add-on cage enclosure that keeps anyone to bounce on. Replace fabric and springs regularly

pool :. Install That, AOS fencing at least five feet high and self-locking characteristics, self-closing doors. Regularly check and repair the drain pool, AOS and suction covers to prevent accidental entrapment. Never let anyone swim alone, and make sure that children are well supervised. Having a hook of the pool, many life jackets, a life buoy with line and a telephone nearby. Seriously consider learning CPR and use a pool cover when the fun AOS done. dives headfirst Ban

Tree houses :. Choose a strong, That, AOS robust trees away from all electrical son. Refrain from placing the home of over 10 feet. Make sure that the way up is a solid That, AOS barrier wall at least 38 inches tall and gift, AOT hang ropes or chains, Äîthey present strangulation hazards. Spread a lot of mulch under the tree house. Each spring, check for any deterioration or wear on the tree house and branches that support

Wood surfaces :. Although cancer-causing arsenic-based wood was removed in 03, your wooden structures and may contain other harmful chemicals. Stay safe by sealing bridges every year with the penetration of the platform treatments. Refrain pressure washing or using washing deck treatments because they can transform the toxic wood; instead, disposable wipes clean with soap and water. Err on the side of caution with picnic tables by covering them with a tablecloth.

An umbrella for extra protection

Even the most security-conscious among us could one day face an injury or liability personal pursuit. That, AOS a scary prospect as payments for hospital bills, rehabilitation, lost wages, pain and suffering, and disputes could destroy all your net worth and even your future earnings.

Fortunately, ERIE offers affordable personal responsibility Catastrophe (PCL) policies. Commonly known as a general policy, a policy PCL adds an extra $ 1 to $ 5 million for both the limits of your self and your responsibility owners. A policy of $ 1 million PCL generally offers the individual adequate protection on average for about $ 150 or $ 0 more per year. For more information, contact your Agent Erie Insurance .

What you need to know about distracted driving

8:28 PM Add Comment
What you need to know about distracted driving -

The dangers of distracted driving are numerous and well documented. As an auto insurance company that cares deeply for our customers, ERIE done everything he can to help people stay safe behind the wheel. This includes understanding the dangers of distracted driving, including the underlying causes of the behavior, then do our best to inform you on how to stay safe.

Below is some of the best work on the subject ERIE, including exclusive analysis of government data (we do understand, we promise) and driving behaviors that cause distractions. Check regularly for updates on this topic.

  • Fun #whiledriving take a frightening turn Doubling ERIE examined social media hashtags to determine what distracts drivers the most
  • You did what Behind the Wheel? People admit Odd Behavior in New Survey of distracted driving Many Americans are distracted driving and they make pretty crazy stuff behind the wheel. Learn what ERIE discovered from a survey of distracted driving.
  • Distracted Driving? Snap Out of It :. Being "lost in thought" is the driving distraction of a number involved in fatal car accidents
  • 4 New Distracted Driving Apps . the new technology can help you stay safe behind the wheel
  • Smartphones can reduce distracted driving . drivers must keep their hands on the wheel , eyes on the road and minds on doing-nothing could be a fatal case of distracted driving
  • Teen driving. Nine Facts Everyone should know Find out which states have the lowest teen driving deaths, which have the most and how you and others keep teens safe on the road
  • message. Maria continues the fight against distracted driving Columbus, Ohio, sports anchor Dom Tiberi continues his crusade against teen distracted driving in memory of his daughter, Maria.

All lawn Sprinkler Systems

7:27 PM Add Comment
All lawn Sprinkler Systems -

For many owners, it is not only the quality of the kitchen looks like or what type of entertainment system is installed.

He is also on the outside, where the owners do their best to maintain a healthy green lawn, grow flowers and keep trees healthy and full of leaves.

The biggest challenge anyone with a lawn or garden face Mother Nature. We all know that the weather does not always cooperate. Too wet April could give way to a long summer drought. Whether you live in the northeast or southwest, it is never easy to get the perfect time to support a beautiful lawn and garden.

For this reason, many owners decide to install a lawn sprinkler system. A lawn sprinkler system can easily compensate for the lack of rain and can keep your garden looking fresh and vibrant appearance.

Yet many will in these modern forms of irrigation. In the following posts we will explore all of the history of lawn sprinkler systems on how to best use your sprinkler system. The messages will be:

  • A brief history of lawn sprinkler systems: In a way, the story of modern lawn sprinklers back to the dawn of civilization. Ancient irrigation systems mainly constructed by tunneling with modern computer-aided systems, we will take a look at how the engineers worked throughout history to bring water to the fields and lawns.
  • What to consider before installing a lawn sprinkler system: If you've ever considered installing a lawn sprinkler system, this post you will help guide you through the many options available. We will cover important topics such as how the part of the country you live affects your choices, you should budget more
  • How to use your sprinkler system :. Like any piece of equipment, it is important to know how and when you use your sprinkler system. We are going beyond the basics of "use it when it has not rained much" and give you tips to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the system
  • Alternatives to systems lawn sprinkler to :. Although they make lawn care easier, no need to install an entire system to have a beautiful yard. We will offer suggestions on other methods lawn care, and some tips on how to install your own irrigation system at low cost.

the purpose of these posts is to give you a better insight systems sprinklers and ultimately a better understanding of how to make your lawn look the best. Let's start.

How to create an effective customer loyalty program

6:26 PM Add Comment
How to create an effective customer loyalty program -
loyalty programs

Most business owners know that it is much easier and cheaper to keep a satisfied customer than acquire a new one. And research confirms, with studies showing that it costs five to 10 times more to acquire a new customer than to sell to an existing

And the benefits do not end there. The research also shows that existing customers spend on average 67 percent more new customers.

These statistics highlight the importance of customer loyalty for any business. One of the most popular and effective ways to encourage repeat business is a loyalty program that offers customers something free merchandise coupons for exclusive access to new products or services.

The popularity of loyalty programs

Loyalty programs are not new. But they are increasingly popular.

The Colloquy census customer loyalty in 2015 shows that the average American household belongs to 29 loyalty programs. Yet they actively participate in 12 programs at least once a year.

Obviously, occupational loyalty programs if they are put in place and working in the right direction.

Four types of loyalty programs worth considering

There are many different loyalty programs to consider. Some of the most common include:

1. Points systems

How It Works: Customers earn points by depending on how much they spend with you and later receive special coupons or discounts once they reach the set point levels. (For example, a client can receive two points for every dollar spent and receive a $ 5 coupon for every 100 points they accumulate.)

commonly used by Companies airlines and credit cards

more You avoid having to update your products or services and encourages your best customers the most

Less :. is not instant gratification other programs and may be one of the most complex types of programs to implement and administer. Customers may also need to be reminded of their status points.

2. punch card program

How It Works: Customers receive a punch card; every time they make a number of purchases, they receive a punch that wins a reward. (For example, buy 10 get 11 e product or service for free.)

commonly used by Cafes and gift shops

Benefits :. Easy for customers to understand and simple and inexpensive for you to implement

Less: customers are reminded to wear their cards. In addition, they could perforate the card fraudulently. It is also difficult for you to collect data on what or how much the customer has purchased.

3. Discount program

How It Works: Customers receive a card that entitles them to point sales discounts on all or certain products and / or services.

commonly used by Convenience Stores

More: cheap for you to set up and offers instant gratification for customers.

Less :. He often rewards the casual buyers and can cause customers to think about your regular prices are inflated

4. cash back program

How it works: customers earn money from previous purchases and are able to buy it back (usually in the form of a gift certificate) after a certain period of time.

Commonly used by: retailers like Kohls

More: gives customers a reason to return to your business.

Less: This can be complicated and expensive to administer and often does not appeal to casual customers

Also keep in mind that all loyalty programs must have. monetary incentives. You can also reward customers with invitations to special events, free services and more. Carefully consider what works best for your business, and do not forget to ask your customers what programs they prefer, their answers might surprise you.

Five tips on the loyalty program

once you decide which loyalty program (or programs) is best for your business, you'll want to keep the following things in mind when it comes to setting up your program.

1 . right structure. There is a good balance between offering a reward customers want and that makes sense for your business. Think before you commit to anything-once you do, it will not be good if you change the structure soon after.

2. Consider digital loyalty applications. digital loyalty applications allow you to reward customers without burdening their wallets and allow you to collect data on their visits and purchasing habits. Just a little on the market include Perka, a virtual loyalty card; Spendgo, following and loyalty grants points and Foursquare, a reward program based on the location that allows you to provide offers and rewards and encourages customers to spread the word about your business on social media. Ensure that any data collection customer is fully disclosed and agreed to by the client failure to do so could create legal problems and customer relations.

3 . Spread the word. Customers can not take advantage of your program if you do not tell them about it. So make sure you inform them through your e-newsletter, direct mail pieces, social media pages and in-store signage. also train your employees to promote the program.

4. Keep cool. keep customers engaged by changing things on a regular basis. Some ideas include double points on purchases or referrals for a certain period of time, new incentives and special gifts.

5. Encourage advocacy plus expenses. Social media is one of the best ways to spread the word about your business. And research shows that 74 percent of consumers chose the companies / brands based on other customer service experiences shared online. Encourage positive buzz about your business by plea-fidelity digital social applications rewarding mentioned above can help you do it.

If you already have a good product or service, you probably already have a legion of loyal customers. A loyalty program can be the icing on the cake that helps you keep customers coming back for more.

Beginner's Guide I Do, Part 3: Changing your wedding venue Out Four months

5:25 PM Add Comment
Beginner's Guide I Do, Part 3: Changing your wedding venue Out Four months -

I had the greatest discoveries to share with everyone this month, but they will have to wait. Instead, I'll share a circumstance in which the future Hubs and I found ourselves who they say we'll laugh about years, but we have not yet quite found funny.

With less than five months until our big day, our original wedding venue have ceased to exist. We had to find a new location for the ceremony and reception. With some quick work and time of a few days, we got new places and we were on the right track ... two weeks ... when our second location fell through. You can not do this stuff.

I could not help but draw a parallel between our experience and a car accident. Seriously. When driving along and something causes a loss of control and forces you off track, there are steps to assess your situation and remedy. We went through similar movements to that of an unexpected and sometimes traumatic event remain calm, make that everyone agrees, contact the right people and understand what to do next.

If you have a wedding venue problem (and I pray you will not), here are some steps you can follow to get back on track:

  • do not panic. I know it like telling a cock shall not crow, but you must keep a cool head and lock the alternative plans quickly and within reason. Ladies: If you need to play your Bridezilla card, direct to someone who will understand your frustration and need to vent. Do not take your spouse or future vendors. Gents :. This works in both directions

  • Type in your network of experts We immediately started asking friends and family for recommendations and fortunately had contact information for locally. reach places and coordinators directly. We divided and conquered and narrowed down a list of options yet available. It was then all about comparing how we could get to our original budget and how we could easily go further details.
  • Review your contracts and understand what you need. At this point, we had paid deposits everywhere. We focused on the place of first origin and pushed to a refund by the original language indicated. Other contracts to suppliers are not affected (photographers and DJs are flexible enough), but another wanted more compensation for the transport of goods greater distance. (Yes, we will pay you all you need to safely deliver these delicious cupcakes.)

  • Look around you who can be affected. We had already booked our honeymoon, so of course I considered eloping. "How would it be bad really if we just sent a" Ignore the date! 'In the letter and ran off together? "I thought. Well, pretty bad when you consider all the dresses and suits, airline tickets and hotel rooms already bought. Moreover, I am to eager to embrace again all my family and hug many Future Hub of the family for the first time. This idea came and went quickly.

It was a learning experience to say the least. Above all, the future Hubs and I reaffirmed what really matters in a relationship at the end of the day. We are in this together through thick and thin ... but this honeymoon that will help you.

How did you work through the bumps of planning your wedding? Share your story with , and you may also find in a future story.

Ridesharing drivers are among the safest

4:24 PM Add Comment
Ridesharing drivers are among the safest -
uber drivers

The convenience and ease of use are two reasons why people like carpooling services like Uber and Lyft. Now you can add security to the list.

A new study by the analysis of the automotive and Zendrive firm Aite Group research firm suggests that drivers are safer than the average driver carpooling. The study of 12,000 people found that carpool drivers are less likely to speed, drive aggressively or fumbling with their phones. The study follows a report showing that Pittsburgh DUIs fell 18 percent the first full year that the city had carpooling options.

Learn more about these encouraging news by reading the article from source to .

What if a bee flies in your car while driving

3:23 PM Add Comment
What if a bee flies in your car while driving -
bee in car

Imagine: You're cruising down the road with the windows down when you feel suddenly a tickle on your arm. You look down to the hunt, and that's when you realize ... yuck! It's a bee!

It can be easy to panic in this situation, but the truth is that accidents can (and do) occur because of this. One expert claims ERIE saw an accident with more than $ 17,000 in damages after a driver, who was allergic to bees, panicked unwanted visitor and swerved into a light pole. She ended up totaling his car and yanking on the wiring on a neighboring house.

It can happen to everyone. While driving in Los Angeles, the actor Seth Rogen crashed his car when a bee flew in through her window.

And then there's this guy in Montana that led to thousands of bees escaped from a cardboard box in the back seat. (That one is on him, but ... and it is no surprise he got a reckless driving citation.)

Summer is here and with it comes all kinds of insects that can buzz or crawl their way into your car. We have a real bee in our bonnet to reduce distracted driving, here it is how to stay safe if you are surprised by a copilot creepy-crawly:

  • If you are allergic, be prepared . Make sure you have allergy medications or a handy EpiPen emergency kit in your car.
  • Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. If you are in heavy traffic, fight against the urge to crush the insect away you could deviate and put other drivers at risk.
  • Slow down gradually. Do not slam on the brakes. Consider putting your four-way (hazard lights) to warn other drivers that you will go below the speed limit.
  • If you can, shoot. Once you are at a complete stop, go ahead and give your full attention to shooing the bug in your car.

Of course, if the idea of ​​a bee in your car really bothers you, there is a simple way to protect yourself: driving with the windows up

Speaking of protection, having car insurance is another way to give you peace of mind on. road. An Erie insurance agent in your community can tell you more about the right coverage at the right price and you get a free quote.