How to Winterize your bike

6:50 PM
How to Winterize your bike -
winterize your motorcycle

You were riding your bike for months. You may even hit a motorcycle rally or two have during the summer.

Yet there is no denying the fact that the temperatures plunge. Soon the snow and ice may well make it impossible for you to take the road on your motorcycle.

If you're lucky, you have enough space in your garage for storing your bike during the winter. If not, you'll need to find a place to store your bike. Then you'll want to make sure to follow these tips when it comes time to winterize your bike.

  • Give it a wash. Some substances may corrode the outside of the bike. It is best to get all the dirt and grime from your bike before storing away for winter. also wax your bike, it helps protect against rust and moisture.
  • Take care of the tank. It is a good idea to fill the tank with fresh fuel and fuel stabilizer. The stabilizer will help prevent gas breaking down. It will also prevent the accumulation of form. Make sure you start your bike for at least five minutes to ensure that the stabilizer makes its way through the system.
  • Change the oil and filter. Old oil can be corrosive, so invest in an oil change before you stash away your bike for the winter.
  • Check the coolant. It is important to make sure your coolant can withstand freezing temperatures. Use a floating-ball tester to see if the coolant is up to the task.
  • mind the muffler. Mufflers can rust when they are not in use. Protect yours by spraying the quiet with light oil. Then stuff a plastic bag in the quiet before attaching another plastic bag around it for extra protection.
  • Remove the battery. There is a small but constant power consumption when your battery is hooked into your bike, but is not used. For this reason, it is best to remove the battery from your bike and store it in a cool, dry place. A battery maintainer can help ensure that the battery does not work juice during storage. Some officials of the battery built into the float charger prevents the battery from being overcharged. Do not allow a battery to freeze and do not attempt to charge a frozen battery.
  • Inflate the tires to the recommended pressure. Cold air causes tires to lose air.
  • cover. A well-fitting lid is a breathable protective barrier.

A final way to protect your bike is having the right motorcycle insurance. Erie Insurance now offers improved motorcycle cover for your bike so you can easily climb. Contact an Erie Insurance agent in your community to learn more and get a free quote.

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