What-Is the road salt to your car

2:46 PM
What-Is the road salt to your car -
what road salt does to cars

Winter is just around the corner. And with it comes the difficult driving conditions like white veils and black ice.

Salt Route definitely helps makes roads safer. A study by Marquette University found that the icing winter roads with salt reduced accidents by 88 percent and injuries by 85 percent. Each year, state and local agencies spend more than $ 2.3 billion on snow and ice operations.

However, there are some drawbacks to some road salt when it comes to your car. Read on to find out exactly how road salt and that road salt does to your car.

How does the salt route

Salt-a.k.a. sodium chloride in the scientific, lowers the melting water. Thus, while the water normally freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the water needs to cooler temperatures to freeze when exposed to salt. The more salt you add, the higher the temperature necessary to freeze the water.

The resulting water after the salt is applied to the crystal is known as "brine". Needs a temperature below 32 degrees Fahrenheit to freeze This water. If there is a lot of snow and ice on a road brine seep into lower layers, breaking the link between the ice and the road. Snow and ice remaining will then float along the top of the brine, making it easy for all through traffic to break up for good.

What road salt does to your car

Although road salt does good things for road safety, it makes some something very different when it comes in contact with your car.

Salt creates chemical reactions that can corrode your car. This is especially true if you have any exposed metal on your car.

Two car parts that are particularly susceptible to corrosion and rust are the brake and fuel lines. Indeed, they are close to the undercarriage of the car, which takes the bulk of road salt damage.

So what's a driver to do? Fortunately, there are proven and-true ways to help protect your car against road salt damage.

  • Take measures in the fall. Give your car a good wash and wax. For the best protection, apply a wax putty on your wax.
  • Have scratches, chips or rust spots repaired before the first snowfall.
  • Refrain driving behind the spreader trucks of ice and brine.
  • Get regular car washes. Spray your car down at least once a week if you live in a snowy area. Investing in a wash that cleans the car's undercarriage at least every few weeks or after a heavy bout of snow and / or ice hits your area.
  • Give an old car a little extra attention. The National Administration of Road Safety said that cars are particularly susceptible to corrosion after being exposed to road salt for eight years or more.
  • When spring comes, consider a thorough job detailing out. (See also taking other measures to help recover your car in the winter.)

One way you can protect your car in any season is with auto insurance. Talk to a professional insurance as an Erie Insurance agent for more to get the right coverage at the right price.

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