ERIE Between a new age in claims

1:33 PM
ERIE Between a new age in claims -
new age in claims

From smartphones to smart homes, the world around us becomes more intelligent. And ERIE is no exception

There are not just our opinion: .. Insurance Networking News recently named the hottest ERIE five carriers in the list of insurance technology

Nowhere is the pace of innovation faster than in the claims. Here are ways ERIE is upping its game when it comes to dealing with complaints and how that benefits ultimately customers like you.

A little TLC goes a long way

In 2015, ERIE opened the doors of its Technical Centre (TLC) state-of -the-art learning. In this center of 52,000 square feet, adjusters learn about the latest technologies in the automotive and construction by working on windows 14 vehicles and a model home with three floors made from 400 different building materials.

Each ERIE claims adjustment (yes, each setting) takes over the CCM to gain exposure to a wide range of situations they will encounter in the field. In addition to completing the technical lessons adjusters also learn to help customers through the often stressful situation.

"We are not only teach how claims to be more specific about the estimation process," said Pat Burns, senior vice president, claims. "We also teach them the best way to interact with customers, and to be especially in the service ® during the entire claims process." (More on TLC watching scenes tour back video.)

it's a bird, it's a plane ... it's a drone?

Drones, or UAVs are aircraft controlled by a "pilot" on the ground or a preprogrammed mission. Previously, we reported that REA has received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to use drones to evaluate more safely investigations and inspections of damage and conduct property.

last fall ERIE became the first insurance company to use a drone to inspect a damaged roof by the owner. (See a video inspection YouTube ERIE ® channel.) ERIE continues to look for ways to take advantage of this emerging technology, stay tuned.

ITEL better intel

Another high-tech tool makers is now using mobile ITEL Lab. This mobile application allows setting instantly send a photo damaged flooring, cladding or roofing in a special laboratory for analysis. In half an hour, a report comes back, let adjusters know the specifications, the replacement price and more
about a piece of property damaged. Overview of the application, combined with specific knowledge adjusters, helps them to make accurate assessments of damaged property.

More sinister in ERIE technology tools use regularly include laser measuring devices to quickly and accurately measure distances, moisture meters that detect the extent of water damage on a surface and a new and improved system for information on housing claims

Although different technologies, the goal of each of these innovations is the same: .. to provide a better service to customers

"All the progress we have made a common denominator," Burns said. "They improve the customer experience from the standpoint of speed and precision, without losing the human touch."

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