10 tips for a successful veterinarian (and less stressful) Visit

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10 tips for a successful veterinarian (and less stressful) Visit -
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Going to the doctor is not top class on the list for most people things Popular do. And they are not alone, because our furry friends often feel the same thing the vet.

Dr. Philip Saxton, a veterinarian who puts his business with ERIE Insurance and Wm. R. Karschner & Sons Insurance, understands this. As co-owner of the only veterinary clinic in Knoxville, Pennsylvania (population: 631), he saw it all on its 45 years of activity. And it has some useful tips for those who have a pet with an aversion to the vet.

  1. Socialize your pet from the get-go. Dr. Saxton said a successful tour starts well before you set foot in the office of a veterinarian. "Always socialize your pets to ensure they are comfortable around other people and animals," he said. "If you do not have other pets at home, it is important to expose them to other animals-and the younger they are, the better."
  2. Keep them safe and comfortable in the car. There are many ways to keep pets safe in cars. And if you have auto insurance with ERIE, you'll be pleased to know that includes coverage for cats and dogs who are injured in a car accident. When there is a covered loss, your auto insurance policy covers dogs and / or cats belonging to you or a relative who is injured in your car in the covered accident. ERIE will pay a maximum of $ 1,000, with a limit of $ 500 for each animal, for reasonable and necessary veterinary medical care. And while nothing can really replace a beloved pet, if the injuries are fatal to your dog or cat, ERIE will pay up to $ 500 for the loss of your pet, even if you actually get not a new pet. Payment is based on the cost of a dog or a cat similar and includes the cost of a first visit to welfare and the cost to sterilize, but reduces payments for veterinary treatment for the animal before death. Payment of the deaths of pets is also subject to the limit of $ 1,000 per accident. (This coverage is not available with the North Carolina policies.) For more information on the cover of Motor ERIE and how it can help protect your pet, please contact an Erie Insurance agent your community.
  3. Use a leash or a carrier. There's never a good idea to carry your pet in a veterinarian's office in your bare arms. Instead, invest in a leash or a support to you, your pet and other people and their pets safe keeping.
  4. Keep your pet close to you. Other animals might not be as friendly as yours and your pet may behave differently to the vet they do at home. For this reason, keep your pet away from other people and animals in the waiting room.
  5. Be aware of food intake of your pet. Dr Saxton said it's a good idea not to feed your pet a few hours before a veterinary visit. "If an animal eats too much and they are nervous about the visit, it could throw up in the car," he said. Pets that go into surgery are often required to fast, so be sure to follow the directions your veterinarian if this applies to your pet.
  6. Bring creature comforts. a favorite toy or blanket and some treats can help calm a nervous animal . "Some owners will even feed their pet a treat as I administer a shot," said Dr. Saxton.
  7. recognize that there are limits to what you can learn on the Internet. Like most veterinarians, Dr. Saxton sees more and more people who come to him armed with knowledge online. "Dr. Google," he said with a chuckle. "I do not mind that people are doing research, but you can not always believe everything you read. The pet a person will often have a small symptom, and the owner think it is a serious disease after reading something on the Internet. "
  8. Understanding what is driving costs. Anyone who has a pet knows that the trip to the vet can quickly become expensive. And while it is not good news for your wallet, it comes with a head. "We can do much more today that we could do it even 10 years," says Dr. Saxton. "in-office blood work is one of the greatest progress but increase the cost of medical care for your pet. New drugs also tend to be more expensive. We can test and treat much more than in previous years, which is great. The downside is that it costs more. "
  9. Expect the unexpected. In his nearly five decades as a veterinarian, Dr. Saxton has seen it all and then some. the animals are relieved him more times than he can count. at times, he had to give particularly tranquilizers control animals. once he scratched so bad that he needed three points suture under his eye. a visit to the vet can bring out a different side in an animal normally cold, so do not be surprised if your pet is out of character. Packing a paper towel roll is not a bad idea especially if it is your first visit to the vet.
  10. Know that your vet takes things more difficult than you think. Although your veterinarian can maintain a cool professional behavior, he or it often feels the same pain you do when it's time to say goodbye to a beloved pet. "It never gets easier," says Dr. Saxton, who has a dog and two cats. "We are committed to your pet, too. In some cases, I have been supported for four generations of family pets. "

ERIE cares as veterinarians and the important work they do. If you are a veterinarian (or know one), REA has a special program specifically developed products and services to cover your unique risks. a local Erie insurance agent can tell you more about it and give you a free quote.

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