Gen Y Blogger Spreads the Word about Insurance Careers

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Gen Y Blogger Spreads the Word about Insurance Careers -

There are many misconceptions about working in the insurance industry and is especially true of Millennials (defined as anyone born between the early 1980s and early 00s).

Carly Burnham is on a mission to change that one blog at a time. The 29-year-old is a commercial underwriter Erie Insurance and one of the bloggers behind the blog Nerds insurance. Run in conjunction with a former colleague, blog posts center on opportunities within the insurance industry and how to develop your career. Nerds Insurance puts special emphasis on the opportunities for Millennials, who are now the largest generation in the workforce of the United States

Since its launch in November 2014, Nerds insurance gets more than 5,000 views by mail by promoting well planned through LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook®. Read more on the blog, the benefits of working in the insurance industry and Carly in this Q & A.

How did you end up in the insurance sector?

I went to work in the growing insurance, I really wanted to be a novelist.

In high school, I was an office assistant at an insurance agency in my hometown of Duluth, Minnesota. I worked during college; Meanwhile, I permit holder and was promoted to office manager.

When my boyfriend and then I moved to Des Moines, Iowa, after college, I worked as direct sales agent of personal lines for Nationwide. I sold the car, home and life insurance in 26 states.

In 2014, we moved to Erie to work my fiance. It was my goal to become a commercial underwriter, so I entered the subscription program for three months ERIE. I had a great mentor who taught me a lot and I really prepared for this work.

How would you describe your work and what does a typical day look like?

As a commercial underwriter, I take millions of dollars of business decisions on a daily basis by working with companies in a wide variety of industries. I approve or reject the risk based on the risk appetite of Erie Insurance. I also advise our agents on policies, coverage and pricing. My work day to day is interesting and challenging, and I'm always learning new things!

In a typical day you will find me on the phone with my agent, talk about companies they visited, reviewing emails about risk information and claims history, review requests and work on projects that will impact the future of our department. My favorite part of the job is the variety of information that I receive for review.

Learn more about how insurance Nerds began.

I met my writing partner, Tony Cañas, while working at the national level. We started an associated Resource Group Gen Y there. While there, we used Yammer, a social networking site operated by Microsoft for employees of specific companies. I have written career advice there. When Tony and I moved to different jobs, we missed writing. The blog was super we divide the work, and it helps to have an accountability partner.

We had a very good working relationship since we are almost polar opposites. Tony comes up with great ideas and innovative approaches grows and growth, while I keep us grounded and make pragmatic choices to ensure that we accomplish our goals. It is easy to work with those who are the same style as you, but exciting things can be accomplished when you partner with someone who has different strengths of yours.

Why do you neglect the millennium to consider a career in insurance?

Historically, people do not say, "I'll be a claims adjuster when I am" There is a perception that insurance is boring or that selling insurance is.. like selling used cars. But our generation is always looking for the next challenge. We want to work in a place where we are engaged, we understand the potential of our career where we can see that the contribution we bring to the business is important. the insurance industry is beginning to recognize and reaches out to high school students and colleges across Ensure My Path, INVEST and corporate programs like ERIE internship program.

What Millennials (and others) forget is that insurance provides a vital service that keeps our economy working well after personal crises and disasters. the industry also did much to individuals, communities and charities .

Why Millennials consider a career in the insurance?

First, there is an incredible amount of possibilities. An estimated one million insurance professionals will retire in the next 10 years is 43 percent of the current workforce. Insurance is also a growing industry, with experts predicting that there will be 400,000 additional jobs insurance in the next decade. These two developments mean Millennials are poised for entry and advancement in the industry.

Millennials also underestimate how interesting and varied career of an insurance can be. There are many different jobs within the industry, and you have a lot of property on your career development path. It is always something new to learn.

Want to learn more about careers in the insurance sector? Then check out the blog Nerds insurance and Erie Insurance Careers page.

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