Google helps promote solar energy

11:55 AM
Google helps promote solar energy -

Did you know that the sun emits enough energy every hour to meet the energy needs of the world for a whole year?

Solar energy is just one form of renewable energy that is growing in popularity. Thank you for efficiency gains, lower prices and various tax incentives, the use of solar energy has grown about 20 percent annually for the past 15 years.

The most recognizable form of solar energy is solar panels attached to the roof of the house and offices. They work by allowing particles of light to knock electrons free from atoms. This process generates electricity to power a home or office.

The solar panels provide many benefits for the environment and for consumers. However, they usually require a significant initial investment that does not pay for a maximum of 12 years. (While prices have dropped nearly 30 percent between 09 and 2013, the average price of a five kilowatts system stands at $ 23,000 before tax credits or other incentives.) The price tag can deter many would-be consumers to buy solar panels.

There is an upside, however. (Play on words). Google, the most popular search engine in the world, announced earlier this year that it has invested $ 300 million into a fund to help finance residential solar projects.

And solar efforts of the company do not stop there. In August, Google announced that it will use its satellite technology and a part of the latest artificial intelligence to create Project sunroof. This online service estimates how much you save if your roof has solar panels. Project sunroof is available only in three areas at the moment: the San Francisco Bay; Fresno, California; and the greater Boston area.

No Roof project opening in your area? To get an estimate of how much you could save with solar panels, talk to a qualified installer of solar panels. It may take some time to recover the initial costs, but one day your wallet and the environment thank you.

Installation of solar panels on your roof? If so, be sure to tell your insurance agent. Like other projects to improve the house, solar panels can increase the value of your home. By talking to an insurance agent, you make sure you have enough coverage in case something unfortunate happens.

Solar panels can also suffer damage from hail, lightning and more. So you'll want to also make sure they have the right coverage. For a quote on home insurance, talk to an Erie insurance agent in your community.

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