Is Your Kid Ready for College? Are you?

1:21 PM
Is Your Kid Ready for College? Are you? -

As the mother of a girl getting ready to pack her yoga pants, shower shoes and Ramen noodles, my world was nothing other than calls to college, FAFSA forms (if you do not know what the heck it means, you'll soon if you have a child in high school!) and research on interest rates student loans.

So ... is she ready? Oh yeah! Am I ready? Um ... somehow. I mean emotionally, yes, I'm ready for it to get over itself. (And it really does not go away - 30 minutes on the highway.) But what I'm not prepared for is the preparation work. I feel I just recovered his party of graduation. So what we need to do before she left

Here are my best tips that I'm going through this pre-university process:

  • Get located your insurance auto . Does your child takes a car to school? Or is he or she leaves home? What is this you speak insurance agent-you can probably save money because the car will not be driven for a certain period of time. And if the car IS go to college, remind your young driver insurance that usually follows the car (not the driver).
  • Order this girl a little pepper spray . Stay safe out there. A box of pepper spray is small enough to hang on a key chain or lanyard. And it gives mom and dad some peace of mind.
  • Buy dormitory things early. Looking for a pink leopard print quilt? Get shopping because things get picked over. And get your credit card ready, there is no cheap date, says the mom who just dropped several hundred dollars to the target! Shop around - sometimes you can find the best deals online. Be sure to shop safely online.
  • Cut the clutter. Work with your young adult to clean his room, including closets that have not been touched since the 7th grade. Making piles - which will be moving on college life, what can be trashed, what can be donated and what can be stored. Take only what you need. It will make movement in a day much easier.
  • Talk to your student. Remember it to always lock the dormitory door. Children are usually carefree, but the flight is a real thing in college. Does your student's expensive hardware? If so, it's good to know that it is generally protected in the dormitory in the parents' homeowners policy. (Even still, talk to your agent to be sure.)

If your student is not new on the university scene and lives on campus in an apartment, he or she will probably need a political insurance tenants. Talk to a professional insurance as an Erie Insurance agent in your community to learn about your options and get a free quote.

Congratulations to successfully get your kids away-the rest is up to them.

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