What I learned by adopting a dog

9:29 PM
What I learned by adopting a dog -

Christmas came early this year when four hairy legs and a tail bounded by our door 'Entrance. This made me and my fiance two things: 1. Overjoyed; and 2. the brand new puppy parents.

We quickly shower her with love, toys and tutus, but we also knew our level of responsibility was now much higher. There were things we knew to do: plan a visit to the vet for vaccinations and neutering, stock on flea and tick medicines and map the various walking routes. And yet, as our friendly rescue learned to sit and stay, we learned that we were just scratching the surface to really take care of it.

For example, if we get into a car accident on the way to the vet and she was injured? Or if we got the vet safely, but she got nervous and hit something more in the waiting room? Or worse, reversed the veterinary technician?

Like in any relationship, you want the best (behavior) to those you love. The story of Benny and Banjo taught us a lot about how to be there for each other.

For these things we still were not sure, we asked our local agent Erie Insurance. It gives us peace of mind to know that our dog is healthy, happy and protected.

These useful infographics, tip sheets and quizzes is a fun way to test and consolidate your knowledge:

Just for Fun

Love your Pet Day Infographic

Quiz: know as much about your dog as a veterinarian you

Quiz: know as much about your cat as a veterinarian you?

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