How to tame your tree

1:57 PM
How to tame your tree -
tame your trees

The trees in your yard offer many advantages. They throw shade on the hottest days and add beauty to your garden. Furthermore, they are essential for kids who like hide and seek, tree houses and tire swings.

Although they seem to require no work, they need a little attention from time to time. In this series of posts, you will learn about all this and more, including:

  • How to spot a sick or overgrown tree: Trees are living beings that age and sometimes it is not enough. This post will give you some tips on how to spot a sick tree or overgrown. This will allow you to correct the situation before it becomes a larger, more destructive problem and you might even save the life of your tree.
  • How tree pruning and stump removal: You have seen the warning signs that your trees need trimming. Or maybe you've decided it's finally time for this old stump to remove. Now what do you do? This post will outline your options for tree pruning and stump removal. It will also help you decide when to do it yourself and when you should let the pros.
  • How to know which trees to plant: In this article, we'll help you find the right trees for your property based on size , disease resistance, how fast they grow and what tree provides the best shade.
  • What happens if the shaft of your neighbor falls in your yard: This is a common and confusing question for homeowners. Find out who is on the line when the trees to damage a house person to another person.

Whether you're looking to cut, tear, or plant a new tree, the result will have a dramatic impact on the appearance of your yard. This series of posts as a guide as you get started on the fight against your trees.

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