How to talk like a pirate

12:19 PM Add Comment
How to talk like a pirate -


In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day is celebrated on September 19 of each year, we offer some lessons pirate talk in the video below or you can consult the glossary of pirates. Buccaneers and similar landlubbers should keep an eye on pirates booty deal on your social media schedules. We learned that the visit of a Krispy Kreme local pirate today and speak in order, you will get a free donut; visit dressed in pirate ceremony you will get a free dozen donuts. If you need help looking for the game, try the methods of pirates.

Internet pirates are fun, but the real thing is another story indeed. If you are in a global shipping or the marine industry, you may need an insurance cover against piracy. If your needs are more pedestrian, travel insurance might be just the thing - take the quiz for travel insurance. For questions about the hacking coverage or other forms of risk management, find an independent insurance agent near you.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

11:18 AM Add Comment
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month -

breast-cancer October is national awareness to breast cancer month, a chance to raise awareness about the importance of early detection breast cancer. 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. When breast cancer is detected early (localized stage), the survival rate at 5 years was 98%. Make a difference! Spread the word about mammograms and encourage communities, organizations, families and individuals to participate

  • The factors of breast cancer risk and prevention
  • mammograms :. Questions for the doctor
  • Find Clinics Nearby, medical centers, health offices, imaging centers, etc.
  • Find mammography facilities

For a little inspiration, here are some of the 2014 winners Pink Glove Dance ... the grand prize winner, Medical Center Hospital Pomona Valley in California

This is a 2nd place winner Concepts Health Ltd. in Providence Rhode Island.

The first video Rose glove that started the dance craze - Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Oregon in 09

More videos Pink Glove.

The most scary place to be on Halloween

10:17 PM Add Comment
The most scary place to be on Halloween -

Halloween background

This is easy :? "Nothing is more frightening than a trip to the emergency room," said Mark Cichon, DO, Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Loyola University Health System. "In a season devoted to frights our goal is to keep everyone safe. "

sculpture injuries pumpkins, trips and falls and injuries suffocation are among some of the Halloween-related injuries most common that could make for a visit to . 'scary unexpected emergency Dr. Cichon offers its excellent tips for Halloween safety some of our safety tips.

Home security

  • When decorating, avoid candles -.. the use of lights and LED lights powered by battery instead
  • Take care not to overload electrical circuits with light
  • paper and dried plant decorations can easily ignite. Keep them away from flames, lights and electrical cords
  • Keep porches and walkways well lit and free of debris and clutter that could be the risk of falls. Put reflective tape on your steps and along your walk.
  • Park your car in a garage if possible. Mischief-makers can egg your house or car.
  • Lock bikes, gas grills and other valuables outside.

Kid Safety

  • Consider the parties and visits to charity based Haunted Houses as an alternative to Halloween
  • Equip kids with flashlights. Add day-glo or reflective tape to their costumes light.
  • Make sure costumes are flame resistant and in fire safety.
  • Make sure costumes and masks do not impair vision or have a trigger. Danger
  • Make sure children are dressed warmly and comfortable, non-slip shoes
  • props and costume accessories should be short, soft and supple -. hard, long, sharp, or sharp objects
  • Inspect all candy before children eat. Be alert for the risk of choking and look for anything that is loose or unpackaged
  • Do not let children walk while eating sweets on a stick - .. Very dangerous if they travel
  • Do not let children eat homemade treats unless done by someone you know very well
  • Stick to familiar neighborhoods and familiar houses
  • children should not enter homes unless they know well the neighbors
  • the children without adults should keep groups
  • Walk on sidewalks. Fill one side of the street, cross carefully and fill out the other side.
  • use cross walks and crossing lights whenever possible.

Pet Safety

  • do not forget your pets - they could be disturbed by unusual activity and perhaps capricious. Keep them inside and away from the door so as not to frighten or pinch your guests.
  • Do not let your pets eat candy, which can be toxic to them.
  • More: Halloween Pet Perils ... and people, as

Other matters

  • Drive with great caution, especially after dark - little excited elves can shoot from anywhere
  • Beware of drunk drivers
  • Use pumpkin carving kits
  • the adults should make the sculpture
  • More :. pumpkins and perils preparation a fun and safe Halloween

Call your agent
If you suffer damage to your property or have accidents during the weekend of Halloween, file a claim as soon as possible to get the claims process in motion. Be prepared with details of where and when the event occurred, and the names and addresses of the injured parties or witnesses to the event. If there is damage to your property, report it to the police, take pictures and record the details in order not to forget them later.

New report on fatalities bike shows risk groups, the problems

9:16 PM Add Comment
New report on fatalities bike shows risk groups, the problems -

More and more bikers are taking to the roads. This is good for many reasons :. There is a transport option environmentally, it is economical and offers health and cardio benefits for the runner

There is a downside, however. A new report from the Association of Road Safety of Governors Focus on road safety: Bicyclist safety. The report notes that, "... the death of annual cyclists increased 16 percent between 2010 and 2012, while overall motor accident victims rose only one percent over the same period of time."


the report also notes that some groups are more at risk

  • in 1975, adults accounted for only 21% of all deaths. in 1974 adults repreent 74% of all deaths.
  • bike deaths are increasingly an urban phenomenon, which represents 69 percent of all cycling deaths in 2012, against 50 percent in 1975 .
  • Although cyclists killed in vehicle accidents increased in 22 states between 2010 and 2012, six states - California, Florida, Illinois, New York, Michigan and Texas. - accounted for 54 percent of all deaths



looking prevention, these statistics rather shocking from 2012 are significant:

  • two-thirds or more of fatally injured bicyclists were not wearing helmets
  • 28% of the 16+ age runners had concentrations .08 blood alcohol percent or more , compared to 33 percent of fatally injured drivers of passenger vehicles.

Click here for the full report and other tools



resources / messages previous
for National bike Month, here's the scoop on insurance

Protect your bike against bike thieves

bike safety for Kids

Preventing frozen pipes: advice of experts

8:15 PM Add Comment
Preventing frozen pipes: advice of experts -

Depositphotos_9251576_xs In cold weather, the common wood frog adapts literally putting himself in a deep freeze. In a miracle of biology, these adaptive frogs freeze and stop their hearts, but they come back to life with the spring thaw.

Although frozen frogs are pretty amazing, frozen pipes are anything but. If you turn on your tap in winter and nothing comes out, there's a good chance you may have frozen pipes, especially if the weather was very cold. Frozen pipes can be a costly claim on your homeowners policy, but a few steps annual maintenance can help prevent problems. Even if you have not prepared well before winter and now find yourself in the icy weather model, there are steps you can take to protect your pipes. The Red Cross offers excellent tips to prevent pipes freezing and tips for how to thaw the pipes on should they freeze. Here are some of their tips during the cold season:

  • Keep garage doors closed if there are water supply lines in the garage
  • Cooking and bathroom cabinet doors to allow the hot air. to circulate around the plumbing. Make sure you move the harmful cleaners and household chemicals up out of reach of children.
  • When the weather is very cold outside, let the drip of the faucet served by exposed pipes with cold water. Running water through the pipe - even at a trickle - helps prevent pipes from freezing
  • Keep the thermostat set to the same temperature during the day and night .. By suspending temporarily the use of lower nighttime temperatures, you may incur a higher heating bill, but you can prevent a repair job much more expensive if pipes freeze and burst.
  • If you go far in cold weather, leave the heat in your home, set to a temperature not lower than 55 ° F

FEMA also has some great tips for before, during and after winter storms and extreme cold.

In a short video clip, This Old House plumbing and heating Richard Trethewey shows various ways of preventing and thawing frozen pipes.

Here are some other video clips This Old House who will help you keep your water pipes in good condition and prevent problems.

How Drain pipes for winter
How to Install a frost resistant valve with PEX Piping

playing time countdown! fun pre-Super Bowl

7:13 PM Add Comment
playing time countdown! fun pre-Super Bowl -

For the last three years, Teddy Porcupine correctly predicted the winners of the Super Bowl. Will he keep his winning streak going with his father = 2015 prediction game?

We can not get enough bad lip reading clips - here's edition 2015.

the old baby kitten cat teaches what to expect the day of the Super Bowl - it is a commercial, but a darn cute.

If football is not your thing, do not forget Puppy Bowl XI - here is an overview and some analysis pregame.

Speaking of commercials, here are a few choices for the 10 best ads of the Super Bowl of all time as well as five of the biggest gaffes over the years. If you do not want to wait to see what will be unveiled this year, you can view listings of the 2015 Super Bowl in advance from your computer.

As for snacks, we'll have trouble finding a better suggestion that our advice before on Building a snack Stadium Super Bowl. Here are 8 other snackadiums Super Bowl if you lie a few variations.

If you are hosting a Super Bowl party, you want to ensure that things stay fun - take a few minutes to read this handy guide on social responsibility of the host.

Winter Fire Safety: Some quick reminders

6:12 PM Add Comment
Winter Fire Safety: Some quick reminders -

This is high season for home fires. While cooking is the leading cause of home fires year round, the heating-related fires are a close second during the winter months - think radiators, wood stoves and fireplaces. Using inappropriate and hazardous materials during power failures can also lead to a winter fire - relying on candles for lighting, using a range of gases for heat or a portable grill for cooking. This can also lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, such as running a generator or too close to home.

Here are some short videos of FEMA that offer quick reminders about fire safety.

And with all this snow, remember to dig nearest fire hydrant - just a few minutes can make a difference as regards the fire.

Here's the lowdown on summer time

5:11 PM Add Comment
Here's the lowdown on summer time -


Do not forget to set your clock before this weekend. And while you're at it, here are some other seasonal things to do:

  • Change the batteries in smoke alarms and alarm CO2
  • Check pressure / Date expiry of fire extinguishers
  • Replace furnace filters
  • Clean your dryer filter, pipes and vents
  • Discard outdated medicines
  • Invert the direction of your ceiling fan

wondering why the hell we're going even through changing the clocks every spring and fall? Discover this great explainer video DST.

The tax scams 2015 Dirty Dozen style

4:10 PM Add Comment
The tax scams 2015 Dirty Dozen style -

tax-fraud With just over three weeks left to go before tax day, tax scammmers the nation are double duty trying to intercept your tax return or, alternatively, make off with your private information they can use for malicious purposes

the IRS has updated their tax scams for Dirty Dozen 2015 -. any email phishing and telephone threats to the tax preparer fraud and fake charities. Run through this list and become familiar with the most common systems to separate you from your money. Spread the word too - tweet, post on Facebook. the phone fraud is particularly rampant this year and extremely aggressive. We experienced robocalls at all hours of day and night, with threatening messages about the arrest and prosecution. Remember, the IRS will never call you on the blue and threaten you!
Unfortunately, seniors are great targets for fraud and the IRS issued a recent warning about scams specifically targeting the elderly.

"Some elderly people are paying money for scammers to file returns for them in the hope of receiving the benefits they actually not qualify. The scammers then pocket the money of an elderly person and any important personal information the senior has provided them. "

If you have elderly parents, you can review some of these scams with them.

retirement planning procrastination loses the benefit of the interest

3:09 PM Add Comment
retirement planning procrastination loses the benefit of the interest - compound

Many people procrastinate when it comes to saving for retirement ... but the sooner you start, interest compounding work more in your favor.

Financial Engines conducted a survey to better understand why people procrastinate on their retirement savings. They learned that most of those surveyed identified 25 as the right age to start planning and saving for retirement, but that most had started much later than the following :. An average of 10.6 years later than they thought they should have

They attributed the delay in retirement savings for various reasons:

  • 50% - stress
  • 40% - other, higher priorities
  • 24% - worried about being
  • 23% - not sure how to go about it
  • 20% - thought it was too difficult

While people think they can make up for it later - and sometimes they can - every year of delay squanders the advantage of compound interest. To achieve the same savings goal, they would need to save more each year to compensate for missed investment growth, as well as every game of missed employer, if available.

The graph below shows the percent of income would need to be saved each year to achieve the goal of saving.

delay You can learn more about the benefits of time playing with this calculator with compound interest.

But the better- late-than-never rule comes in - even if you missed the advantage of a quick start, the sooner you start the better, so do not delay. Here are some tips offered by Financial Engines start to end:

late-start For more information on the cost of procrastination, see their full infographic


It is Bike to Work Week - find New England Resources

2:08 PM Add Comment
It is Bike to Work Week - find New England Resources -

bike_month_web_00x00 May is National Bike Month and This Week - May 11-15 - is Bike to Work Week resulting in bike to work day, Friday, May 15 bike instead of driving is good for the environment and good for you too! We have collected some links to resources in New England to find events and local resources

  • Week Bay State Bike :. May 9-17
  • Bike Walk Connecticut
  • NH: Annual Seacoast Bike / Walk to Work Week May 11 to 15
  • Rhode Island Bicycle Coalition
  • Coalition Maine bicycle
  • Go! Vermont

wear a helmet, follow the law - find your state laws -. And get some tips for smart National Bicycle League Cycling

Do not forget to protect your investment - the Insurance Information Institute offers insight on bicycle safety and insurance. They note that: "The bikes are covered by the section of the personal property of standard homeowners and renters insurance policies cover you this, pay less your deductible, if your bike is stolen or damaged in a fire, hurricane or. other disaster listed in your policy. "But if you're a serious biker with expensive, high-end bicycles, you may want to talk to your agent about a rider to your policy to get additional coverage. To protect your investment, remember to register your bike at national bicycle registry.

The chances of dying: Risk Perception vs reality

1:07 PM Add Comment
The chances of dying: Risk Perception vs reality -

June is the Month of national security sponsored by the National Security Council. It's time to think about reducing the main causes of injuries and deaths at work, in our homes and in our communities. They issued an interesting infographic on the chances of dying, noting that Americans often worry about the wrong things - check the events we believe we kill against those who actually do, according to figures. (You can click for a larger version).

If you want more details about your personal chances, we have a position before with a variety of mortality calculators to help you assess your own personal rating for durability. They include life expectancy tables and several interactive calculators. We leave you with two words: Life Insurance



Where to celebrate Independence Day in New England

12:06 PM Add Comment
Where to celebrate Independence Day in New England -


Independence Day in New England - get it more authentic that? 4 of oldest of the celebration of America July in Bristol (230 consecutive years!) And Boston Hatch Shell on the Esplanade in Old Sturbridge Village Independence Day Celebration and the former Enfield Town - we just seem to know how make up right! You can also visit the site where it all began: Minute Man National Historical Park, where they will be reading the Declaration of Independence in 13 hours on July 4 by the North Bridge

Here other July 4th Events to help you in your planning:

  • Connecticut
  • Massachusetts
  • Maine
  • New Hampshire
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Your ultimate guide to the fourth of July in Massachusetts
  • the largest and best fourth celebration in July in New England
  • Discover New England - events in July
  • planning Guide to spend July 4th on the Boston Esplanade

July 4th safety Tips

Hang on - as insurance professionals, we are not doing our job if we did also deliver a few reminders for holiday safety. Insurance is all about planning ahead!

Red Cross Safety Tips Questions for the July 4th holiday

Fireworks Safety

Stay Safe This July 4th

Top 10 Safe Driving Tips for July 4th Weekend

Drowning does not look like what we see in movies

11:05 AM Add Comment
Drowning does not look like what we see in movies -


When we head to the beach or the pool at the weekend, the most of us do so with a dangerous knowledge gap. We have misconceptions about drowning and ignorance mean we do not always recognize the signs of a person in distress when we see them. We are conditioned by movies and pop culture to think that a drowning person screaming and wave for help and splashing violently to attract attention. In fact, drowning is quiet, desperate event - so quiet that every year children die in swimming pools and water a few feet away from their parents or friends who do not recognize the signs of distress.

drowning victim behavior is similar to the victim that experts describe as Instinctive Drowning Response . Mario Vittone is an expert on water safety and was on a mission of awareness of what the behavior actually looks like drowning - his blog Drowning Does not look like drowning is worth sharing really open eyes and something.

It describes the behavior that

Instinctive Drowning Response - so named by Francesco A. Pia, Ph.D., is what people do to avoid actual suffocation or collected in the water. And it does not look like most people expect. There is very little splashing, no waving, and no yelling or calls for help of any kind. To get a sense of calm and undramatic way to the surface drowning can be, consider this: It is the second leading cause of accidental death among children 15 and under (just behind vehicle accidents) - of 750 children who will drown next year, about 375 of them will do so within 25 yards of a parent or another adult. In ten percent of those drownings, the adult will actually watch her, having no idea what is happening. Drowning does not look like drowning

Here is a video showing the response of the instinctive drowning.

Drowning can occur in seconds. A broader understanding of what distress and swimming signs of drowning behavior actually look like would help save lives. Help raise awareness - why not share this message with friends and family - especially parents of young children?

See comments about pool safety:
pool and spa safety and insurance issues

Pool and spa owners: Reduce your risk with simple steps for safety

When wild animals decide to take a swim in your pool

College survival guide: safety tips, what to pack, dorm hacks

10:04 PM Add Comment
College survival guide: safety tips, what to pack, dorm hacks -

Students walking on campus On University Campus

Recently, we posted on students and 'college insurance. Today we have additional preparation resources in college - a kind of multi-purpose college survival guide. we first and foremost links to several security and safety checklists because all the insurance in the world will not help you if you do not make safety a priority. We also have links to what to pack guides, advice for freshmen and advice on how to eat healthy while in college.

Checklist of security for First Apartment Student College

Campus Security Checklist

Security Security Checklist

campus dormitory fires and

campus safety tips fire dormitory

What to bring for campus Life and How to pack in 3 easy steps

List items not to bring to college: Dorm Room Contraband

hollow in College List

10 tips to survive your first year of college

your first year of college: 25 strategies and tips to help you survive and thrive your Freshman Year and beyond

42 College Tips I Learned Freshman Year

27 ways eat like an adult College

10 easy ways to eat healthy in College (It is possible, we promise!)

healthy foods that stay fresh in a College Dorm

36 Life Hacks Every student should know

How to stop a runaway horse and other hacks of life the days of old vintage

9:03 PM Add Comment
How to stop a runaway horse and other hacks of life the days of old vintage -

We thought we facilitate return to the work week with a post on pleasure hacks vintage life. The Internet loves "life hacks" - tips, tricks and shortcuts to solve problems of daily or help you increase efficiency We conducted some previously on this blog - see household hacks Handy. Uses creative products for daily and products everyday, you've probably been using wrong.

Back in ancient times (yes, there was life before the Internet, children ), "life hacks" were often called "household tips" and were often featured in newspaper and magazine columns. But before that, in Victorian times, there were "trading cards." commercial cards were usually double-sided cards with art on one side and information on the other side. The content might be fun, humorous, useful or practical. They were an important part of the pop culture of the day. The aim was to wear the brand of an advertiser and get people to collect the entire series. Cigarette manufacturers eagerly seized on trading cards as a way to encourage repeat purchases.

Here is a link to a household tips gallery vintage Gallaher cigarettes Belfast and London on useful topics such as how to make a fire extinguisher, how to extract a splinter, how to clean the actual lace and how stop a runaway horse. We extracted a few below.

also produced "how-to" card commercial cleaning Other advice of the advertiser. Check the sidebar of the site to explore other subjects.


How to blow a brick on


Dealing creaking boots


You have won! Beware of sweepstakes and lottery scams

8:02 PM Add Comment
You have won! Beware of sweepstakes and lottery scams -

Money raining from the sky If there is an old saying that you should take to heart and live, it is the following : If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is . Here is a real world application: You receive an e-mail, phone call or a letter stating that you have won a contest or lottery that you never entered. To do: throw. And if the correspondent asks you for money as processing fees or transaction, run, do not walk, to report to the authorities of the State or Federal fraud.

These fake "wins" are part of a network of lotteries and lottery scams that proliferate like weeds. They proliferate because, unfortunately, they have many takers - probably because most people have fantasies of winning. Criminals are sneaky, persistent, and expert targeting our human weaknesses :. Our fears, our hopes, our neglect - and our greed

The November Consumer Reports focuses on fraud targeting seniors, and they have a section - Anatomy a Swindle - which describes how these sweepstakes scams work. And while the issue is fraud aimed at the elderly, people of all ages are susceptible to fraud. Read the article, and if you have friends or elderly relatives, make sure they are familiar with these scams too.

The FTC offers a warning sign on municipalities must read for price scams. It's worth a quick read.

The FBI also offers information about common scams and tips to avoid fraud. These three are particularly relevant to this type of fraud:

  • Do not pay for a If a caller tells you the payment of taxes, he or she violates the federal law "free money.".
  • always take the time to make a decision. Legitimate companies do not force you to make a quick decision.
  • Never send money or give personal information such as credit card numbers and expiration dates, bank account numbers, dates of birth, or security numbers social familiar to companies or unknown persons.

How to complain

If you have a complaint of scam or fraud, here are several ways to file a report.

  • complain of Internet crime with the FBI
  • file a postal complaint with the postal service of the United States
  • Post fraud or a consumer complaint with the Federal Trade Commission
  • file a complaint with the attorney general's office or your state office of consumer protection

Do not leave valuable in smoke collection: Talk to your agent about insurance

7:01 PM Add Comment
Do not leave valuable in smoke collection: Talk to your agent about insurance -

Comic book big explosion Are you a collector? If you have amassed a large collection, you may want its assessed value and consider adding a specialty coverage or endorsement to your home insurance policy. Your collection of fine antiques, stamps, musical instruments, jewelry or vintage comics, it can raise in value. You should talk to your collection with your insurance agent and see if it makes sense to protect your investment.

Take comics. vintage comics that were only bought for pennies in the last century are now valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some valuable editions comic have even reached millions at auction.

This video is an example PropertyCasualty360. Moynihan interviews Shawn Vincent Zurzolo, COO and co-founder of Metropolis Collectibles, a large and respected unusual comic shop. Interestingly, several points of view :. As a study of a fascinating niche business of business cases as a discussion on the commercial risk management, as well as the lessons it offers personal fans and collectors on investment protection

interesting Zurzola share information on huge comic collection Metropolis Collectibles and risk management measures they take to protect. It also has some words for personal collectors. He says that just the way you protect the investment in your home or car with the confidence you need to protect your valuable collections too. He said, "... collectors feel like they are insured through their homeowners insurance policies, sometimes they are and sometimes they are not, and discover when its too late tragedy. "He shares a cautionary story about an uninsured client who has lost a valuable collection of Sandy hurricane. It also notes that due to collection increase and decrease the value frequently, it is a good idea to do an annual review each year when insurance policies are up for review. It suggests that if you can not evaluate your collection yourself, seek help from an expert.

Regarding volunteering, we tip our hats to our Alliance members Renaissance Insurance Agencies!

6:00 PM Add Comment
Regarding volunteering, we tip our hats to our Alliance members Renaissance Insurance Agencies! -

Featured Image Giving Tuesday 2015-2 To give Tuesday yesterday, we were pleased to highlight some of the charitable efforts of Renaissance Alliance members to our blog Caring Company. Renaissance Insurance agents are local agents who live and work in the communities they serve. As such, community involvement is a strong value!

Take a minute to check some recent initiatives by our member organizations, as well as links to the organizations they support and photo galleries of staff. These are just a small sample of recent charitable and community events that have come to our attention

Don Tuesday annual event is a great tradition and a reminder of the importance of community service -. But the support of our communities and charitable activities should really be a priority 365 days a year for all of us! In all gifts donated the holiday season, it is good to set some time aside and money to those less fortunate or who have special needs.

Caring Company Follow on Twitter! We also keep a list of nonprofit organizations in New England on Twitter and regularly add, if you know of one, add, let us know. You can subscribe to this feed too - we encourage you to retweet and support activities for local non-profit, fundraising and volunteer opportunities on your own Twitter account

The New Year celebrations:

4:59 PM Add Comment
The New Year celebrations: - drinking the security

New Year's Eve can be a fun celebration, but if you plan to make alcohol part of your festivities, make sure you plan in advance to ensure you do not endanger yourself or others. Here are some tips for safe alcohol - we have posted some of them before.

A good rule of thumb is that your body can only process about one drink per hour. Although it may vary slightly depending on the weight and sex, it's a pretty good rule to keep in mind. But be careful on how you define "a drink" - which equals 12 ounces of beer, a 4-ounce glass of wine or one shot (one ounce) of 80 proof alcohol. A martini or other cocktail mixed usually contains more than one shot.

The calculator alcohol in the blood can help you evaluate your level of value by drink and tell you if you are "legal" in a given state. The calculator works by giving an estimate of your "Account of alcohol in the blood" (BAC) or alcohol ratio in the blood in your system. Enter the type of drink, how many drinks you have consumed / plan to consume , weight, and the amount of time you have been / will drink. This will produce an estimated BAC, and will tell you if you are impaired and the risk of being arrested if you are stopped by the police.

This page includes some handy charts of depreciation reference alcohol for men and women, and graphs that describe the type of disability that people experience at different BAC levels. There is also a list myths and common suggestions for how to get the car keys away from a drunk person.

There are also some smart phone applications for monitoring BAC, but we have used any of these so we can not vouch for them.

If you are in the New Year's Eve, have a strategy in advance to ensure your safety :.

  • Plan for a designated driver
  • Plan to sleep on.
  • Search Tipsy Taxi service in your area. Many communities sponsor a free taxi service that can be called for a return home. You can call a local police department to see if there operating in your community. Or call Uber and Lyft.
  • Drink soft drinks.
  • Having one or two drinks in the early evening and switch to soft drinks for several hours before driving home.

If you are planning a party , take your responsibilities seriously. You will never forgive yourself if a client has been injured or killed - or killed another driver - after leaving your home. Also, you might have a criminal or civil liability in case of accidents resulting from the poisoning that took place in your home. Here is a good part responsible Host Tip Sheet (PDF) to help you plan a safe holiday

And a final note of caution :.
People can and do die from alcohol poisoning when they consume more alcohol than their body can handle safely in a short time. Unfortunately, many young people die from alcohol poisoning each year because of ignorance of the facts of excessive alcohol consumption. Call 9-1-1 if you see someone behavior that could indicate alcohol poisoning, as evidenced by the following symptoms with:

  • cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin
  • unconscious or unable to be awakened
  • slow or irregular breathing
  • vomiting repeatedly or uncontrollably

Shoveling snow 101: Best shovels, the best technical

3:58 PM Add Comment
Shoveling snow 101: Best shovels, the best technical -

OK, New England - go see the shovel in the back of the garage and get ready for a shoveling snow little 101. Did you think we would get away with little or no snow this season? Some of the biggest storms in the region on disc arrives in February and March. shows that 10 Boston snow accumulations, 7 occurred in the two months

So buckle down, people -. Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow last week, so we can have a way to go until spring. Today to tomorrow, most of the center of New England will get at least some snow accumulation, from a dusting in the north to as much as a foot in southern New England. And just in case you're a little rusty since last year, we have some tips, tools and techniques to get in shape shovel. Even if you are a Jedi master, some of the advice of experts should kick things up a notch

First, the tools of the trade: .. Check out this short clip on the top 5 of Snow Shovels Consumer Reports

for more thoughts on choosing the right tool, see Popular Mechanics: How snow Shovel is the best

for the technique, we report:

  • 6 tips to shovel snow without injury
  • snow shoveling techniques to prevent lower back injuries
  • How shovel like a Man
  • Snow shortcuts that save time and energy

and last but not least, we love this guide on safe and effective Clearing Snow - there is some tips and practical summary infographics - click to enlarge

Source :.

Do you need an out-of-this-world insurance?

2:57 PM Add Comment
Do you need an out-of-this-world insurance? -

alien abduction You can insure against almost any adverse events. In previous posts, we talked about celebrities making body parts and persons rather unusual objects and special collections

But here you can not have thought :. Are you insured against alien abduction? The site says it is We particularly like some of their lines of promoting "the perfect policy for those who think they have everything covered."

  • "Do not leave Earth. .. without her."
  • "Beam Me Up ... I'm covered"

a Lifetime premium single coverage can be had for $ 19.95, and it provides a gain of $ 10 million if you can prove you were abducted by aliens. What you need to do to qualify? They say, "We accept all pre-existing conditions - You can not be turned down regardless of age or Frequent Flyer Status" There is a stipulation they will pay only once [

most people buy it for someone else, but to appoint as beneficiary they say they have been claims

Learn more in this video.

Why it is important to monitor your credit history every year

1:56 PM Add Comment
Why it is important to monitor your credit history every year -

credit Your credit report is very important. A good credit report can help you or hurt you when looking for a car loan, a mortgage or some insurance policies. You can be refused loans or credit cards if the story is poor, or you may end up paying higher rates on credit cards or insurance coverage. (See: Credit-Based Insurance Scores: How an insurance company can use your credit to determine your premium) Some employers may even look at your credit rating as a factor in whether or not hire you

You should . monitor your credit score each year to learn more about what helps and hurts you, and review reports to be sure that there is nothing inaccurate. Some reasons why you should monitor your credit each year:

  • Find problems that hinder your high score and try to improve
  • Identify errors and get them corrected
  • Watch for potential identity theft signs
  • someone other information may be wrongly attributed to you
  • you might find accounts that are not yours

by law, you can get a free copy of your credit report each year. This includes a copy of each of the main three evaluation companies: TransUnion, Equifax and Experian. But you must be careful about where you get your free credit reports from. Here is the authoritative source:

Annual Credit Report at 1-877-322-8228

You will hear a lot promotions for "free credit reports" - but consumers beware! Many of them free reports, but have some type of decision - see this short video to learn more

Que. if you find problems in your credit report

According, you can take these steps to correct errors or problems :?
Write a letter. Tell the credit information company you have questions about the information in your report.

  • Explain that the information is wrong and why you believe.
  • Say you want that information be corrected or removed from your report.
  • Send a copy of your credit report with junk surrounded.
  • Send copies of other documents that will help you explain your opinion.
  • Send this information Certified Mail. Ask the post office for a receipt. Reception is evidence that the credit reporting company your letter.
  • The credit reporting company must look into your complaint and respond in writing.

The FTC offers more information

  • Your credit history
  • Understanding Credit Scores

Basics BBQ: Take time to read the cooking safety tips

12:55 PM Add Comment
Basics BBQ: Take time to read the cooking safety tips -

barbecue time Planning to use the grill this holiday weekend? For many it is the kickoff to a long and happy season of outdoor cooking. But before you start - did you know that the main cause of grill fires is failure to clean your grill? This is not to shortchange a task! In addition to thoroughly clean your barbecue, take a few minutes to review some basic safety information with your family to avoid problems. The National Association of Fire Protection (NFPA) says, "Every year, an average of 8,00 home fires are caused by cooking, and nearly half of all injuries involving grills are due to thermal burns. While nearly half of those who do grill year round, July is the peak month for the grid fires followed in May, June and August "

According to NFPA, the main causes of fires gas grill are .:

  • failure to clean the grill - 19%
  • grill too close to anything that could catch fire - 17%
  • leaks breaks - 11%

ESPN Sportscenter anchor Hannah storm relates his experience of surviving an explosive fireball engulfed in trying to revive its grill She faults for not taking the time to review. safety procedures -. A terrible price to pay

Take time to clean your grill properly and review some basic safety equipment and guidelines. in this video, NFPA examines some basic fire prevention:

the fire marshals offer advice barbecue detailed cleaning and security

and a few other tips ...

  • detailed advice on the grid for cleaning and maintenance: lazy man's guide to clean a gas grill
  • safety tips for laptop outdoor charcoal grills
  • How to avoid grease fires

Bicycle helmets save lives: Learn how to get the right fit

10:53 PM Add Comment
Bicycle helmets save lives: Learn how to get the right fit -

Bicycle helmet Consumer Reports has a special function in August on the importance of helmets bike noting that, "More head injuries occur in the bike in all other sports and bicycle helmets can save lives." They cite data from the insurance Institute for Highway safety 60% of people who died in a motorcycle accident in 2014 were not wearing a helmet See our previous post on fatalities bike the Consumer Reports section to talk about some of the helmets.. newer bike and the protection they offer, as well as notes 35 helmets.


But it is not sufficient enough to get a helmet for protection maximum, it is important to get the right helmet adjustment Consumer Reports offers the following tips to find the right bicycle helmet fit.

"the helmet must be level on the head
"the leading edge should not be more. an inch or so above your eyebrows.
"The strap should marry under your chin.
"The straps should meet just below your jaw and in front of your ears, forming a V in your ears.

a fabulous resource for all bike-helmet is linked, a nonprofit defense helmet program financed by consumers in the Washington area Bicyclist Association. It includes the latest research, helmet safety innovations - just about everything you could ever want to know about the helmets. They offer a great page on how to fit a helmet. Below, we present a short clip on how to fit and secure bicycle helmets for children

No state laws require adults to wear a helmet, but many States have requirements for children -. See your law on state bicycle helmet. Although there is no state law, you can also check local ordinances.

When guard against burglaries summer, do not forget your court

11:54 AM Add Comment
When guard against burglaries summer, do not forget your court -

There are over two million home invasions each year , according to the FBI, and the highest percentage of burglaries occurs during the summer months. It is easy to understand why. It is the high holiday season, so many houses are empty; In addition, with the hot weather, there is an increased number of doors and windows left open, making access easier. According to safeguard the World: ..

  • About 30 percent of all burglaries are through a window or a door open or unlocked
  • Windows are left unlocked at a rate much higher than the doors
  • a window that is visible from the street can be the only reason a house is targeted.
  • a window with only a screen of the locked window is particularly attractive to thieves. Access is easy, fast and quiet.

More statistics and prevention tips.

Another seasonal vulnerability is highlighted in a recent survey conducted by one of our insurance partners. American Modern Insurance points out that in good weather, there are simply more unsecured 'valuables in the back "lying around: bicycles, sports equipment, grills, garden furniture - all relatively easy targets for thieves . air conditioner copper coils and other metal objects can be sold for scrap.

"modern American survey of more than 500 adults living in the US, reported that 31 percent do not take proactive steps to secure property and personal property located outside of the house. In addition, the survey found that respondents were more likely to take steps to protect their electronic equipment (42%), as well as jewelry and watches (23%) within their homes, and less likely to do with outdoor / leisure goods (18%). The survey was conducted by Google in June 2016 "

In their press release, American Modern offers 10 tips, which we reproduce here :.

1. Install deadbolt locks and vault doors. Choose a lock that is proven to resist drilling or gathering.

2. Strengthen doorjambs and strikes. Most often, structural failures occur when the keepers separate frames.

3. Apply the window security film. This prevents glass breakage and can deter a smash-and-grab.

4. Lock your windows. If your windows do not already have locks, add them. Or, drill small holes in the upper and lower chassis at their point of overlap and removable insert pitons.

5. Close and lock your shed and garage every night. Make sure your vehicles are safe and secure before heading out of town. On a smaller scale, stolen tools and lawn equipment are also a lucrative flight element to ensure these items are stored safely away. The garage can also serve as a common entry point for burglars.

6. When away from home, do not announce your absence. Put temporary holds on mail and newspaper delivery or have a trusted neighbor collect them. Put lights on timers staggered. Also, avoid posting on social media about your travel plans, which can increase the risk of burglaries and break-ins while you are away from your home.

7. Keep valuables out of the room. The thieves looking for valuables will probably do the master bedroom scout their first stop on jewelry or money. Keep these items in another room instead.

8. Put in outdoor lighting activated by motion. Make sure that the entry points are particularly well informed.

9. Organize a neighborhood watch. Meet your neighbors and deter theft!

10. Vehicles and objects left in them. Most flights related to vehicles shall take place in less than 20 seconds. Never leave loose objects on the seats or dashboard; lock them in the trunk or better yet, take the inside with you. If you have a garage at home, use it. If you must park on the street, installing an alarm system with a visible edge of flashing.

Watch Lingo: Business Owners Policy (BOP)

9:52 PM Add Comment
Watch Lingo: Business Owners Policy (BOP) -

Business Owners Policy - also known as BOP - a type of insurance taken out by small and medium enterprises which combines several forms of business insurance in one package, usually more affordable than purchasing each policy separately. Generally, the balance of payments includes property insurance, liability and business interruption
Read more.? What political cover business owners

What happens if your insurance company goes bankrupt?

8:51 PM Add Comment
What happens if your insurance company goes bankrupt? -

In these difficult economic times, we had some people ask us what would happen if their insurer should go belly. Because insurance laws vary state by state, there are no clear answers but we will give you a general overview.
First, the state insurance office regulates insurance issues for their state. As part of this function, they require various reports to monitor the financial health and well-being of licensed insurance companies in their state. But because many large insurers do not operate in a single state, or as in the recent case of AIG, in a sector of activity, bankruptcy can and still do occur.
So what happens if you open a policy or claim and your insurance company is in financial trouble? First, the state will work with the insurer to help solve the problem. And if that fails, the good news is that states work guarantee fund to protect policyholders in the event of insolvency of the insurer. These funds will support the claims, often giving priority to cases of hardship. Some offices of the state also have a short-term insurance cover mechanism to allow policyholders to find alternative cover. On the downside, however, claim payments may be delayed, regulated or capped.
There are also many lines of insurance excluded. Guarantee Funds usually cover home and car, and similar types of insurance, but usually have exclusions. Common exclusions include life, accident and health, annuity, disability, and mortgage. Many states also draw the line protections for high net worth policyholders (+ 25 million). For details, you should check with your state law.
If the worst come to worst, your local agent should be your first and best source of information. You can also learn more about the subject in an excellent overview of the insolvency of insurers and the Insurance Information Institute guarantee fund. And you can find links to state websites of the insurance department on the map. Residents of New England, DC, and Virginia can find links to guarantee funds, which provide copies of the laws in those states.

Before and after winter storms: advance planning and the submission of applications

7:50 PM Add Comment
Before and after winter storms: advance planning and the submission of applications

- With a major ice storm under our belt, many area residents are simply fed and heat back and we face a greater potential adverse weather weekend.
the American Insurance Association provides practical advice for homeowners following the northeast storm, which include pointers on how to start the insurance process. And if your home was damaged or destroyed, you can invest two and half minutes to look at the tips of the Insurance Information Institute on how to file the request of an owner:

Preparation of the next storm
with little notice, there are things you can do to prepare for emergencies winter storm. Here are some good resources:
The American Red Cross suggests a list of supplies to include in a home emergency kit, covering items such as water, food, first aid supplies, clothing and bedding, tools and emergency supplies, and special. Articles
Winter blackout Tips -. a great resource on what to do before, during and after a crash compiled by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
does not freeze (PDF) - good advice for preventing frozen. pipes
preventing carbon monoxide poisoning after an emergency - carbon monoxide the Centers for Disease Control informed us that every year over 500 people die in the US from accidental CO poisoning and unfortunately here New England, we had death after PI recent storms. In Massachusetts, the law says you must have a carbon monoxide detector on each floor of your home, excluding unfinished basements, attics and crawl spaces. You may need more than one stage by because the detectors must be placed within 10 feet of a bedroom door. This is good advice for owners or not your state has a law. Be sure to periodically refresh your batteries.

Are your bank accounts in any security

6:49 PM Add Comment
Are your bank accounts in any security -

Here's some good news about a type of insurance that you should not buy: the FDIC increased its protection for your bank accounts and credit unions. The basic insurance limit was increased from $ 100 000 $ 250 000 for a single account; Joint accounts may be eligible for up to $ 500,000 of coverage. ** The increased coverage is a temporary measure that will extend until the end of 09.
With news of two banks failed last week, the first victims of the new year, many people are concerned to know if the money in their bank account would be safe if their bank should fail. If your money is in a bank that is insured by the FDIC, it will be insured up to $ 250,000
The FDIC -. Or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - is an independent federal government agency that was created in 1933 to protect consumers after thousands of banks failed during the depression. Since the start of FDIC insurance, no depositor has lost money insured after a bank failure. The key point here is that your bank must be insured by the FDIC.
You can learn more at the FDIC page of frequently asked questions, where there is information on how to know if your bank is FDIC-insured, what types of accounts are covered, and what are the limits cover are
** Clarification by FDIC website :.
"joint account (two or more people): $ 250,000 per co-owner"

Insurance fraud hall of shame

5:48 PM Add Comment
Insurance fraud hall of shame -

Doctors and dentists do. The judges do. Even the old ladies do. Welcome to the Fraud Hall of Shame Insurance 08 dirty dozen
insurance fraud is a crime that is estimated at nearly $ 80 billion per year "more brazen, vicious or plain klutzy crooks of insurance of America. " - Some put the figure higher. Unfortunately, honest people take over for cheaters and criminals in the form of higher insurance costs. Although some would say that organized criminal scams to defraud insurers - often also harm others in the process - constitute fraud, the public has mixed opinions on so-called soft fraud may be intentionally padding values losses in a "soft fraud." the owner application or underestimate the number of employees on the payroll for workers comp. Various public attitude surveys to the insurance fraud purchased over the years have shown that many people - perhaps up to one in three. - think the kind of soft fraud is OK in a recent survey in the UK, 4.7 million people reported that insurance fraud is now more acceptable because of the tough economy. But this type of fraud adds real dollars to the amount we pay all premiums for our insurance coverage.
Do not be a victim of fraud insurance
in addition to paying higher premiums, fraud can hurt people in many ways. Staged car accidents injure and kill innocent victims. Employers who carry average workers impairs benefits for employees who are injured on the job. Identity fraud hurts innocent people credit and reputation
Here are some steps you can take to avoid being a victim of fraud insurance :.

  • Know whom you are dealing. Use only certified agents and authorized insurers. Contact your state insurance office if in doubt.
  • Shop. Ask your agent to get more than one bid.
  • Do not pay cash bonuses. Get a receipt for payments.
  • Get a written copy of your insurance policy and review it. Yes, even the fine print.
  • Do not sign a blank form.
  • Do not accept "on the spot" cash for an accident.
  • Be wary of strangers "useful" that emerge on the scene of a car accident that offer tips on body shops, doctors or lawyers.
  • Get detailed invoices for repairs or medical services
  • Keep that old saying in mind. ". If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is"
  • Be careful to give your Social Security number - do not give to anyone you do not know.
  • Check with your insurance office of the State to ensure that your employer has the workers compensation insurance that protect you in case of accident in the workplace.
  • If you do not understand something or question the validity of something, do not be afraid to check with the insurance office in your state.
  • Report of fraud when you see it.

insurance department of the state links
Office of the State fraud Links

Do you have any deductible tax losses of storm damage, fire or theft?

4:47 PM Add Comment
Do you have any deductible tax losses of storm damage, fire or theft? -

If you have suffered unreimbursed losses of over $ 500 due to severe damage from the storm, fire, theft, disaster or loss on your deposits in 08, you may be eligible for a tax deduction. You must be able to document the extent of your loss and if you have been compensated by your insurer, you must subtract the amount of compensation your overall loss. A small excerpt from the Insurance Information Institute offers more information:

Kimberly Lankford Kiplinger discusses tax deductions and storm-related points at a loss of useful damage calculator.
Or you could go directly to the source -the IRS provides a variety of publications and tools available on deductions. Here are a few:
Casualties, Disasters and flights - for use in preparing 08 returns; explains the tax treatment of losses, thefts and losses on deposits. An accident occurs when your property is damaged as a result of a disaster such as a storm, a fire, a car accident or similar event. Theft occurs when someone steals your property. A loss on deposits occurs when your financial institution becomes insolvent or bankrupt. This publication discusses the definition of loss, how to figure the amount of your gain or loss, how to handle insurance and other rebates, deduction limits, and special rules
tax relief disaster - . Various resources and fact sheets
IRS FAQ for disaster victims
loss disaster - PDF brochure IRS
08 - disasters and emergencies declared by the federal government

Survey: Americans Insurance flunking

3:46 PM Add Comment
Survey: Americans Insurance flunking -

Most Americans Flunk when it comes to the basic understanding of insurance, according to a recent survey by the National Association of Commissioners insurance (NAIC). Despite this, about 56% of survey respondents felt "very confident" about making insurance decisions. In a quiz of 10 questions insurance, the average score was a dismal 40%
But wait -. Before you learn more about the survey results, why not take the insurance IQ Test yourself and see how you fare [1945002?] Have a basic knowledge of insurance can mean the difference between too expensive for the coverage and save money. Misconceptions can also mean that the buyer does not guarantee adequate coverage to protect against loss. For example, respondents only 4 out of 10 knew that auto insurance does not automatically cover a rental car and only 14% were aware of the amount of life insurance that is usually recommended.
In light of the test results, it is pleased to learn that 61% of respondents said they use an insurance agency when buying insurance outside of employment. And we were pleased to learn that 80% of respondents said they had a good relationship with their agent and 82% trust their agent to help them make good choices
Survey results: . Summary (PDF)

Credit card and ATM skimming - a growing threat

2:45 PM Add Comment
Credit card and ATM skimming - a growing threat -

Most people know the basic safety precautions to take when using an ATM, such as research safety, well-lit areas and taking care to cover the keypad when entering a PIN code - but far fewer people are aware of the growing threat posed by ATM and credit card skimming. With card skimming, thieves attach a card reader camouflaged on a legitimate card reader, such as your ATM, gas pump, or store your order. You would think it would be easy to recognize a phony card reader - but as thousands of victims around the world, we could be wrong. Ruses are becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. Some devices are placed on a keyboard to record your transactions and collect data for later use. Others are micro-hand-held devices that thieves can use to quickly analyze a map.
NetworkWorld offers an excellent article on ATM and credit card skimming, which describes how the con and offers an illustrated guide with examples of what to look for when using a credit or debit card. This is certainly an article worth reading and passing on
To protect yourself from being a victim, make sure that you check the credit card reader before using them to search for unusual signs -. If you see something strange or get an error message, report it to the bank or the responsible decision immediately. Do not let anyone help you to an ATM outlet - this "helpfulness" is a common ploy to skimmers. Also, register for online services on your account and check the activity and your account statements every few days.

Holiday road trip advice: stay safe on the road this Memorial Day

1:44 PM Add Comment
Holiday road trip advice: stay safe on the road this Memorial Day -

are you one of the 32.4 million Americans will travel at least 50 miles from home this holiday weekend? If so, you can find some good travel business - at least compared to last year. According to AAA, the average gas price is not expected to top $ 2.50 during the summer - a sharp drop in prices last year, which averaged about $ 3.80 Memorial Day. AAA also reports that hotel rates are running about 7% to 12% less than last year.
The National Security Council (NSC) reminds you to buckle and lead to the defense. NSC estimates there will be 366 road accidents and additional 19,400 nonfatal disabling injuries. And remember, from May 18 to May 31, the Click It or Ticket enforcement seatbelt campaign will be in full force - the law enforcement agencies join forces day and night, from one ocean to the other, for a blitz application. . The main public continues to be men aged 18 to 34, which research shows are less likely to wear safety belts
Here are some holiday driving safety tips:

  • Plan your trip before you go. See the clickable map for national traffic and road closure information of the Administration of the Federal Highway. Also, check whether you can dial 511 to access passenger information in the state of destination.
  • Prepare your car. Ideally, you should have your car checked before long trips. At a minimum, check your gas, oil, washer fluid and tire pressure. headlights and mirrors clean. Make sure you have a spare tire and the essential elements in a roadside emergency kit.
  • be well rested. Driving can be hypnotic - if you yawn or have trouble keeping focused, pull over and take a short nap. Even if you're not sleepy, take a break every few hours to stretch your legs and keep alert.
  • Allow extra time to reach your destination. Leave early and plan to avoid the peak hours, if possible.
  • Wear your seatbelt and ensure all passengers are wearing.
  • Obey speed limits. Speeding is dangerous at the best of times and even more dangerous in heavy traffic holiday. And remember - it's also illegal. The police will be in force over the long holiday weekend.
  • Minimize distractions. Turn off the cell phone and bring games for children. Play your cards before leaving, or shoot if you need to consult.
  • Do not tailgate. Keep a good distance from the car ahead to allow time to maximum reaction. A good rule of thumb is one car length for every 10 miles of speed for cars. Double that for trucks.
  • Use caution around trucks and larger vehicles and give them a larger place. Do not pull in front of them or brake suddenly because the trucks need more downtime. Do not change lanes when you can see both truck headlights in your rearview mirror. Be aware that trucks divers can have many blind spots -. Roll on the left not the right
  • Do not drink and drive. This should go without saying! Also be careful about overindulging in food - that can make you sleepy
  • Plan for emergencies .. Bring phone numbers of your insurance agent and your insurer. Make sure your cell phone is fully charged. Bring a spare car key. The University of Oklahoma Police Department has a large emergency checklist that you can print to make sure you have all the information you need if you run into an emergency situation or to have a lost or stolen wallet.

Do not be a victim: be alert for insurance fraud and scams

12:43 PM Add Comment
Do not be a victim: be alert for insurance fraud and scams -

Especially in this tough economy, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is warning consumers to keep their guard to avoid becoming victims of insurance fraud. Regarding the pricing of insurance, it is best to respect the old adage "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" According to NAIC:

. "Companies' insurance false and dishonest insurance agents can defraud consumers by collecting premiums for false policies, without intention or ability to pay claims. home, health, life and auto Phony policies are usually offered at rates that are significantly lower than in the traditional market price to attract consumers looking to save money. "

They suggest that if you are not sure of the company or agent you are dealing with, take these three steps:

  • STOP before signing any document or check
  • call your insurance service of the state, which is easily accessible by phone
  • cONFIRM the company or agent offering insurance is legitimate and licensed in the state.

This is a clickable map to find your insurance agency of the state and is the NAIC consumer information Source here, where you can file a complaint or to research complaints from business and information financial.
It may also be helpful to keep them informed of common fraud schemes. The Coalition for insurance fraud scam alerts consumers assurance positions and they have a good list of links to fraud insurance to consumers. The FBI also publishes updates for common fraud schemes. Be sure to keep an eye on your family and friends too high -. Seniors are prime targets for different types of fraud, including insurance fraud

National Flood Insurance Program has been extended

10:41 PM Add Comment
National Flood Insurance Program has been extended -

The US National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which was to end in two months, was extended for six months under a project law approved by the House of representatives. This will extend the program until 31 March 2010. Congress created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in 1968 to help millions of American homeowners, renters and business owners to provide coverage if their community participates in the NFIP. Participating communities agree to adopt and enforce ordinances that meet or exceed FEMA requirements to reduce the risk of flooding
standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover flooding so it is important to know your relative risk of flooding -. it may be higher than you realize. You can check your relative flood risk, see your local flood map, and other information related to the flooding FloodSmart access to the official website of the NFIP.

Massachusetts drivers take note: Service Motor Vehicles Registry change

11:42 AM Add Comment
Massachusetts drivers take note: Service Motor Vehicles Registry change -

The economy takes its toll in many ways - one of them being that the states seek to strengthen their budgets and streamline government services. The budget takes a toll on the motor vehicle mass damper (RMV) services that many drivers have come to rely. For example, the RMV are not allowed mails renewal notices - it will be up to the drivers to keep track of the license expiration dates and renew at least seven days prior to expiration. Renew your license on your birthday.
In addition, the RMV has recently announced the closure of 11 offices MA RMV and a passage to 5 "mitigation" additional centers. The branches that have closed or are closing as follows: Lowell, North Attleboro, Cambridgeside Galleria, New Bedford, Springfield (Eastfield Mall), Southbridge, Framingham, Falmouth, Eastham, Beverly, and Boston (Chinatown)
New new full and express . Mitigation office will be located at: MTA Charlton Turnpike Center (full), MTA Natick Service Plaza (express), MHD Canal Visitor Center (express), MHD Peabody (express), and a location in Boston will be announced
See. a map of the new MA RMV
RMV reminds drivers that 18 transactions are now available online in the expressway. The RMV plans to partner with libraries to offer ways to help people who are not yet taking advantage of online help services to earn how to navigate online. Online services include:

  • Change of Address
  • FAST LANE profile
  • investigation License
  • investigation license
  • Mass / Liquor inquiry ID
  • order Special plates
  • organ donation and tissue
  • Pay Citations (Tickets)
  • investigation Registration
  • renew your license
  • renew Mass ID
  • renew your registration
  • Replace the driving license
  • Replace your Mass ID
  • Ask a driving record
  • Ask a duplicate registration
  • Title / Link Inquiry
  • Check Ed certificate of your driver

bequeathments Bizarre and weird applications will

9:40 PM Add Comment
bequeathments Bizarre and weird applications will -

Want to be buried in your favorite car? Or maybe you prefer to be preserved as an upright sitting mummy and kept on display at your alma mater? And how do you want your assets to be dispersed? Want to leave the fortune of your life to a precious dog or have divvied and distributed to foreigners? Or maybe after you passed, you would have a single red rose delivered daily to your surviving spouse, the way Jack Benny did? All these bizarre willingness applications and many others have been stipulated in wills at one time or another.
Whether your postmortem wishes are very exotic or purely pedestrians, they are not likely to happen unless you take proactive steps to ensure they do - and that requires the filing of a will and updating. Making a will is an important part of the financial planning process.
" Dying intestate " is the common term for die without a will. When this happens, decisions about the disposition of your assets by default with the applicable law of the State, which may or may not be in accordance with your preferences. Dying intestate could also give rise to a dispute between your potential heirs or a delay in being dispersed assets to your heirs. The CCH Financial Planning Toolkit adds some important considerations:

"The bad thing about dying intestate (other than death, of course) is that the default rules a state may not go far enough to meet the distribution of the deceased wishes. for example, although the surviving spouse is usually first in line to inherit the spouse may end up having to share the estate with ' other relatives of the deceased. also, if a person is not on the list of potential heirs, then he or she is out of luck (which may result in the exclusion of a "life partner," friend always, or charitable organization preferred). the latest outrage is that if there are no relatives identified during the approval, the State bears the deceased's assets have spent a lifetime acquiring. "

you can learn what is likely to happen to your assets should you die without a will by checking this map inheritance laws intestate for all 50 states.
It is important to note that the will is not the be all and end all to ensure the dispersion of your assets according to your wishes. The distribution of a large number of your financial assets - such as life insurance policies or 401K and IRA accounts - would be governed by that you named as the beneficiary. It is extremely important for you to keep your day to beneficiaries because the circumstances of life change. You may or may not be happy if your former spouse inherits your life insurance policy, but if you did not change the designated beneficiary, that could happen.

September 26: National "Saturday Security"

8:39 PM Add Comment
September 26: National "Saturday Security" -

October is National Fire Safety Month. To start it off, the Home Safety Council (HSC) teamed with Lowe Saturday to hold security Saturday, September 26, 09, a day of celebration safety.
Lowe's stores nationwide are planning family safety activities focused on education you and your family on how to keep safe from fire and other hazards in the home. Some shops are in partnership with local fire departments to accommodate side by side burn demonstration to show how quickly a home fire spreads and becomes lethal when it is not controlled. The demonstration compares the limited damage in a room which is protected by a sprinkler system in case of fire with the extent of damage that occurs in a room without watering.
Even if you can not attend one of these events, the idea to dedicate a Saturday to make your home safe is pretty good. According to the HSC, the home is the second most common location of unintentional fatal injuries, with engine displacement being the first. About 20% of all fatal accidents occur in the home. The five leading causes of unintentional injury death are falls, poisoning, fire / burns, choking / suffocation, and drowning; Together, these account for 0% of all deaths from unintentional home injuries. And for every death, there are about 650 non-fatal injuries. HSC said that children under 5 years and adults over 70 are the most at risk for home injuries, both fatal and non-fatal.
HSC offers excellent guides step by step security on a variety of topics to help you safety proof your house. They also offer a safety video library for children and adults.

Do not let Halloween turn into a nightmare on your street

7:38 PM Add Comment
Do not let Halloween turn into a nightmare on your street -

Halloween is one of the most popular festivals in the nation. We like the annual ritual to scare ourselves and our favorite silly children, all in the spirit of good fun mood. But as much fun as it can be, when you add up the risks associated with children, animals and property, the party can really earn its nickname, "Fright Night."

Potential problems
Unfortunately, children have a lot of injuries on Halloween. While the media can play dangers poisoned candy and predators, the most common injuries to children on Halloween are more pedestrian: eye injuries, burns, and being hit by cars. Halloween Other dangers include an increased number of deaths related to driving under the influence; a high rate of fire, vandalism and crimes against property; and a spike in incidents of animal cruelty. For the owner of the property, there is a brew of liability issues a real witch. The injuries that occur on your property can be considered your responsibility - whether a little Cinderella that triggers her dress or a vandal who breaks his leg while egging your house. If revelers drink too much alcohol while your home, you can be held liable for injuries that occur when they drive home. And if Halloween "tricks" your teenager result in property damage, you may have parental responsibility for the cost of that damage, depending on your state law. Additional risks you may encounter include vandalism to your home or your car and home fires triggered by candles and decorations or overloaded electrical outlets.
Most people enjoy a fun, safe Halloween and the odds are in your favor that you will too. But there are simple steps you can and should take to minimize the risks and keep things safe. One thing you can do in advance is to check with your insurance agent to be sure that your homeowners or rental insurance is current and that you have adequate protection. Discover your deductible (how much you have to pay out of pocket before insurance kicks) and the extent of your liability coverage
children Ensuring security :.

  • Equip kids with flashlights. Add Day-Glo or lighting trim on their costumes.
  • Make sure costumes are flame resistant and in fire safety.
  • Ensure costume does not impair vision or present a tripping hazard.
  • masks can limit visibility - .. colorful face paints are a cute alternative, creative, and safe
  • Make sure children are dressed warmly enough and comfortable, non-slip shoes
  • props and costume accessories should be short, soft and supple - no disc, long, sharp objects
  • Inspect all candy before children eat. Be alert for the risk of choking and look for anything that is loose or unpackaged
  • Do not let children walk while eating sweets on a stick - .. Very dangerous if they travel
  • Do not let children eat homemade treats unless they were made by someone you know very well
  • Stick to familiar neighborhoods and familiar houses
  • children should not enter homes unless they know well the neighbors
  • the children without adults should keep groups
  • Walk on sidewalks. Fill one side of the street, cross carefully, and fill the other side
  • use cross walks and crossing lights whenever possible
  • Drive very cautiously weekend, especially after dark - .. Excited little elves can spring out from everywhere

Other security issues

  • When decorating, avoid candles -. The use of lights and LED lights powered by battery instead.
  • Take care not to overload electrical circuits with lights.
  • paper and dried plant decorations can easily ignite. Keep them away from flames, lights and electrical cords
  • Keep porches and walkways well lit and free of debris and clutter that could be the risk of falls. . Put reflective tape on your steps and along your walk
  • Do not forget your pets - they could be disturbed by unusual activity and perhaps capricious. Keep them inside and away from the door so as not to frighten or pinch your guests.
  • Do not let your pets eat candy, which can be toxic to them.
  • Park your car in a garage if possible. Mischief-makers can egg your house or car.
  • Lock bikes, gas grills and other valuables outside.

Halloween pranks vandalism can go "soft" on more serious property damage and voluntary. A well-lit house lights and motion activated can help protect your home. If you have a garage, keep your car locked. If you do not, you might want to check your car before bed or early in the morning - that way, if your car has been "mischief" as spraying shaving cream, streamers, eggs, or other food material, you may be able to pipe away before the sun baked in some of these substances can cause scratches or dents. others can be corrosive to your painting. pressurized water from your hose is your best ally cleaning.

Call your agent
If you suffer damage to your property or have accidents during the Halloween weekend, file a request as soon as possible to get the claim process moving. Be prepared with details of where and when the event occurred, and the names and addresses of the injured parties or witnesses to the event. If there is damage to your property, report it to the police, take pictures and record the details in order not to forget them later.

other resources
Tips to make your safe parts
Halloween driver safety tips for Halloween Eve
Halloween Cleaning Guide Car -. how to remove eggs, shaving cream, streamers and more

Stand by your pan: Thanksgiving is the first day for cooking fires

6:37 PM Add Comment
Stand by your pan: Thanksgiving is the first day for cooking fires -

When most people think of Thanksgiving, they think of a beautiful languid day on the dinner table with family and friends ... or maybe the position to catch a local football match. Most people do not think like a particularly risky day - but according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the leading Thanksgiving day for cooking fires at home, with about 3 times the daily average. On Thanksgiving 07, US firefighters responded to 1,300 cooking fires
According to NFPA, cooking equipment was involved in :.

  • 40% of all reported home fires
  • 17% of home fire deaths
  • 6% of home civilian injuries
  • 12% of the direct property damage resulting from home fires

More facts about home cooking fires:

  • cooking unattended was the main factor contributing to the fires. Something that could catch fire was too close to the equipment ranked second and unintentionally turned on or not turned off third.
  • Ranges accounted for the largest share (59%) of home cooking fire incidents. Ovens accounted for 16%.
  • The households using electric ranges have a higher risk of fires and associated losses as those using gas stoves.
  • In a 1999 study of the range of fire by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, 83% of cooking fires started in the first 15 minutes of cooking.
  • Three-fifths of injury by home cooking fire reported occurred when the victims tried to fight the fire themselves. If you have a fire

More facts about NFPA kitchen fires
We have compiled some of the best security practices in the kitchen and fire prevention

  • Stay in the kitchen when frying, baking or grilling food or have food on the stove. If you are called away, turn off the burner.
  • Never cook while asleep, intoxicated, or heavily medicated
  • Keep children and pets out of the kitchen
  • Avoid loose clothing while cooking . Roll the sleeves, tie the hair
  • Ensure that kitchen utensils and cooking surfaces are clean and grease
  • Turn pan handles on top of the stove inward
  • Be careful of steam when opening the oven door, discovering pots, or take the food from the microwave
  • Keep towels, pot holders and other combustible material out and away from the stove
  • Check Appliance cords for fraying or loose caps
  • not overload electrical circuits with devices
  • you have slip-resistant mats in front of the stove and sink
  • Keep aerosol cans away from the stove
  • you have class ABC fire extinguishers available and how to use them
  • have kits first hand to care for burns
  • If you have a fire in the microwave oven, keep the door closed and unplug it
  • the never water on a grease fire. Try to cover with a lid or extinguishing with baking powder.

More advice on cooking safely and what to do if you have a kitchen fire NFPA.
Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!