Credit card and ATM skimming - a growing threat

2:45 PM
Credit card and ATM skimming - a growing threat -

Most people know the basic safety precautions to take when using an ATM, such as research safety, well-lit areas and taking care to cover the keypad when entering a PIN code - but far fewer people are aware of the growing threat posed by ATM and credit card skimming. With card skimming, thieves attach a card reader camouflaged on a legitimate card reader, such as your ATM, gas pump, or store your order. You would think it would be easy to recognize a phony card reader - but as thousands of victims around the world, we could be wrong. Ruses are becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. Some devices are placed on a keyboard to record your transactions and collect data for later use. Others are micro-hand-held devices that thieves can use to quickly analyze a map.
NetworkWorld offers an excellent article on ATM and credit card skimming, which describes how the con and offers an illustrated guide with examples of what to look for when using a credit or debit card. This is certainly an article worth reading and passing on
To protect yourself from being a victim, make sure that you check the credit card reader before using them to search for unusual signs -. If you see something strange or get an error message, report it to the bank or the responsible decision immediately. Do not let anyone help you to an ATM outlet - this "helpfulness" is a common ploy to skimmers. Also, register for online services on your account and check the activity and your account statements every few days.

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