Stand by your pan: Thanksgiving is the first day for cooking fires

6:37 PM
Stand by your pan: Thanksgiving is the first day for cooking fires -

When most people think of Thanksgiving, they think of a beautiful languid day on the dinner table with family and friends ... or maybe the position to catch a local football match. Most people do not think like a particularly risky day - but according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the leading Thanksgiving day for cooking fires at home, with about 3 times the daily average. On Thanksgiving 07, US firefighters responded to 1,300 cooking fires
According to NFPA, cooking equipment was involved in :.

  • 40% of all reported home fires
  • 17% of home fire deaths
  • 6% of home civilian injuries
  • 12% of the direct property damage resulting from home fires

More facts about home cooking fires:

  • cooking unattended was the main factor contributing to the fires. Something that could catch fire was too close to the equipment ranked second and unintentionally turned on or not turned off third.
  • Ranges accounted for the largest share (59%) of home cooking fire incidents. Ovens accounted for 16%.
  • The households using electric ranges have a higher risk of fires and associated losses as those using gas stoves.
  • In a 1999 study of the range of fire by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, 83% of cooking fires started in the first 15 minutes of cooking.
  • Three-fifths of injury by home cooking fire reported occurred when the victims tried to fight the fire themselves. If you have a fire

More facts about NFPA kitchen fires
We have compiled some of the best security practices in the kitchen and fire prevention

  • Stay in the kitchen when frying, baking or grilling food or have food on the stove. If you are called away, turn off the burner.
  • Never cook while asleep, intoxicated, or heavily medicated
  • Keep children and pets out of the kitchen
  • Avoid loose clothing while cooking . Roll the sleeves, tie the hair
  • Ensure that kitchen utensils and cooking surfaces are clean and grease
  • Turn pan handles on top of the stove inward
  • Be careful of steam when opening the oven door, discovering pots, or take the food from the microwave
  • Keep towels, pot holders and other combustible material out and away from the stove
  • Check Appliance cords for fraying or loose caps
  • not overload electrical circuits with devices
  • you have slip-resistant mats in front of the stove and sink
  • Keep aerosol cans away from the stove
  • you have class ABC fire extinguishers available and how to use them
  • have kits first hand to care for burns
  • If you have a fire in the microwave oven, keep the door closed and unplug it
  • the never water on a grease fire. Try to cover with a lid or extinguishing with baking powder.

More advice on cooking safely and what to do if you have a kitchen fire NFPA.
Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

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