Regarding volunteering, we tip our hats to our Alliance members Renaissance Insurance Agencies!

6:00 PM
Regarding volunteering, we tip our hats to our Alliance members Renaissance Insurance Agencies! -

Featured Image Giving Tuesday 2015-2 To give Tuesday yesterday, we were pleased to highlight some of the charitable efforts of Renaissance Alliance members to our blog Caring Company. Renaissance Insurance agents are local agents who live and work in the communities they serve. As such, community involvement is a strong value!

Take a minute to check some recent initiatives by our member organizations, as well as links to the organizations they support and photo galleries of staff. These are just a small sample of recent charitable and community events that have come to our attention

Don Tuesday annual event is a great tradition and a reminder of the importance of community service -. But the support of our communities and charitable activities should really be a priority 365 days a year for all of us! In all gifts donated the holiday season, it is good to set some time aside and money to those less fortunate or who have special needs.

Caring Company Follow on Twitter! We also keep a list of nonprofit organizations in New England on Twitter and regularly add, if you know of one, add, let us know. You can subscribe to this feed too - we encourage you to retweet and support activities for local non-profit, fundraising and volunteer opportunities on your own Twitter account

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