Do not be a victim: be alert for insurance fraud and scams

12:43 PM
Do not be a victim: be alert for insurance fraud and scams -

Especially in this tough economy, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is warning consumers to keep their guard to avoid becoming victims of insurance fraud. Regarding the pricing of insurance, it is best to respect the old adage "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" According to NAIC:

. "Companies' insurance false and dishonest insurance agents can defraud consumers by collecting premiums for false policies, without intention or ability to pay claims. home, health, life and auto Phony policies are usually offered at rates that are significantly lower than in the traditional market price to attract consumers looking to save money. "

They suggest that if you are not sure of the company or agent you are dealing with, take these three steps:

  • STOP before signing any document or check
  • call your insurance service of the state, which is easily accessible by phone
  • cONFIRM the company or agent offering insurance is legitimate and licensed in the state.

This is a clickable map to find your insurance agency of the state and is the NAIC consumer information Source here, where you can file a complaint or to research complaints from business and information financial.
It may also be helpful to keep them informed of common fraud schemes. The Coalition for insurance fraud scam alerts consumers assurance positions and they have a good list of links to fraud insurance to consumers. The FBI also publishes updates for common fraud schemes. Be sure to keep an eye on your family and friends too high -. Seniors are prime targets for different types of fraud, including insurance fraud

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