Preventing frozen pipes: advice of experts

8:15 PM
Preventing frozen pipes: advice of experts -

Depositphotos_9251576_xs In cold weather, the common wood frog adapts literally putting himself in a deep freeze. In a miracle of biology, these adaptive frogs freeze and stop their hearts, but they come back to life with the spring thaw.

Although frozen frogs are pretty amazing, frozen pipes are anything but. If you turn on your tap in winter and nothing comes out, there's a good chance you may have frozen pipes, especially if the weather was very cold. Frozen pipes can be a costly claim on your homeowners policy, but a few steps annual maintenance can help prevent problems. Even if you have not prepared well before winter and now find yourself in the icy weather model, there are steps you can take to protect your pipes. The Red Cross offers excellent tips to prevent pipes freezing and tips for how to thaw the pipes on should they freeze. Here are some of their tips during the cold season:

  • Keep garage doors closed if there are water supply lines in the garage
  • Cooking and bathroom cabinet doors to allow the hot air. to circulate around the plumbing. Make sure you move the harmful cleaners and household chemicals up out of reach of children.
  • When the weather is very cold outside, let the drip of the faucet served by exposed pipes with cold water. Running water through the pipe - even at a trickle - helps prevent pipes from freezing
  • Keep the thermostat set to the same temperature during the day and night .. By suspending temporarily the use of lower nighttime temperatures, you may incur a higher heating bill, but you can prevent a repair job much more expensive if pipes freeze and burst.
  • If you go far in cold weather, leave the heat in your home, set to a temperature not lower than 55 ° F

FEMA also has some great tips for before, during and after winter storms and extreme cold.

In a short video clip, This Old House plumbing and heating Richard Trethewey shows various ways of preventing and thawing frozen pipes.

Here are some other video clips This Old House who will help you keep your water pipes in good condition and prevent problems.

How Drain pipes for winter
How to Install a frost resistant valve with PEX Piping

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