insurance issues for the rich and famous

6:25 PM
insurance issues for the rich and famous -

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote: "Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. "Thanks to Eric Gilkey of , we learn that insurance issues for the rich and famous are very different from yours and mine. In a fun slideshow, it looks at the issues of assurance that surfaced related to a variety of celebrities. - Charlie Sheen, Tiger Woods, Lindsay Lohan, Michael Jackson, and others
Although some of these scenarios are far enough issues that face most corporate and individual, there are some things to learn. business owners take note and similar wedding planners should take note of the event cancellation insurance. and while risk management issues reputation discussed concern endorsers celebrity run amuck, every company has some exposure related to reputation management.

Ensure body parts?
It is difficult to talk about celebrities and insurance without discussing all the stories you hear about film and rock stars performing part of their anatomy for millions of dollars. Many of these reports are not true - unlike the online rumor, Tom Jones has not taken several million dollars for the chest hair policy. A Slate , Daniel Engber talking party insurance body and notes that, although some cases are true, many are not. He speculates that some of these false stories may have been distributed by staff eager to get a buzz for their clients public relations. We feature a jokey insurance product which was a cute promotional shot.

Whether body parts or other risks associated with celebrity, Lloyds of London holds the crown for some of the strangest ever issued insurance policies.

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