News roundup independent insurance agents Renaissance

11:30 AM
News roundup independent insurance agents Renaissance -

We are pleased that, in addition to our Renaissance Alliance group blog, many of our members independent insurance agents maintain their own blogs. Here is an overview of some recent posts we've found useful:
Blog Geoff Gordon Gordon Insurance has recent huge security threat messages that digital copiers pose, including a video very scary that business owners should see. Another recent post deals with Chinese drywall and the implications on your home insurance
The Wolpert blog Wolpert Insurance has a recent post on the Ministry of Massachusetts new transport safety program :. Bikes and cars: same roads the same rules. The blog also has a post with a funny video about a dog eating a cop car - you have to see to believe. Car-eating dogs are a common danger for car owners - but that's the thing about insurance - it covers you for the unexpected
MA Encharter Insurance Blog offers some very useful tips on security in both areas of your household :. Pool safety and security of the dryer.
For more tips and using a Renaissance Alliance Insurance Agency, consult our list of members in the sidebar on the left or to find an insurance agent near you on our Google map.

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