Before and after winter storms: advance planning and the submission of applications

7:50 PM
Before and after winter storms: advance planning and the submission of applications

- With a major ice storm under our belt, many area residents are simply fed and heat back and we face a greater potential adverse weather weekend.
the American Insurance Association provides practical advice for homeowners following the northeast storm, which include pointers on how to start the insurance process. And if your home was damaged or destroyed, you can invest two and half minutes to look at the tips of the Insurance Information Institute on how to file the request of an owner:

Preparation of the next storm
with little notice, there are things you can do to prepare for emergencies winter storm. Here are some good resources:
The American Red Cross suggests a list of supplies to include in a home emergency kit, covering items such as water, food, first aid supplies, clothing and bedding, tools and emergency supplies, and special. Articles
Winter blackout Tips -. a great resource on what to do before, during and after a crash compiled by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
does not freeze (PDF) - good advice for preventing frozen. pipes
preventing carbon monoxide poisoning after an emergency - carbon monoxide the Centers for Disease Control informed us that every year over 500 people die in the US from accidental CO poisoning and unfortunately here New England, we had death after PI recent storms. In Massachusetts, the law says you must have a carbon monoxide detector on each floor of your home, excluding unfinished basements, attics and crawl spaces. You may need more than one stage by because the detectors must be placed within 10 feet of a bedroom door. This is good advice for owners or not your state has a law. Be sure to periodically refresh your batteries.

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