Insurance fraud hall of shame

5:48 PM
Insurance fraud hall of shame -

Doctors and dentists do. The judges do. Even the old ladies do. Welcome to the Fraud Hall of Shame Insurance 08 dirty dozen
insurance fraud is a crime that is estimated at nearly $ 80 billion per year "more brazen, vicious or plain klutzy crooks of insurance of America. " - Some put the figure higher. Unfortunately, honest people take over for cheaters and criminals in the form of higher insurance costs. Although some would say that organized criminal scams to defraud insurers - often also harm others in the process - constitute fraud, the public has mixed opinions on so-called soft fraud may be intentionally padding values losses in a "soft fraud." the owner application or underestimate the number of employees on the payroll for workers comp. Various public attitude surveys to the insurance fraud purchased over the years have shown that many people - perhaps up to one in three. - think the kind of soft fraud is OK in a recent survey in the UK, 4.7 million people reported that insurance fraud is now more acceptable because of the tough economy. But this type of fraud adds real dollars to the amount we pay all premiums for our insurance coverage.
Do not be a victim of fraud insurance
in addition to paying higher premiums, fraud can hurt people in many ways. Staged car accidents injure and kill innocent victims. Employers who carry average workers impairs benefits for employees who are injured on the job. Identity fraud hurts innocent people credit and reputation
Here are some steps you can take to avoid being a victim of fraud insurance :.

  • Know whom you are dealing. Use only certified agents and authorized insurers. Contact your state insurance office if in doubt.
  • Shop. Ask your agent to get more than one bid.
  • Do not pay cash bonuses. Get a receipt for payments.
  • Get a written copy of your insurance policy and review it. Yes, even the fine print.
  • Do not sign a blank form.
  • Do not accept "on the spot" cash for an accident.
  • Be wary of strangers "useful" that emerge on the scene of a car accident that offer tips on body shops, doctors or lawyers.
  • Get detailed invoices for repairs or medical services
  • Keep that old saying in mind. ". If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is"
  • Be careful to give your Social Security number - do not give to anyone you do not know.
  • Check with your insurance office of the State to ensure that your employer has the workers compensation insurance that protect you in case of accident in the workplace.
  • If you do not understand something or question the validity of something, do not be afraid to check with the insurance office in your state.
  • Report of fraud when you see it.

insurance department of the state links
Office of the State fraud Links

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