Insurance and your dog

3:22 PM
Insurance and your dog -

If you are considering a dog, or even if you already have one, it is essential that it be an owner or tenant to check with your agent insurance to establish or review your liability coverage for dog bites and other canine related injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that each year more than 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs, and last year, the average cost of a dog bite claim was $ 26,166, according to the Insurance Information Institute - and costs continue to rise due to increasing medical costs and major cities.

most states have strict laws holding owners directly responsible for injuries or damages caused by their dogs (you can check the status of responsibility for your state here), and some insurance policies exclude dog breeds that are considered particularly aggressive (see Top 7 Dangerous dog breeds), so in addition to the assessment of your ability to properly care for and train a dog, it is essential to ensure that you are covered by your police, and take steps to minimize any risk of dog bite or other injury

Tips for dog owners looking owner / renter of coverage for their dog (s) :.

  • Enroll your dog in obedience classes and work to help the dog earn a degree or certification
  • schedule refresher courses for dogs that have been trained, but are not as attentive as they were!
  • Neuter male dogs to reduce the domination and aggression
  • always keep dogs on a leash and under control during walks
  • If your dog is allowed outdoors on your property, make sure the area is adequately fenced and protected
  • never leave young children alone with a dog, and still they learn to behave safely around dogs
  • If foreigners are nervous dog, make sure to separate the new visitors to your home
  • to keep the dog at bay frustration, always make sure that your dog is properly exercised, and not allow them be exposed to teasing or mocking

Finally, if you are considering getting a dog mainly for home protection, you should know that money spent on enhanced security measures will ultimately be more easier, more reliable, less expensive -. and more respectful of the animal

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