FDA Approves Over the pill counter sale of the day

3:22 PM
FDA Approves Over the pill counter sale of the day -

Womens Health Care Ending a long battle, the Food and Drug Administration said Thursday that it would permit the sale of the emergency contraceptive Plan B one-Step to customers of all ages without requiring a prescription. This controversial evolution proves important for Americans, that the debate on over-the-counter access to emergency contraceptives lasted more than a decade, even dating back to the Bush administration.

Worrying that the free access to emergency contraception would allow girls as young as 10 to easily purchase the drug, the Obama administration was grappling with the court to preserve the age restrictions young teenagers. However, after recent legal setbacks the case was dropped. Call restrictions FDA unreasonable age, US District Judge Korman ruled that emergency contraception available to women of all ages, giving the FDA 30 days to comply. Soon after, the FDA told the court that it would quickly approve an application for over-the-counter sales by Teva, the manufacturer of Plan B One-Step.

Plan B One-Step is an emergency contraceptive to reduce the risk of pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse or failure of the known or suspected contraceptive like a condom. It was approved by the FDA in July 09 for use without a prescription for women 17 years and older as an option only on prescription for younger women as age 17.

"Over Access -the-counter emergency contraceptive products has the potential to further reduce the rate of unintended pregnancies in the United States, "read Thursday's statement by Dr. Janet Woodcock, director of FDA's Center for evaluation and drug research.

This step aligns with recent expansion and focus on health and well-being of women of President Obama. Affordable Care Act The signature of the president requires that eligible services under preventive health care for women, such as mammograms, screenings for cervical cancer and prenatal care is covered without cost sharing for new health plans .

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