Cell phones and distracted driving

12:32 PM Add Comment
Cell phones and distracted driving -

Cell phones have become embedded in our culture in a surprisingly short time. As a nation, we, AOVE become accustomed to being available to make or receive calls 24/7, no matter where we are. Although the convenience of a cell phone can not be underestimated, it, AOS time to step back and be more careful with our phones. 99% of the time, it really is not, AOT is no reason to use your phone while driving you, Aore. If the call is that important, pull over, stop and take next.
Studies show that using a cellphone while driving is almost as dangerous as drinking and driving, as graphically illustrated in this video 20/20. Yet, states have been slow to prohibit their use outright, with the prohibition of only nine states currently use mobile phones while driving and 35 plus banning texting while driving. This may be changing as the National Transportation Safety Board has recently published a FAQ sheet on the dangers of distracted driving (PDF) and calling for a national ban. The idea of ​​a national ban gaining ground, partly because of a recently published study by California, where traffic deaths have decreased by 22% in the two years since the hand held the cell phone use while driving was banned.
If the ban is passed in all fifty states, how can affect car insurance rates? Since policies vary so much from state to state, it, AOS difficult to say. Currently in New York, his ticket for cell phone use results into three violation points on driving record, and a fine of $ 100, and other compulsory fees and surcharges up $ 85. The penalties are the same for texting or email used while driving, with the exception of the maximum base fine goes up to $ 150.
Here, AOS a graph of cell phone use and current state Texting While Driving Laws.

What is non-proprietary and rental car insurance coverage?

11:31 AM Add Comment
What is non-proprietary and rental car insurance coverage? -

This is a client by Geoff Gordon, Director at Gordon Insurance Agency, a member organization of the Renaissance Alliance. It is a position that has been previously selected on commercial insurance Blog Geoff Gordan.
This coverage is used to provide the motor vehicle liability protection used in your business that are not owned, rented, leased, rented or borrowed by the company. This includes automotive employees and subcontractors that are used on behalf of your company.
is an example. A salesman is on his way to an appointment. They drive their own car, not a company car. But on the way to the appointment, there is an accident. Someone was injured, and the employee was at fault.
What your employee has a lot of personal insurance or not, the chance of the company to be led in the trial that is bound to follow is high. Even if you had checked your personal auto insurance salesman, but especially if they do not have high limits, the company is likely to be continued.
Non-Owned auto liability is the name of. insurance that will defend the company
You do not need a seller fast driving to need this coverage: in our business, no company cars. The president leads a personal vehicle, as does each employee. So it is when employees are there to bank runs, pick up mail, file documents to customers and other business tasks, while using their own cars and trucks. In other words, in vehicles belonging to non-employers.
Because employees are really your business, especially while on the volume of business, their conduct can be your risk.
Cover Automobile leasing is his cousin. This cover is used to protect against liability claims resulting from the use of hired vehicles, leased, rented or borrowed by you or your employees, while in the normal course of business. Keep in mind that this is liability coverage, and separate from the coverage for damage to rented or leased vehicle. (This is called non-owned and hired physical damage).
This coverage is usually included in a business auto policy when there are vehicles in the company, but it can be added to most policies "package" when no automobile insurance policy business exists. It is not necessary for owners only business owner with no employees, because a business owner is the owner of the vehicle, and there is no non-owned vehicles.
This is commercial insurance coverage, not available on a personal auto policy. The cost ranges from $ 50 to $ 125 per year, according to the limits, the number of employees, and if it is part of a business auto policy or a package.
For more information on organizing your insurance so that the little things are not lost in the details, contact your independent agent!

Fuel The new labels on cars in 2013 will help consumers save

9:29 PM Add Comment
Fuel The new labels on cars in 2013 will help consumers save -

This is a client by Ross Insurance Agency, a member of Renaissance assurance agency Alliance.
The introduction of new cars every spring and summer is an annual rite buyers passage.Potential look forward with new models, makes, technologies and innovations - and to the new price tag. Increasingly, one of the important features that consumers want is good fuel economy and "green" technologies that help minimize vehicle impact on the environment. This year, consumers will have a useful new tool to help with these concerns when purchasing a new car.
From 2013 models, all new vehicles will feature a redesigned fuel economy label and the environmental impact. The new labels were developed by the Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency. They represent a major change to give consumers actionable information, more tools for comparison and best benchmarks for potential savings.
new-fuel-economy-label.JPG city
The number in the top left label is combined, while the city and highway mileage is included in the smallest type. There is also information on the range of mileage for all cars in its class, so if you buy a midsize car, you can see the range of options and how this specific car stacks. Another useful feature at the top right of the label is an estimate of the extra money will save or spend on fuel over a period of five years. The label also includes an estimated annual cost of fuel and vehicle rates for environmental impact. Finally, the label also includes a QR code that will launch the information and other tools much more detailed if you downloaded a scanner application on your smartphone.
There are also new tags for hybrid and electric vehicles that provide additional information specific to those vehicles, such as driving ranges. And for the skeptics who think that these alternative fuel vehicles are a fad, a quick glance at a sample label for electric vehicles is quite revealing: an annual fuel cost of $ 0? Wow
If you buy a new car this year, make sure you get the best coverage for your auto insurance in Massachusetts -. Look for a Renaissance Agency Alliance!

oops: 7 reasons why you need insurance for expensive collectibles

10:30 AM Add Comment
oops: 7 reasons why you need insurance for expensive collectibles -

Do your own clumsiness or Butterfingers never result in the loss of property precious? You are not alone. Businessweek has a fascinating slideshow of Whoops! Sept. extremely costly accidents. These tales cringeworthy run the gamut of drilling a hole in a Picasso painting multi-million dollar break the 50 other cellos of Stradivari, an error estimated at $ 20 million.
The case of the damaged painting was wide attention. The painting was the property magnate Steve Wynn casinos, which damaged when showing friends. You can learn more about the unfortunate incident in the New Yorker 's article The elbow of $ 40 million. Of course, the painting was insured - but as one might expect with such an expensive item, things got complicated. Wynn has filed a lawsuit against the insurer Lloyds of London for $ 54 million in lost-damages. Subsequent press reports say that the case was settled out of court.
learn from those mistakes. Whether a Picasso or a dental crown that belonged to Elvis Presley, it is important to ensure that your expensive collections are properly insured.

Hurricane Sandy Tool Kit: Preparation, monitoring and assurance

8:28 PM Add Comment
Hurricane Sandy Tool Kit: Preparation, monitoring and assurance - resources

Here are some resources to help you track and prepare Sandy - as well as insurance-related resources if you commit damage. We've also included some good info gleaned from past hurricanes, if they are still relevant.
Follow Storm
MSNBC Hurricane Tracker
Central Storm 2012 NOAAA
National Hurricane Center Facebook
Weather Underground - including co-founder
Dr. Jeff Master WunderBlog
New England emergency Resources
CT: @CTDEMHS - Connecticut Deparment of emergency services
MA: @ MassEMA - MA emergency Management Agency
ME: @ MaineEMA - Maine emergency Management Agency
NH: @NHgov - ReadyNH
NY: @NYSDHSES - NY Division of Homeland Security and emergency services
RI: @RhodeIslandEMA - RI emergency Management Agency
VT: @vemvt - VT emergency management
Hurricane preparation
It is not too late to conduct an inventory in preparation for Hurricane Irene - Always relevant information
Sense current guidance before & after hurricane
Prepare an effective evacuation plan
checklist for protecting your technology before and during a hurricane
disaster planning for small businesses - a checklist of
national Association of insurance Commissioners, which covers the key stages in the preparation, and an overview of related insurance issues you need to consider
Hurricane preparation Tips and disaster preparedness - . the Insurance Information Institute
Hurricane Checklists security - of the Red Cross
insurance matters
Homeowners Insurance policies in many coastal states affected by Hurricane Sandy Have franchises
hurricane and windstorm deductibles
claims reporting: direct links to Renaissance Alliance insurance partner says reports pages - list includes 40 of the largest state insurers. If your insurer is not listed here, contact your Mass Division of the main number of the insurance (617) 521-7794 or consumer information hotline (617) 521-7794 or independent agent
Tips reporting applications :. What consumers should know when confronted with a loss - important, but sometimes difficult, filing a claim can be one of the most frustrating process during a crisis or following a disaster majeure. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners offers tips for your insurance company should help you avoid problems getting your claims paid.

Have a safe, happy Thanksgiving - and be cautious on Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday

7:27 PM Add Comment
Have a safe, happy Thanksgiving - and be cautious on Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday -

Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you and your family have a wonderful stay - here are some tips to keep things safe and healthy
Thanksgiving weekend used to be all about turkey, football and family but in recent years - for better or worse - it is all about shopping. We can now go to the biggest shopping day of the year - Black Friday - Cyber ​​Monday until a whirlwind shopping spree. Except this year, Black Friday can start early with some of the nation's largest box stores. In what many call "Gray Thursday," some stores are starting Advance, on Thanksgiving Day itself -. Much to the dismay of some store employees
If you're planning to brave the crowds, here are some tips for Black Friday personal safety plan to avoid being trampled, assaulted, scammed, or otherwise mistreated. You might also want to check these Black Friday Shopping Tips Consumer Reports for some of the best purchasing practices.
Saturday, November 24, 2012 is Small Business Saturday, a day can really get behind. The purpose of this day is to celebrate and support small local businesses. Why not support your friends and neighbors? It is a great way to ensure that your local community continues to thrive and grow
Cyber ​​Monday is all about shopping online -. No crowds, but be alert for scammers, spammers and phishers. Shopping online can be fun and comfortable, but you must take steps to ensure that your purchase is safe and secure
Here are some safe buying tips :.

  • Make sure your web security, malware detection and anti virus programs are updated and your firewall is on. Many experts suggest the approach "belt and suspenders" to have more than one program as a backup.
  • Make sure your browser is up to date.
  • Beware email phishing deals, they are quite good at creating authentic-looking emails parodies of shipments of large entities names. Do not click the link, type the site
  • Ensure that all purchases are conducted in a secure environment. - Check "https" in the address in your web browser - that all-important "s" stands for "secure." - never complete a transaction without it
  • public Wi-Fi is not secure to avoid making bank transactions and expose your credit card information, passwords or personal information
  • Before shopping, it is a good time to update your passwords . Create unique passwords for each site. - Here are some tips for creating secure passwords
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Beware of "free" offers gifts and contests unknown sites - do not give personal information or credit card numbers to anyone you do not know. Stick with reputable sites and brand names

Here are some tips :.
11 Tips for Safe Online Shopping PC Magazine
Holiday Shopping Dos and Don 'ts Reports
Consumer Online Safety Guide
OnGuard Online-

Tips and tools for avoiding or dealing with influenza

6:26 PM Add Comment
Tips and tools for avoiding or dealing with influenza -

with 700 cases of the flu in Boston and counting, the city declared an emergency flu. But you're not off the hook if you do not live in Boston - there have been 18 deaths in the state of this writing, and the Centers for Disease Control reported a high level of high levels of influenza-like illness while throughout most of the country.
Mass.Gov has an excellent site on influenza which offers multilingual fact sheets and information on the protection, preparation and taking care of yourself and others. The site also offers special resources for these groups:

  • Health professionals
  • Pregnant women and parents
  • School & Childcare professionals - plus, School -based Flu Vaccination Clinics.

For more resources, visit the CDC website flu.gov seasonal influenza

business Tips
the US department of Health and Human services offers enterprise resource planning to flu.gov.
Zurich, one of Renaissance business partners, has prepared an excellent guide for companies: Flu Outbreak: What your company should

Blizzard of '13!

5:25 PM Add Comment
Blizzard of '13! -

If you live in New England, you know that the Blizzard of '78 is part of local tradition. You can relive this historic storm with a presentation of the Taunton MA NOAA: The Blizzard of '78 Revisited. Hopefully the lessons we have learned and will keep us all safer and better prepared in the next few days in what promises to be another historic storm :. The Blizzard of '13
We have compiled some of our previous posts dealing with extreme winter weather to help you get through the storm. Stay home, stay safe, keep warm, and call your agent if you have problems.
Brrrr! extreme weather survival tips for your home, your car and you - a winter survival kit with a compilation of expert advice with tips for protecting homes, cars and people in extreme winter conditions
share the road with snowplows -. common sense tips for safe driving near plows and heavy equipment.
Brrr ... are you ready for the cold if your car has failed? - If you must not drive in the storm, here are some tips on what to keep in your car emergency kit
Before and after winter storms: advance planning and the submission of applications - advice on how to start the insurance process if your house or car is damaged in the storm
shoveling snow and snow security - .. basic tips to help you avoid problems shoveling
Are you ready for icy roads, snow? Sharpen your winter driving skills - a fun way to hone your skills season and maybe even learn something new
Dealing with dams of ice and other climatic vagaries of winter -. Tips if you have ice dams or storm poster snow overload problems
more, here are some links to handy resources
State Offices of emergency management
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
Weather.gov - active weather alerts - enter your postal code to local alerts

Prepare yourself: This is the time of the tax phishing

4:24 PM Add Comment
Prepare yourself: This is the time of the tax phishing -

The time of the year again ... it's so predictable you could almost set your watch by it: tax season email scams. Thieves are smart enough and can create a fake convincing-looking email - do not fall into their traps. By clicking on a fake or "phish" Mail could mean a computer virus, lost money, or a stolen identity. And guess what? There are not that computer beginners who fall for these scams. intelligent and experienced people can be tricked too
First rule, the right to the IRS

The IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email asking for personal or financial information. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as text messages and social media channels.

Any unsolicited emails claiming to be from either the IRS or any other IRS-related components such as the Bureau of professional responsibility or EFTPS, should be reported to phishing@irs.gov~ V ~.

Here's a guide to the IRS with information on the recognition and phishing reports and other fraudulent solicitations.
Second rule: never send sensitive financial information by email - it is not secure. This includes social security numbers or PIN numbers, passwords and other access information for credit cards, banks or other financial accounts
Third rule :. If you get an email request to update your password or enter an account number, password or other identifiable information, DO NOT click on a link or reply. Instead, go directly to the website of the organization that requires updating and login to your account. If there is a request for updated information you will find there
Fourth rule :. Never enter any financial or account information to a site unless you are sure it is secure. How can you tell? Look for the "s" - most sites are preceded by http: // - secure Web sites use https: // - a small letter makes all the difference. Most browsers also show a small icon of a padlock on the right in the address bar next to the web address. You can not always trust a graphical web page promising safety since these can be faked - search the site address and the padlock in the address bar
For more, see our past messages :.
How can I send Solidly tax Docs sensitive to my tax return?
are not hooked by phishing tax time!

April is National Autism Awareness Month

3:23 PM Add Comment
April is National Autism Awareness Month -

The Autism Society was famous National Autism Awareness Month since the 1970s According to the Autism Society, autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects the ability of a person to communicate and interact with others. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a "spectrum disorder" that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. The prevalence of autism had risen to 1 in every 88 births in the United States and almost 1 in 54 boys
Here are some resources for autism for parents, teachers and friends :.

  • The Center Autism Now us the source of the nation for the resources and information about community solutions for people with autism, other developmental disorders, and their families .
  • Autism Speaks - Resource Library
  • National Autism Resources
  • 10 Tech Resources Autism Community

Here are two video clips related to autism that we appreciate. The first clip is by Temple Grandin, perhaps the world's most famous person with autism. Diagnosed with autism as a child, she talks about how her mind works - sharing her ability to "think in pictures," which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss. It highlights the fact that the world needs people on the autism spectrum :. visual thinkers, pattern thinkers, verbal thinkers, and all kinds of geeky smart kids
The second video is an uncle to talk with and about his autistic nephew. Her by the Brothers of the Winn What you need to know the series.

Are you financially literate? Take these short questionnaires to see

2:22 PM Add Comment
Are you financially literate? Take these short questionnaires to see -

OK, the day the tax is -. You can breathe a sigh of relief
But wait - do not relax yet. April is the month of Financial Literacy - just how savvy are you about your finances? You can test your knowledge with this quiz Financial Literacy and see how you rank compared to the base on high school seniors across the country. The questionnaires are part of the Jump $ tart
Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing financial literacy among students in pre-kindergarten to university.
If your scores are embarrassing, do not despair. There are some excellent consumer tools to help you get your financial house in order. Here are a few:

  • As part of the Month of financial literacy, the Federation of nonprofit Consumers of America wants to help motivate you to save. To sweeten the pot, they are giving away $ 500 to help a person achieve their savings goal. Pledge to save by subscribing to receive periodic text tips on saving, and you could win. You must register between April 1 and April 30, 2013 and you must be 18 or older to win. In addition, standard text messaging rates may apply, depending on your plan.
  • 30 Steps to Wellness Financial offers 30 days of tips and tools to help you get your finances in order and improve your overall financial situation. Do not miss the tools for success.
  • MyMoney.gov - a resource submitted by 20 federal agencies and offices of the US government working on improving financial literacy and education. It includes excellent tools such as budgets Worksheets, Checklists and Calculators.
  • 360 days of Financial Literacy - tools of the American Institute of CPAs.

Tomorrow is the Day Do not Fry

1:21 PM Add Comment
Tomorrow is the Day Do not Fry -

As the weekend of Memorial Day launches the summer season, the CDC, EPA, FDA and the National Council on skin cancer prevention have a message for you: do not fry
There are more than 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer diagnosed and 2, 2 million people processed in the United States each year. The American Cancer Society estimates there will be more than 76.250 new cases of malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer. The states with the highest incidence rates of melanoma are: New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Utah, Connecticut, Idaho, Delaware, Washington, Oregon, and Massachusetts
skin cancer is highly curable if found early and can be prevented ..
the National Council on skin cancer prevention offers these tips:
Remember Slip! Slop! Slap Wrap ... and when you're outside - slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen with broad spectrum SPF 30 or higher, slap on a wide-brimmed hat, and wrap on sunglasses. The best way to detect early skin cancer is to examine your skin regularly and recognize changes in moles and skin growths.

  • Do not burn or tan
  • Seek Shade
  • Wear clothing Sun-protection
  • Apply generously Sunscreen
  • Be especially caution near water, snow and sand
  • Get vitamin D safely

More tips and tools
the American cancer Society: Be Safe in the Sun
CDC: skin prevention and cancer education tools
NIOSH: the protection of workers against UV radiation

The Insurance is i: Your homeowners cover

12:20 PM Add Comment
The Insurance is i: Your homeowners cover -

The Insurance Information Institute offers excellent short video clip explaining the basics of insurance.It owners said that most policies covered (and not covered) and provides an overview of liability, additional living expenses and other coverages in your policy.

From one second to the other: Powerful

11:19 AM Add Comment
From one second to the other: Powerful -

powerful documentary film of 35 minutes from acclaimed director Werner Herzog takes a hard look at following a split second mistake - texting while driving. He was released in early August and already has nearly 2 million views. It tells the stories of people who have suffered the effects of texting-while driving accidents -. Told by the victims, first responders, and the people who caused the accident by sending

It only takes a second to cause a tragedy. Make a commitment: It can wait

The film was produced in partnership by wireless carriers AT & T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile and Sprint. A shorter version will be displayed in 40,000 secondary schools at the beginning of the coming school year. Learn more about the film here:
for "one second to the next" Director Werner Herzog has accumulated nearly 1.75 million views on YouTube since its debut on August 8

No tricks, just treats

9:17 PM Add Comment
No tricks, just treats -

Here in New England, our Halloween has just taken on a new flavor with the Red Sox win last night. Although we always suggest that you take precautions against ghosts and goblins to ensure that you protect your home and keep everyone safe, we think there is so much joy in New England today scary spirits can choose another place to haunt.

Some highlights

Image via Yahoo Sports

Game 6

Image via Yahoo sports. See the Red Sox win the World Series

This is a fun, short clip Jacoby Ellsbury in his crazy preview between third base and home plate set to music Yakity Sax.

Red Sox gif Collection

World Series Run Boston 43 Photos

Boston fans, players, Pets Go 100% crazy Celebrate First Fenway World Series Clincher in 95 years

Tips and tricks for the new update of the iPhone

10:18 AM Add Comment
Tips and tricks for the new update of the iPhone -

niPhone update

The recent release of an update to the new system operating iPhone has caught many by surprise because the changes are important. If you have an iPhone, you probably already updated to iOS 7. We found some tips, tricks and tools to make the adjustment easier so you can be sure to reach some of the major applications we already featured.

  • Some tips All The New iOS 7 users should know
  • Top 11 interesting features hidden in Apple's iOS 7
  • iOS 7 Biggest Annoyances ( and how to fix them)
  • iOS 7 after a few days
  • Apple - What's new
  • Wikipedia

Happy Action of Graces! Have some turkey ...

8:16 PM Add Comment
Happy Action of Graces! Have some turkey ... -

This is who wish all our readers a happy and safe Thanksgiving. In honor of the holiday, we have some clips related to the turkey-fun to share - and an inspiration. We'll start with one of "the secret life of turkeys" file. - It is called Turkey Dubstep

Of course, when they are not dubstepping, they can be pretty peckish - perhaps revenge for Thanksgiving last year, we ran some clips temperament of turkeys in our post Real Life Angry Birds Here are some clips of random attacks add turkey. mixture:

Finally, instead moving to turkey mayhem, we close on a more serious note with a touching clip happens to the real heart of the festival. thanksgiving While holidays are a fun time for many, for some families, it is a struggle to make ends meet. to bring some surprise holiday joy, a group of "reverse" pranksters "buyers surprise by winning their bill of Thanksgiving groceries at the cash register. It is touching!

Is your car a good grade? Discover IIHC 2014 Top Safety Picks

7:15 PM Add Comment
Is your car a good grade? Discover IIHC 2014 Top Safety Picks -

How well do you feel about the safety of your car? You can consult the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety lists 2014 Top Safety Picks to see if your car makes the grade. If you're in the market for a new car, it is a particularly useful information. Twenty-two vehicles won the highest safety awards with a high level of protection in accidents and the availability of accident prevention technology front to avoid many collisions in the first place. Another 17 made prizes won by the criteria of resistance to single shocks

In addition to the list, the related release (above) provides some good information on how these prices were determined - . But to really get a feel for their tests and rigorous standards, check this short video that shows some of the tests in action.

Penguins Shit Cruise & Travel Other Stories should remember travel insurance

6:14 PM Add Comment
Penguins Shit Cruise & Travel Other Stories should remember travel insurance -

andrew-peacock-reuters Photograph: Andrew Peacock of the Australian Antarctic Expedition, Reuters

We were attracted by the Arctic rescue scientists and tourists from Icebound Akademik Shokalskiy . See some fascinating galleries photos by Andrew Peacock of the Australian Antarctic Expedition, Reuters here and here.

He reminded us how often unforeseen circumstances may make for travel adventures "memorable." We came across a story about all these unexpected events that we found both amusing and frightening: Shit cruise! And 30 other outrageous travel stories of 2013. The title refers to the cruise nightmare of last year in the Gulf of Mexico. The poor passengers had to first undergo a fire on board a terrifying experience that resulted in the loss of all power. It took the ship crippled 5 days adrift in the harbor: 5 long days with thousands of people stuck on a ship without electricity or working toilets. The horror!

If you are planning a vacation to pause mid-winter, we hope that these stories put you off. "Adventures" unexpected can happen at home or abroad - that's what insurance is for. Consider the protection of expensive travel plans with some travel insurance. It can not protect you from unexpected encounters with penguins, shit, or other problems, but could help to minimize the associated risks should havoc ensue. The Insurance Information Institute offers a good overview of the main types of travel insurance: including trip cancellation, lost baggage, medical, dental, emergency evacuation, assistance of travelers 24 hours, baggage delay, Delay travel, and accidental death coverage. Some policies also have options for coverage Collision / Damage to cars.

And don 't forget - when you go on vacation, there are some steps you should take before leaving: you go on vacation? 5 steps to secure your home while you are away!

Rogue Gallery: 2013 Insurance Fraud Hall of Shame

5:13 PM Add Comment
Rogue Gallery: 2013 Insurance Fraud Hall of Shame -


fraud for 2013 Hall of Shame Insurance is a rogues gallery murders, criminals and fraudsters who include a doctor, elected officials, a ring of crime and garden-variety of international criminals. an insurance agency

Criminals are particularly vicious this year we even ran, including a man and his brother who lit the family house on fire, burning three young son alive. his pregnant wife and a young daughter narrowly escaped with serious injuries, including the loss of the baby. Another father killed his only son by crushing it with a truck in an attempt to get $ 700,000 in money from the life insurance.

These crimes show that insurance fraud is a serious crime that often causes much more damage than raise everyone's costs; it threatens public safety. The good news is that the American public is beginning to understand about insurance fraud. For years, there was a disturbing tendency to have a tolerance for so-called "soft" fraud claims such as padding. Many insurance fraud seen as a victimless crime. although nothing could be further from the truth. . But research on public opinion last spring Insurance Research Council found that public tolerance for insurance fraud is trending down.

"Twenty-four percent of survey respondents IRC believes it is acceptable to increase an insurance claim by a small amount to compensate for the franchises they are required to pay, compared to 33 percent in a 02 telephone survey. in addition, 18 percent believe it is acceptable to raise a claim to offset the premiums paid in previous years when they had no claims, the lowest percentage since the question was asked in a survey conducted in 1981 at home. "

If you know of insurance fraud, you can help by reporting it. Call the toll-free National Insurance Crime Bureau 1-800-835-6422 or check to see if there is a state fraud office in your insurance department of the State .

Ice Dams 101: How to manage the risk of winter roof

4:12 PM Add Comment
Ice Dams 101: How to manage the risk of winter roof -
Photo credit: Wikimedia

Photo credit: Wikimedia

We note that many Searches for "ice dams" on our blog this year. Although ice dams are a winter danger that we in New England have become all-too familiar with some of our southern neighbors may meet them for the first time. We have updated information from a job before offering a few key facts.

How do you know if you have ice dams?

Essentially, if you have large stalactites hanging from your roof, you probably have an ice dam problem -see picture above. stalactites are the symptom, not the underlying problem which is usually one of the insulation. the University of Minnesota Extension offers a solid explanation of what ice dams are and why they occur, as well as information on prevention. Do not miss the excellent diagram that shows why they form

If you have ice dams on your home, you need to approach them with a two-pronged strategy :.

First, you must get rid of ice dams and to minimize the immediate damage
Your best bet is to hire an experienced professional to do this -. it can be a risky task. Some people want to go out and chop off ice, but it is not a good idea to be climbing on snow and ice from roofs or use ladders on slippery ground. Also, using the wrong tools to remove snow or ice from your roof pieces can cause damage to your shingles or your gutters. Not to mention the damage to you: flying chunks of ice can be very heavy and sharp. Many people also use salt or other chemical concoctions to deal with ice dams, a less-than-ideal "fix" because the chemicals can damage or discolor your roof and can leach into the ground, damaging plants and greenery. If you have a low roof, one of the most common ways that people treat ice dams is buying a roof rake designed and remove snow directly above the ice dam. Again, this can pose risks to you and your roof.

Second, you need to diagnose the underlying problem and take steps to prevent ice dams from forming.
Although ice dams can sometimes occur due to freezing rain, more often than not they are a symptom of a problem of isolation that must be addressed, as there is d other problems that the ice dams that can occur as a moisture buildup that could lead to rot, mildew or mold. Not to mention that with poor insulation, heating costs are almost literally going through the roof. While there are a number of products that can treat symptoms and prevent ice dams, the best way to protect the value of your home would be to get the expertise of a sealing, insulation, or conservation contractor of energy to diagnose and correct the problem root. Builder and consultant Paul Frisette offers his thoughts on why ice dams are formed and how to avoid ice dams by treating the cause, not just the symptoms.

dams and ice owners and rental insurance
The Insurance Information Institute examines what is covered and what is not in terms of water damage: . "proprietary and standard renters insurance provides coverage for burst pipes, wind driven rain and damage resulting from ice dams on your roof" III also offers this basic useful rule "in general the water that comes from the top down, like rain, is covered by a standard home insurance policy, while the water that comes from the bottom up, like a river in flood, is covered by a . insurance against separate flood policy "

In a separate article on the recent severe storms, III examines winter water damage:

" snowmelt that seeps into a house from the ground is considered flooding and would be covered by insurance against flooding, which is provided by the National flood insurance Program FEMA and some private insurers. Federal flood insurance is available to homeowners and renters. Flooding is not covered by standard homeowners or renters insurance policies. "

" Freezing conditions such as burst pipes or ice dams-a condition where water can not drain properly through the gutters and seeps into a house causing damage to ceilings and murs- is covered. It is usually a requirement, however, that the owner has taken steps to prevent these losses by keeping the house warm and maintain pipes, drains and gutters. "

If in doubt about your coverage, call your agent - that is what we are here to

This is information of Wikipedia and some our insurance partners:

Travelers: Tips to help remove an ice dam on your roof [1945004!]

Liberty Mutual: ice dams

Products everyday You've probably been using

3:10 PM Add Comment
Products everyday You've probably been using - Wrong

Sometimes it's the little things in life. We were amused and surprised to find a list of 18 items of every day with handy features or integrated into packaging hidden tricks - and most were new to us. They will not change your life in any big way, but you'll probably find at least some of them useful. The list includes 18 or you can see some highlights in this short video clip.

You have a job: Funny on-the-job flubs

2:09 PM Add Comment
You have a job: Funny on-the-job flubs -

Mistakes happen in life, even great. Insurance can help you with those costly.

carrots We can not think of a better site for the start of the work week that "you had a job." This is a site that documents the -job blunders, . flubs and screw-ups we see picture after picture workmanship - poorly designed products, stairs that lead to nowhere, typos embarrassing signs and mislabeled products While some are undoubtedly errors we need. think a lot has to be passive-aggressive in the genre "take this job and shove it." We have included a sampling of some of our favorites below - click to learn more. (And here's hoping your work week is better than what he did to these poor workers!)


cheesy frzeeer

Learn the "best times to buy" to unlock the best deals

1:08 PM Add Comment
Learn the "best times to buy" to unlock the best deals -

best times to buy You probably know that the late summer / early fall is a good time to buy a car. The new models are out and the dealers are often willing to deviate deeply any remaining stock of last year. You also know that January is traditionally a time for "white sales", with good deals on bedding and linens. But do you know the best time to buy cameras, cruises or jewelry? Every industry has it's annual cycles and when new products are introduced - but apart from a few items well promoted as cars and bedding, most people do not know the time information inside to get best deals

Lifehacker has a handy feature covering the best times to buy anything in 2014, broken down by month and quarter. They provide a convenient table, with an explanation further and links to other resources that provide more details on the issue. It is very convenient. They also have great graphics on the best time to shop online.

Do not forget insurance for new purchases
If you make a purchase of an expensive item, you may want to talk to your agent about insurance considerations. Cars or vehicles require an update of your coverage. expensive jewelry or collection may require special drivers on your homeowners policy. You can always call your agent and ask - better to be safe than sorry. And for normal household goods, remember to update your home inventory. Here are some previous blog posts with more information on these topics

Insurance tips to protect expensive electronic gifts

New Year's Resolution :. Inventory your possessions

Home Inventory: There is an app for that!

Hiding your valuables

Baseball Geography: limits rivalries

12:07 PM Add Comment
Baseball Geography: limits rivalries -
Via the New York Times

Via the New York Times

Here in New England, we live on a line fault which could lead to earthquakes, yes - but there is a daily fault line that makes a certain amount of damage each baseball season: talking Red Sox vs Yankees, people, it is the stuff of legends. Now you can map the baseball rivalry with a fantastic feature of New York Times Up Close on the borders of Baseball. There is a map of the United States and 14 sectional maps detailing greatest baseball rivalries. They Facebook aggregated data down not only in the county but also to ZIP codes to show how fans and ventilation borders. Always wondered if Hartford and New Haven are Yankees or Sox?

Steve Rushin Sports Illustrated called the line that crosses the Connecticut Yankee fans between the Red Sox and the Munson-Nixon line. Mr. Rushin came up with the name - in honor of the late Yankee catcher Thurman Munson and the Red Sox right fielder Trot retired Nixon - in 03, and he had to guess where the line ran "north of New Haven, but south of Hartford, the execution of the extent of central Connecticut. "

We do not have to guess anymore.

And what's all this got to do with insurance?

Well, here at the Renaissance Alliance, we have members of the independent agency scattered throughout New England. Most insurance buyers choose a local agency to work with based on factors such as convenience, service and reputation ... but now with this interactive map, you have a new tool to target your selection agency - by region loyalty baseball team

Water Week: Boating Safety and Boat Insurance

11:06 AM Add Comment
Water Week: Boating Safety and Boat Insurance -

As we head into the weekend of Memorial Day, the official start of the summer season, we have two reminders recreation: There is the national week of Boating safety and Recreational water illness and prevention week injury. Today we'll focus on boating.

The US Coast Guard compiles annual statistics on reported accidents boating. These statistics are a compilation of data from the 50 states of the reports filed by the boat owners. Here are some statistics of navigation in 2013:

  • 4,062 boating accidents
  • Boat Used 560 deaths
  • 2620 related injuries Boat Used
  • $ 39 million in property damage
  • 4.7 deaths per 100,000 pleasure boats registered
  • 10% fewer deaths and nearly 13% less injuries than 2012
  • 77% of deaths were drowning
  • 84% of drownings involved victims who were not wearing life jackets
  • 8 of 10 boaters who drowned were on vessels less than 21 feet long
  • alcohol consumption is the main factor known fatal boating accidents

what you need to know about boat insurance

your homeowners policy may cover small boats as a small motor boat, canoe, a boat, a small boat or kayak - but be aware that coverage can be limited so check with your agent to find out what is covered and what is not. For example, liability coverage is usually not included so you would probably need approval.

larger ships, more expensive, should be a separate policy. The Insurance Information Institute offers a good overview of the boat insurance with some safety tips; Bankrate offers 6 things to know about boat insurance

If you buy a boat for the first time, it is really worth to get the help of an independent agent because there are many coverage variables and considerations that will affect the cost of coverage and the level of protection. Also make sure to look in the safe operating current - it's a good idea to help you and your passengers prevent becoming a statistic. In addition, you can earn a discount on your coverage. The US Coast Guard proposes a list of boating safety courses as well as many other tools and resources at hand to them Boating Safety Resource Center.


The lessons of Lightning Strike Survivors

9:04 PM Add Comment
The lessons of Lightning Strike Survivors -

In honor of the strike lightning awareness week, we bring you some stories of survivors. What is your chance of being struck by lightning? Well, in any given storm, approximately 1.75 million; but over a lifetime, about 1 to 6,250. If worse comes to worst, you'll probably survive - about 9 out of 10 people who are struck by lightning survive to tell the story, but many are plagued by a variety of medical problems and disabling conditions over a lifetime.

In these clips, people talk about what the experience was like and discuss some of the consequences.

Being stuck by lightning does not make you immune - the poor man was struck by lightning 6 times!

Do not join them - here are some safety tips for interior and exterior flash of the National Weather Service


Freak hailstorms rapid Insurance Questions about coverage for damage

10:05 AM Add Comment
Freak hailstorms rapid Insurance Questions about coverage for damage -

Here in New England, our weather disasters are mainly related in winter. We managed to dodge the bullet of rogue hailstorms that have been plaguing many parts of the country in recent weeks. Check the links to photos and videos below to see how weird and wild spot damage caused by these storms can be

We noticed a slight increase in questions about the recent hail :.

Q. hail damage to my house covered by my home insurance?
A. Most homeowners policies cover damage from hail. See this handy chart of the Insurance Information Institute on the types of disasters covered by home insurance, and a discussion of typical exclusions (floods and earthquakes both require specific policies or mentions)

Q. Will my auto insurance cover hail damage?
A. Have you full coverage? This is the part of an auto policy that would generally cover damage caused by hail. See III is covered by a basic auto insurance policy

Texas A & M University offers an explanation of what causes hail and hail these fascinating information about Dr. Dick record Orville University .:

"a hailstone the size of a baseball weighs about a third of a pound, and as it can travel up to 0 miles an time of its source cloud, it can create a lot of damage. entire crops have been known to be erased in minutes with large hail. in 1978, about 0 sheep were killed in Montana when baseball hail size hit them . the largest hailstone ever recorded in the United States occurred in 1970 in Coffeyville, Kan., when a stone weighing 1.6 pounds and measuring 5.5 inches fell, while in 1973 a hailstone hit Cedoux, Saskatchewan, and measured 4 inches. But we know that the largest stones fell around the world. In 1984, a hail storm hit Denver and lasted nearly an hour and the result was hail knee on the floor. This is why hail can be such a damaging time force. "

see to believe
Check out these photo galleries and video clips showing Recent damage caused by abnormal hail storms in Nebraska and Pennsylvania

  • June 3, 2014 in Norfolk Nebraska Blair Insane hail Storm
  • Surrealist pictures :. Nebraska homes, cars blasted by hailstones tennis ball size

powerful video reminders. stay focused while driving this summer

8:03 PM Add Comment
powerful video reminders. stay focused while driving this summer -

A public service announcement Volkswagon uses an intelligent and compelling way to drive home an important point

A Honda public service announcement shows things from a different perspective

This AT & T moving documentary shows how life can change quickly

graphic designer California takes pictures of people texting while driving and downloads on a site called TwitSpotting - it feeds on these images for billboards in San Francisco

Gauging Your Distraction - interactive game

a second to another :. powerful
35 minute documentary film director Werner Herzog takes a hard look at following a split second mistake - texting while driving

Distracted Driving Laws

Celebrate National Blueberry Month

7:02 PM Add Comment
Celebrate National Blueberry Month -


July is National Blueberry month - and they are in season locally now. The wild blueberry is the official fruit of Maine, which produces about 25% of all lowbush blueberries in North America. Blueberries are often called a "superfood" by nutritionists - check out the infographic below to see why. And check out these delicious recipes and cooking tips sounding. Here's where "pick your own" in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont

Click to enlarge - Courtesy of :. US Highbush Blueberry Council


Small Business Insurance: Learn the basics

6:01 PM Add Comment
Small Business Insurance: Learn the basics -

There is much more to the insurance companies that obtain the lowest of business insurance quotes. This means understanding the unique needs of your business and the potential dangers that may threaten its success. The Insurance Information Institute (III) provides a good introduction to the small base of insurance companies, which describes and explains the major coverages: property, liability, business auto and workers' compensation. The article also provides a brief explanation of other current affairs coverage, including coverage for different types of responsibility.

Many small businesses are opting for coverage or BOP Business Policy owners. This packs more current affairs coverage in one package, but note that III said:

"BOPs do not cover professional liability, auto insurance, workers' compensation or the health insurance and disability. You will need separate insurance policies to cover professional services, vehicles and your employees. "

Discover more bases of business insurance

"It started as Another Day" - Be Prepared

5:00 PM Add Comment
"It started as Another Day" - Be Prepared -

September is National Preparedness Month - a time for you, your family, your place of labor and community devote energy to ensure that you are prepared for emergencies and natural disasters. Think it is unlikely that a disaster will happen to you? That's what everyone thinks - check out the short video to answer three of three recent natural disaster survivors: Hurricane Sandy; the tornado Moore, Oklahoma; and Wildfire poinsettia outside of San Diego, they talk about the sudden and dramatic way their lives changed when the disaster struck.

This month, learn how you can take part in the PrepareAthon America. Check out the resources and learn what protective measures to take before, during and after an emergency. It is particularly important to have a plan and have an emergency kit.

There is also a great time to check with your insurance agent to see if your current coverage is adequate to protect your most important assets disaster.

Fall Foliage extravagance: Ideas for your weekend

3:59 PM Add Comment
Fall Foliage extravagance: Ideas for your weekend -

winding road in foliage The forecast next weekend is for warm weather and glorious here in New England, a perfect time to go out to enjoy the foliage. There Peeping leaf, apple picking, corn mazes, pumpkin festivals, agricultural fairs and more -. We have put together some resources to help you make the most of the good weather

Yankee Foliage offers excellent live foliage card and a selection of proposed foliage drives. They also suggest the best 5 pumpkin festivals in New England.

New England Destinations is a good local guide, offering many ideas for the fall season, including a list of activities for September and October. They also offer their own selection for foliage drives, and the foliage cards and hotlines.

For more ideas, here are the official state tourism offices

  • Connecticut
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • New Hampshire
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont

If you want the current monitoring weather this or any other season, Twitter can be a very fun way to do. Meteorologists have a strong and active presence - many emission updated foliage reports and photos as well as time. We have a list of New England Weather Resources on Twitter you can follow.

If you head to readers, we issue our seasonal prudent to be alert for deer and moose. The Insurance Information Institute reminds us that autumn is peak season for deer and car collisions . "The migration of deer and the mating season generally runs from October to December, and causes a dramatic increase in the movement of the deer population. As a result, more deer-vehicle collisions occur in this period than at any other time of year. "Further, in northern New England, you must be on the lookout for moose.

Flus, allergies, colds, oh no! Fighting against seasonal diseases

2:58 PM Add Comment
Flus, allergies, colds, oh no! Fighting against seasonal diseases -


It is at this time of the year again -. Flus, colds and allergies are kicking in the flu season lasts from October to May, usually peaking in February. When you get sniffles and pain, it is difficult to tell the difference because these diseases have similar symptoms - but treatment can be very different. The National Health Institute offers a handy chart comparing the symptoms, treatment and prevention:
cold, flu, or allergies? Know the difference for the best treatment

The flu can be serious for some groups: the elderly (65+), children (especially those under 2), and people with chronic diseases. Your best defense is a vaccine against influenza. The CDC suggests that everyone 6 months and older should be vaccinated against influenza.

Use the vaccine against the flu Finder to find a location near you.

In addition to the flu, parents are very concerned about the virus that affects children - while it is not a new virus, it seems to be popping up and causing concern. The CDC provides more resources to learn about enterovirus D68 and some prevention tips.


Here are links to the most useful resources influenza

  • Flu.gov
  • what you need to know for the 2014-2015 flu season
  • flu symptoms and treatment
  • people at high risk of developing complications Flu-
  • flu information for parents with young children
  • the information of the flu for travelers
  • seasonal flu information for businesses and employers

Know your risk: American Diabetes Month

1:57 PM Add Comment
Know your risk: American Diabetes Month

- diabetes About 30 million people in the US have diabetes - children and adults. Another 86 million Americans have prediabetes and are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes Pre-diabetes is a condition in which individuals have high blood sugar levels, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. People with pre-diabetes have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

type 2 diabetes risk factors

  • An important risk factor for diabetes is family history.
  • most people with type 2 diabetes have a family member with the disease. If you have a mother, father or sibling with type 2 diabetes, you are at risk for type 2 diabetes
  • If you have a family history of diabetes -. Or other risk factors that increase your chances of getting type 2 diabetes like being overweight or obese, physically inactive, older than 45, or if you have diabetes during pregnancy

make the risk of type 2 test diabetes - .. it is quick and easy

There are things you can do to help prevent or delay the onset of disease

  • Choose foods such as fruits and vegetables, fish, chicken and turkey without the skin, dry beans and peas, whole grains and low fat or skim milk and cheese. Drink water instead of juice or sodas.
  • When you eat a meal, fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, one quarter with lean protein, such as beans, or chicken or turkey without the skin, and a quarter with a whole grain, such as brown rice or whole wheat pasta.
  • Set a goal to be active at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week. You can start slowly by taking 10 minute walks, 3 times a day. Ask family members to be active with you.
  • Every day, write down what you eat and drink and the number of minutes you are active. Review every day. This will help you achieve your goals.
  • Talk to your doctor about your family health history. Diabetes is a serious disease and it is important to know your risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Reduce your risk
  • take small steps to prevent type 2 diabetes
  • weekly cooking tips, recipes, and easy ways to be more active


  • National Month 2014 diabetes: Preventing diabetes type 2 and reduce the risk for Heart Disease
  • American Diabetes Association

Thanksgiving-Palooza: Recipes, Safety Tips, Humor & More

12:56 PM Add Comment
Thanksgiving-Palooza: Recipes, Safety Tips, Humor & More -

We thought we would do a post Thanksgiving, which is just like the way we like our food in a little of this, a little of that and topped with some candy.

a pre-dinner tradition for many is Thanksgiving Day Parade Macy. Check out this cool photo gallery of old in the first days of the parade - there are also some fascinating historical information:

The Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade began in 1924, but it was called Christmas Parade. In its early years, the entertainment came in the form of animals borrowed from the Central Park Zoo. The first float, Felix the Cat, appeared three years later in 1927. At that time, after the show was done, officials would simply release the loins and let the balloons float away; there was a $ 100 prize for anyone who could find and return to Macy. This event was abandoned in 1933 after his plane crashed a guy trying to get a runaway balloon

Image: Macy's Inc.

Image :. Macy's Inc.

For cooks, Yankee Magazine offers an FAQ Turkey: Thanksgiving Cheat sheet with a Thanksgiving scenario - from 3 days before your dinner up in until serving. They also offer 25 Thanksgiving tips.

For some unique recipes, The New York Times weigh with the US Thanksgiving, a collection of recipes that evoke all 50 states (and DC and Puerto Rico) . For a more traditional outlet, we turn to No-Fuss Menu Thanksgiving Yankee - filled with recipes for roast turkey with Cornbread-and-Sausage Stuffing, giblet gravy, Creamed Onions, Herbed Mashed Potatoes Maple Walnut Acorn Squash, Easiest Brussels sprouts and cranberry chutney Julie Sahni. Or try traditional recipes with a twist. And the next day, here are some recipes for Thanksgiving Leftover

The only thing you do not want on the menu is a kitchen fire - Thanksgiving is the first day for home fires involving cooking - three times the average number. Review some tips from the National Prevention Kitchen Safety Fire Association. And if you are thinking of fried turkey, be sure to see the position of our last year of counseling William Shatner.

We advise to avoid the emergency room altogether. It is a busy place on Thanksgiving - in addition to burns, frequent injuries are sections of the sculpture, sports injuries, contamination of food, overeating and over-drinking, family conflicts that lead to physical altercations. It is always better to avoid post-Thanksgiving food poisoning.

OK, we'll leave you with some Thanksgiving-related amusements. Have a safe and wonderful holiday!

Holiday mishaps and how to avoid

11:55 AM Add Comment
Holiday mishaps and how to avoid -


Even the best plans can run into snags or unforeseen problems. That's what insurance is all about - having a financial protection when we face a costly life problems. NAIC of people have compiled a list of potential holiday accidents - and what the insurance policy would provide coverage. Take a look.

Of course, we hope that you will not have any problems. We looked in our archives for some seasonal safety tips to help you minimize the risks for common holiday problems.

Do not lose money on prepaid debit cards

holiday Alert: Be on guard for identity theft

Take this quiz to see how sure you're online

warning of dangerous toys

Insurance tips to protect expensive electronic gifts

burglary prevention when traveling

hide your objects value

Secrets burglar: Expert advice on how to protect your home

terrifying incidents carbon monoxide should be a reminder

Have you watered your tree Christmas today?

candle and decoration security

holiday decorations: fire prevention; keep children and pets safely

Have a happy New Year: Plan for the safe party

Poll: Most homeowners are unaware passive vacation

Remember, if you do suffer a loss, your local independent agent can help. Learn more about the benefits of working with your local independent insurance agent

Car thieves have new tricks: VIN cloning

10:54 AM Add Comment
Car thieves have new tricks: VIN cloning -


Car theft used to be a major concern for car owners, but today, it is just a passing concern. Hot-wire cars can now be a thing of the past. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reports that auto theft dropped by 58% since 1991, culminating when 1,661,000 vehicles were stolen. The improvement was so dramatic that many police departments across the country have dismantled their flight investigative units dedicated cars.

In a recent article on auto theft, the Boston Globe reports

"At its peak in 1975, the third highest Massachusetts (behind California and New York) in total annual flights to 91,563, and the state remained in the 10 states for auto theft until 1992, according to statistics of the National Bureau of insurance crime. The state ended 2013 with 9.122 flights. "

the law enforcement and focus insurance industry helped turn the tide, but perhaps most important again, technological advances have changed the playing key transponder, immobilizing technologies and tracking and recovery systems have all contributed to the decline, but criminals do not throw in the towel -... they adapt and smarter Some means they get around things are flying the transponder itself. another way is through the fraudulent financing. Crooks steal your identity and then secure funding under your ID buying a new car.

a new twists car crime and increasingly common is called VIN cloning or VIN switching , a genuine concern for buyers of used cars It works this way:. thieves steal a car. Then they locate a similar model and make and copy the vehicle identification number (VIN). The robbers then make and install counterfeit VIN plates for stolen car. You purchase the complete car with paperwork, but the police one day knock on your door to retrieve the stolen vehicle. Unless your state offers some protection of consumers, you can be out of luck - you still have loan payments, but your car was confiscated.

Here are some clips that explain how it works.

How can you protect yourself?
CarFax offers suggestions on how to protect yourself against the VIN fraud, including these tips

-Check the VIN on the dashboard, driver's door sticker, car frame, title documents and services saves the whole game
-Review the VIN plate on the dashboard for signs of tampering
-Look the CARFAX and check:
--For a clone alert
--If the mileage on the odometer matches reported mileage meter
--For more records between states - it's a red flag that should be further studied
-Follow our advice to detect title fraud recovery
-Get the car inspected by a qualified and independent mechanic

Support local philanthropy: Belle of the Ball

9:53 PM Add Comment
Support local philanthropy: Belle of the Ball -

z-belle-of-the-ball As part of our initiative Caring Company, we recognize local customers and members of Renaissance Alliance that give community in New England. There is no better embodiment of the generosity of spirit that Anton cleaners, currently engaged in their 11th annual Belle of the ball, which is collection prom dresses now April 5, 2015 .

Belle of the Ball cleans and distributes prom dresses and accessories provides no cost to seniors and juniors girls who could not otherwise afford to attend the ball of their high school. Unlike other prom dress collection drives, the program ends with a store a day when the deserving girls are invited for a day of shopping and personal pampering. The program has grown to accommodate more than 400 girls for an indulgent day of prom "buy", beauty tips, and prices.

Here are places you can donate a dress, and other ways to support Belle of the ball.

Celebrate Pi Day with irrational insurance numbers - And a pizza

8:52 PM Add Comment
Celebrate Pi Day with irrational insurance numbers - And a pizza -

Are you ready for this? Tomorrow is pi day, what some call the It can not be an event that you intended to celebrate, but it could seduce you "Math Geek Mardi Gras." Top 5 National Day Pi pizza offerings.

The Insurance Information Institute sent along a great infographic illustrating "10 Irrational Numbers", noting that the insurance world is a treasure of facts and figures highlighting taking irrational decision .

10 Irrational Numbers about insurance

Having an Easter Peep-tastic fun with these recipes

7:51 PM Add Comment
Having an Easter Peep-tastic fun with these recipes -


When some people think of Easter, they think rabbits. False. We think it's all about Peeps. Did you know that nearly 5.5 million peeps are made every day, for a total of about $ 5.5 billion in 2014? Learn more interesting facts peep in 20 delicious facts about Peeps. You can also see some of the science behind Peep Peeps for Research, where the chicks were put to various risk and stress tests to see what happens.

For in the minds of the week, we thought our readers might enjoy some of these recipes Peep.

How Peeps marshmallow house - You can actually buy peep molds. An adventurous chef tries his hand - see the recipe step by step with pictures.

How to make chocolate-covered Peepsicles - "... skewered on a stick and covered in chocolate and luxury Coconut Definitely better than eating plain?"

How Peeps do Infused Vodka -. In this video you'll see how to make vodka infused Peeps. Perfect for a martini drop of lemon, this bright yellow cocktail starter will add fun marshmallow flavor to your favorite mixers. For best results, a new float Peep into your martini glass!

peep Stuffed Brownies -.. "As they are about a marshmallow, I knew they would be incredible stuffed in a fudge brownie I mean chocolate and marshmallows are an all natural They beautifully blend in the brownie and add some sticky-ness extra "

How candied-Bacon-stuffed, the pEEPS chocolate covered -".. Here's how to make stuffed confit, bacon, chocolate covered peeps Yes, you . of course they leave to ask you, what eggs "

for the ultimate in kitchen Peeps see BEEP CE" eggs "?:. 18 Ways to Eat + Drink Marshmallow Peeps on Easter

We close with a few safety reminders. If you make Peeps cooking experiences, take precautions to prevent kitchen fires. And if you plan to absorb all this vodka infused Peeps, be sure you have a designated driver!

Check outdoors for your children's play areas for National Safety Week Playground

6:50 PM Add Comment
Check outdoors for your children's play areas for National Safety Week Playground -

playground fun As the weather improves, more and more children are turning to external activities in the fields of public and private games. This week is National Safety Week Playground, a good time for parents to review the safety of outdoor areas where children play. The National Program for Playground Safety (MPN) offers a large summer safety checklist for safety tips ten Summer Games.

Some key issues are adult supervision and age appropriate materials. See QALY guidelines for designing age-appropriate - NPPS recommends that adults be proactive in choosing age appropriate equipment and requesting separate play areas for different age groups - 6 23 months, ages 2 to 5 and 5 to 12. These areas should marked by signs indicating areas suitable for the age. They offer advice for each of these age groups.

Other considerations are suitable materials for the fall surface, shelter against the elements, and avoidance of all chains or ropes on equipment. They also say that children should not wear bike helmets on the playground equipment because they can be captured and can cause strangulation. It could be an easy mistake for a parent to think a helmet has been offering an additional layer of protection! Other tips NPP to Playground Safety Head to Toe

The Consumer Product Safety Commission offers a variety of security resources on various topics related to playgrounds, and these guides :.

Outdoor Home Playground Safety Handbook (PDF)
Public Playground Safety Handbook (English) and (Spanish)

Do not let the dogs take a bite of your insurance

5:49 PM Add Comment
Do not let the dogs take a bite of your insurance -

dog-bites May 17-23 is Dog Bite Prevention Week. The USPS and its partners in the promotion of the annual report that "... little children, the elderly, and the postal service carriers - in that order. - Are the most frequent victims of dog bites It is also said the number of dog bites than cases of measles, whooping cough and mumps, combined. dog bites victims account for up to five percent of visits to emergency rooms "

the good news is that the number of dog bite claims are down -. they fell by 4.7% in 2014. But the bad news is that the average cost per dog bite claim is climbing. In 2014, it increased 15 percent to $ 32.072 - compared to $ 27,862 in 2013. Quite expensive, right

But this is only part of the story: Insurance Information Institute reports that dog bites accounted for over one third of all pay outs of responsibility for last year's owners. Ouch.

If you have a dog, it is your responsibility to train, control and socialize your pet to minimize the risk of dog bites. It is also simply smart from an economic point of view, as you can see by the claims costs. And if you have a dog or not, it is important to consider how to avoid bites, how to train children to be safe around dogs, and what to do if you are bitten. Here are some resources:

  • How to avoid a dog Bite
  • Dog Bite Prevention
  • The insurance and dog
  • What if you are bitten by a dog
  • dog Bite liability Laws by State

It is Week Men's Health!

4:48 PM Add Comment
It is Week Men's Health! -

June - Men's Health Month

June is the month of the health of men, and what is the week before Father's Day, it is also Week men's health. The purpose of the Health Week Month and men is to raise awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. On average, men live about five years less than their female counterparts - perhaps that is directly related to the fact that men are half as many visits for prevention as women. Promote information on the health of men is a way to change that. The picture in this post is an excellent series of posters and leaflets available as of the health of men - why not print and share in your workplace?

Also on this point, Dr. David Samadi look at 7 things men should know about their health, which includes interesting and important information to know, like the fact that most young men are diagnosed with cancer prostate - a nearly six times over the last twenty years.
He also noted that men who exercise can lower cholesterol linked to age.

The fifth point provides Men's Health Screening Guide age , valuable information that we think deserves sharing:

for men in their 30s
full every 2 years physical
Get audited annually blood pressure
cancer screening, thyroid, testes, lymph nodes, the mouth and the skin every three years
total LDL cholesterol test, HDL (the good kind) every three years
testicular self-exam every month

for men in their 40s
Get blood pressure each year
cancer screenings for thyroid, testicles, lymph nodes, mouth and skin every three years
total LDL cholesterol test, HDL (the good kind) every three years
testicular self-exam every month
Complete physical every 2 years
Baseline antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination (DRE) prostate specific
stool test (colon and rectum) every year

for men in their 50s
Get blood pressure each year
screening for thyroid cancer, testicular, lymph nodes, mouth and skin every three years
total LDL cholesterol test, HDL (the good kind) every three years
testicular self-exam every month
a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (for colon cancer) every three to four years, or as recommended by your health care provider
PSA and DRE examination each year

for another good checklist, the men's health Network health provides screening Timeline checklists for men and women - it's a PDF, you can download and share.

With the upcoming Fathers Day, here's some good news from NPR health for men who love golf: Take a swing at this: Golf is exercise, basket Or No Cart. The article quotes The World Golf Foundation to estimate that "golfers who walk a course of 18 holes clock about 5 miles and burn up to 2,000 calories." But even those who use carts get a pretty good session drive, burn about 1300 calories during a 18-hole

in addition, there is a good anti-stress benefits :. "There is also a mental boost for many players. "There is rarely a bad day on the golf course," said Gary Metzger. "You will breathe the fresh air and looking around the beautiful scenery."

When wild animals decide to take a swim in your pool

3:47 PM Add Comment
When wild animals decide to take a swim in your pool -

When the hot and humid days, who does not love a dip in the pool? And while you can not share the spirit of the pool with your dog, you may feel less generous to share with other creatures. Even if you have a barrier system to prevent unwanted visitors to certain pool crashers are persistent. Here is a group of wild animals who just could not resist the lure of a nice cool pool.

While having a bear or moose take a dip in your pool might make for a good YouTube video, you probably do not want to be the hole neighborhood watering wildlife. Visits by the larger species are rare events, but small creatures, especially baby animals, can easily find their way in, but not easily find their way. The Humane Society offers tips for pool safety for wildlife.

These stories all have happy endings, but you can not be too sure. pool barriers are not just for wildlife - unsupervised children are attracted by the pools also, all too often with tragic results. About 400 children drown in swimming pools each year and there are also more than 5,000 near-drowning or injury. Pool offers safe a variety of security resources for homeowners pool / spa - as well as for commercial and other pool owners. They offer excellent information on the latest security systems, gates and alarms for safety covers.