Do not let the dogs take a bite of your insurance

5:49 PM
Do not let the dogs take a bite of your insurance -

dog-bites May 17-23 is Dog Bite Prevention Week. The USPS and its partners in the promotion of the annual report that "... little children, the elderly, and the postal service carriers - in that order. - Are the most frequent victims of dog bites It is also said the number of dog bites than cases of measles, whooping cough and mumps, combined. dog bites victims account for up to five percent of visits to emergency rooms "

the good news is that the number of dog bite claims are down -. they fell by 4.7% in 2014. But the bad news is that the average cost per dog bite claim is climbing. In 2014, it increased 15 percent to $ 32.072 - compared to $ 27,862 in 2013. Quite expensive, right

But this is only part of the story: Insurance Information Institute reports that dog bites accounted for over one third of all pay outs of responsibility for last year's owners. Ouch.

If you have a dog, it is your responsibility to train, control and socialize your pet to minimize the risk of dog bites. It is also simply smart from an economic point of view, as you can see by the claims costs. And if you have a dog or not, it is important to consider how to avoid bites, how to train children to be safe around dogs, and what to do if you are bitten. Here are some resources:

  • How to avoid a dog Bite
  • Dog Bite Prevention
  • The insurance and dog
  • What if you are bitten by a dog
  • dog Bite liability Laws by State

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