Learn the "best times to buy" to unlock the best deals

1:08 PM
Learn the "best times to buy" to unlock the best deals -

best times to buy You probably know that the late summer / early fall is a good time to buy a car. The new models are out and the dealers are often willing to deviate deeply any remaining stock of last year. You also know that January is traditionally a time for "white sales", with good deals on bedding and linens. But do you know the best time to buy cameras, cruises or jewelry? Every industry has it's annual cycles and when new products are introduced - but apart from a few items well promoted as cars and bedding, most people do not know the time information inside to get best deals

Lifehacker has a handy feature covering the best times to buy anything in 2014, broken down by month and quarter. They provide a convenient table, with an explanation further and links to other resources that provide more details on the issue. It is very convenient. They also have great graphics on the best time to shop online.

Do not forget insurance for new purchases
If you make a purchase of an expensive item, you may want to talk to your agent about insurance considerations. Cars or vehicles require an update of your coverage. expensive jewelry or collection may require special drivers on your homeowners policy. You can always call your agent and ask - better to be safe than sorry. And for normal household goods, remember to update your home inventory. Here are some previous blog posts with more information on these topics

Insurance tips to protect expensive electronic gifts

New Year's Resolution :. Inventory your possessions

Home Inventory: There is an app for that!

Hiding your valuables

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