Look at the roads: Autumn is peak deer-vehicle collision season

12:44 PM
Look at the roads: Autumn is peak deer-vehicle collision season -

deer-in-highway As you are on the road Peeping sheets, visit the apple orchards or trip-and -to work this fall, keep an eye on: the probability of hitting a deer more than double in the fall

Your normal chances of a collision ruminants related complaint is about 1 to 169, but the more probability. Dual in October, November and December, according to research conducted by State Farm.

"periods of high day moving deer at dawn and dusk, as well as seasonal behavior, such as during the October-December breeding season, increase the risk of car crashes -cerf "said Ron Regan, executive director of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies." the changes in the collision rate from one year to another are a reflection of the changing densities of deer or population levels - more deer in a given area increases the risk of collision "

Here are some other sinister facts:

  • 191 deaths were the result of collisions. animal with deer being the most often hit in 2013 animal
  • the national average cost per claim is $ 4,135, up 6% compared to 2014 ($ 3.888)

If you see a deer on the road, if you deviate or not? Mike Winterle culture of security told not to deviate

"The main cause of accidents, injuries and deaths due to accidents kite is when deflect vehicles in an attempt to avoid hitting a deer. Swerving can cause vehicles moving in traffic, crashing into trees and other objects, or evening ride on. While it may be against the first instinct to drive the most thing safe to do is slow down as much as possible and leave your car hit the deer. Instincts tell us to avoid obstruction of the road, but if you can train yourself not to deviate to avoid the deer in the road, you- Similarly, your passengers and other drivers keep much safer. "

Here are some other expert advice on how to avoid hitting wildlife:

  • AAA: Crossing Wildlife: Tips to avoid collisions-vehicle animals
  • from the Canada wildlife collision prevention Program: Tips Highway - what drivers can do
  • Insurance information Institute (III): Avoid Deer collisions car

III has some other tips for drivers: Cars and Deer - a risky combination; Consider including full coverage on your auto policy

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