It is Week Men's Health!

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It is Week Men's Health! -

June - Men's Health Month

June is the month of the health of men, and what is the week before Father's Day, it is also Week men's health. The purpose of the Health Week Month and men is to raise awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. On average, men live about five years less than their female counterparts - perhaps that is directly related to the fact that men are half as many visits for prevention as women. Promote information on the health of men is a way to change that. The picture in this post is an excellent series of posters and leaflets available as of the health of men - why not print and share in your workplace?

Also on this point, Dr. David Samadi look at 7 things men should know about their health, which includes interesting and important information to know, like the fact that most young men are diagnosed with cancer prostate - a nearly six times over the last twenty years.
He also noted that men who exercise can lower cholesterol linked to age.

The fifth point provides Men's Health Screening Guide age , valuable information that we think deserves sharing:

for men in their 30s
full every 2 years physical
Get audited annually blood pressure
cancer screening, thyroid, testes, lymph nodes, the mouth and the skin every three years
total LDL cholesterol test, HDL (the good kind) every three years
testicular self-exam every month

for men in their 40s
Get blood pressure each year
cancer screenings for thyroid, testicles, lymph nodes, mouth and skin every three years
total LDL cholesterol test, HDL (the good kind) every three years
testicular self-exam every month
Complete physical every 2 years
Baseline antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination (DRE) prostate specific
stool test (colon and rectum) every year

for men in their 50s
Get blood pressure each year
screening for thyroid cancer, testicular, lymph nodes, mouth and skin every three years
total LDL cholesterol test, HDL (the good kind) every three years
testicular self-exam every month
a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (for colon cancer) every three to four years, or as recommended by your health care provider
PSA and DRE examination each year

for another good checklist, the men's health Network health provides screening Timeline checklists for men and women - it's a PDF, you can download and share.

With the upcoming Fathers Day, here's some good news from NPR health for men who love golf: Take a swing at this: Golf is exercise, basket Or No Cart. The article quotes The World Golf Foundation to estimate that "golfers who walk a course of 18 holes clock about 5 miles and burn up to 2,000 calories." But even those who use carts get a pretty good session drive, burn about 1300 calories during a 18-hole

in addition, there is a good anti-stress benefits :. "There is also a mental boost for many players. "There is rarely a bad day on the golf course," said Gary Metzger. "You will breathe the fresh air and looking around the beautiful scenery."

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