Are you financially literate? Take these short questionnaires to see

2:22 PM
Are you financially literate? Take these short questionnaires to see -

OK, the day the tax is -. You can breathe a sigh of relief
But wait - do not relax yet. April is the month of Financial Literacy - just how savvy are you about your finances? You can test your knowledge with this quiz Financial Literacy and see how you rank compared to the base on high school seniors across the country. The questionnaires are part of the Jump $ tart
Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing financial literacy among students in pre-kindergarten to university.
If your scores are embarrassing, do not despair. There are some excellent consumer tools to help you get your financial house in order. Here are a few:

  • As part of the Month of financial literacy, the Federation of nonprofit Consumers of America wants to help motivate you to save. To sweeten the pot, they are giving away $ 500 to help a person achieve their savings goal. Pledge to save by subscribing to receive periodic text tips on saving, and you could win. You must register between April 1 and April 30, 2013 and you must be 18 or older to win. In addition, standard text messaging rates may apply, depending on your plan.
  • 30 Steps to Wellness Financial offers 30 days of tips and tools to help you get your finances in order and improve your overall financial situation. Do not miss the tools for success.
  • - a resource submitted by 20 federal agencies and offices of the US government working on improving financial literacy and education. It includes excellent tools such as budgets Worksheets, Checklists and Calculators.
  • 360 days of Financial Literacy - tools of the American Institute of CPAs.
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