Tomorrow is the Day Do not Fry

1:21 PM
Tomorrow is the Day Do not Fry -

As the weekend of Memorial Day launches the summer season, the CDC, EPA, FDA and the National Council on skin cancer prevention have a message for you: do not fry
There are more than 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer diagnosed and 2, 2 million people processed in the United States each year. The American Cancer Society estimates there will be more than 76.250 new cases of malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer. The states with the highest incidence rates of melanoma are: New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Utah, Connecticut, Idaho, Delaware, Washington, Oregon, and Massachusetts
skin cancer is highly curable if found early and can be prevented ..
the National Council on skin cancer prevention offers these tips:
Remember Slip! Slop! Slap Wrap ... and when you're outside - slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen with broad spectrum SPF 30 or higher, slap on a wide-brimmed hat, and wrap on sunglasses. The best way to detect early skin cancer is to examine your skin regularly and recognize changes in moles and skin growths.

  • Do not burn or tan
  • Seek Shade
  • Wear clothing Sun-protection
  • Apply generously Sunscreen
  • Be especially caution near water, snow and sand
  • Get vitamin D safely

More tips and tools
the American cancer Society: Be Safe in the Sun
CDC: skin prevention and cancer education tools
NIOSH: the protection of workers against UV radiation

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