Cell phones and distracted driving

12:32 PM
Cell phones and distracted driving -

Cell phones have become embedded in our culture in a surprisingly short time. As a nation, we, AOVE become accustomed to being available to make or receive calls 24/7, no matter where we are. Although the convenience of a cell phone can not be underestimated, it, AOS time to step back and be more careful with our phones. 99% of the time, it really is not, AOT is no reason to use your phone while driving you, Aore. If the call is that important, pull over, stop and take next.
Studies show that using a cellphone while driving is almost as dangerous as drinking and driving, as graphically illustrated in this video 20/20. Yet, states have been slow to prohibit their use outright, with the prohibition of only nine states currently use mobile phones while driving and 35 plus banning texting while driving. This may be changing as the National Transportation Safety Board has recently published a FAQ sheet on the dangers of distracted driving (PDF) and calling for a national ban. The idea of ​​a national ban gaining ground, partly because of a recently published study by California, where traffic deaths have decreased by 22% in the two years since the hand held the cell phone use while driving was banned.
If the ban is passed in all fifty states, how can affect car insurance rates? Since policies vary so much from state to state, it, AOS difficult to say. Currently in New York, his ticket for cell phone use results into three violation points on driving record, and a fine of $ 100, and other compulsory fees and surcharges up $ 85. The penalties are the same for texting or email used while driving, with the exception of the maximum base fine goes up to $ 150.
Here, AOS a graph of cell phone use and current state Texting While Driving Laws.

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