What Americans fear most

11:43 AM
What Americans fear most -

man hiding behind a table We are in the spooky season, so it's a perfect time to deal with things we fear. And just in time, we have a survey about Top Fears of America, 2015 style.

In her second year of study on the subject of fear, researchers at Chapman University conducted a random sampling of more than 1,500 US adults last spring and recently published the results. We asked participants what scared them on a variety of topics ranging from crime, government, disaster, personal anguish, technology and many others. The advanced research team of this effort pared the information into four basic categories :. personal fears, natural disasters, fears and behavior of drivers of the paranormal fear

You can read about all the fears and see infographics. We have included a list of 10 concerns with the highest percentage of Americans who reported being "afraid" or

  • Corruption of government officials "very afraid." - 58.0%
  • Cyber-terrorism - 44.8%
  • Business Track personal information - 44.6%
  • [1945007attaques] terrorists - 44.4%
  • Government Monitoring of personal information - 41.4%
  • Bio-Warfare - 40.9%
  • Identity Theft - 39.6%
  • economic collapse - 39.2%
  • race money in the future - 37.4%
  • fraud by credit card - 36.9%

now that you read the above list and much more extensive list in the link, in contrast to this: the 10 leading causes of death in the US

  • heart disease: 611 105
  • Cancer: 584 881
  • chronic lower respiratory tract: 149205
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 130557
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular disease): 128978
  • Alzheimer's: 84767
  • diabetes: 75578
  • flu and pneumonia: 56979
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 47112
  • self-harm (suicide): 41149

some of our fears are real and some are outsized based on real odds. Auto accidents are not on the list, but they made more than 30,000 deaths last year. The insurance business is risk and chances. Our fears are often out of step with reality - what we fear the most is often less risky than other common occurrences all day. See our article on what is really dangerous

Some related items that may be of interest include:
Life expectancy and your chances of reaching 100

What are the chances? Mortality calculators

Hedge your paris: Talk to your local agent about life insurance

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