Insurance and your dog

3:22 PM Add Comment
Insurance and your dog -

If you are considering a dog, or even if you already have one, it is essential that it be an owner or tenant to check with your agent insurance to establish or review your liability coverage for dog bites and other canine related injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that each year more than 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs, and last year, the average cost of a dog bite claim was $ 26,166, according to the Insurance Information Institute - and costs continue to rise due to increasing medical costs and major cities.

most states have strict laws holding owners directly responsible for injuries or damages caused by their dogs (you can check the status of responsibility for your state here), and some insurance policies exclude dog breeds that are considered particularly aggressive (see Top 7 Dangerous dog breeds), so in addition to the assessment of your ability to properly care for and train a dog, it is essential to ensure that you are covered by your police, and take steps to minimize any risk of dog bite or other injury

Tips for dog owners looking owner / renter of coverage for their dog (s) :.

  • Enroll your dog in obedience classes and work to help the dog earn a degree or certification
  • schedule refresher courses for dogs that have been trained, but are not as attentive as they were!
  • Neuter male dogs to reduce the domination and aggression
  • always keep dogs on a leash and under control during walks
  • If your dog is allowed outdoors on your property, make sure the area is adequately fenced and protected
  • never leave young children alone with a dog, and still they learn to behave safely around dogs
  • If foreigners are nervous dog, make sure to separate the new visitors to your home
  • to keep the dog at bay frustration, always make sure that your dog is properly exercised, and not allow them be exposed to teasing or mocking

Finally, if you are considering getting a dog mainly for home protection, you should know that money spent on enhanced security measures will ultimately be more easier, more reliable, less expensive -. and more respectful of the animal

The questions you should ask questions about homeowners insurance

2:21 PM Add Comment
The questions you should ask questions about homeowners insurance -

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners offers a wealth of information to insurance Insure U. When shopping for homeowners, here are some questions NAIC suggests you ask your agent:
• are the agent and the insurance company recognized by my state insurance department? For how long? (Your insurance department status can confirm the answers to these questions.)
• How do I find the claims history of the house before buying it?
• If I apply, how will it affect my bonus when I renew the policy?
• What discounts are available?
• What is the coverage of the policy? What must not cover? What are the limits blankets?
• How much coverage for my personal property do I need?
• Should I buy insurance against flood or earthquake coverage?
• How will my credit history will affect my premium?
more to the rapid consumer guide to home insurance (PDF)

Silent Running: Hybrid Security

12:19 PM Add Comment
Silent Running: Hybrid Security -

The National Administration road safety has weighed the risks of hybrid and electric vehicles driving safety. Their conclusion is that hybrid and electric vehicles are more dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. Electric motors are virtually silent compared to combustion engines and do not give the same warning sound than previous cars, especially when traveling at low speed. Children and visually impaired are often cited as being most at risk, and low noise engines are reported to be putting a lot of pedestrians at high risk of a car crash.
Although new technologies can open the way to new risks, moving vehicles have always posed dangers for pedestrians. In 1899, Henry Bliss was crushed by an electric cabin, giving it the dubious distinction of being the first US death from the automobile. But at the same time, carriages took quite a toll. In New York, in 100, 0 pedestrians were killed by carriages
Car manufacturers are responding to the new threat by adding artificial sounds for hybrid vehicles to warn pedestrians. The Nissan Leaf EV is now "wooshing" sound despite its near-silent engine and Ford held a Facebook poll for users to vote on which artificial engine sound of their new car should, after posting a series of potential noise on Youtube. The sounds were more traditional engine sounds with futuristic spaceship noises. These fake engine sounds are still being deployed so that they can not stick around because the reactions seem to be mixed.
While the apparent danger of silent vehicles to pedestrians, drivers can also be at risk of not hearing a hybrid, increasing the risk of collision. In addition, responsible drivers should be hyper vigilant about safety implications for pedestrians. Hitting a pedestrian is a very traumatic event that can lead to injury or death. According to default, it can also result in criminal charges or prosecution. Part of the responsibility for your car insurance offers some financial protection should you hit a pedestrian. According to the Insurance Information Institute, liability insurance is mandatory in 49 states and the District of Columbia. Only New Hampshire has no liability law of compulsory motor insurance. The table on this page provides a breakdown of the minimum liability limits for auto insurance by the state.
If you live in New England and have questions about your auto insurance coverage, why not connect with a Renaissance Alliance Insurance Agent near you?

Ergonomics Smart Phone

10:17 PM Add Comment
Ergonomics Smart Phone -

This video will guide you through the best ergonomic practices for cell phone use. And safety No. 1 rule: .. Only hands-free while driving - and even that only when permitted
See State Cell Phone Texting Laws


11:18 AM Add Comment
Unclaimed -

There are a total of more than $ 32 billion in pools of unclaimed property of the nation that represents more than 117 million accounts. It is mostly money or assets that have been abandoned or forgotten - and in many cases, abandonment occurred when the account owner died and nobody else knew the account (s) exist. Do not let your property is part of this pot!
We have already talked about the importance of updating your beneficiaries on insurance policies and other financial documents. Just like changing the batteries in your smoke detector and get your car inspected, you must define a routine time to do this every year - failing to do so could leave your loved feuds with legal proceedings - even completely unprotected . The importance of planning can not be overstated. Do not be dark, but you just never know when your time will be up. For statistical evaluation, see our previous post What are the odds we have a lot of risk tools that you can play with. They'll actuarial tables calculators to find your relative risk of dying in the next year or being attacked by a shark.
OK, you get the point. Planning is important. Last week, the Wall Street Journal published an article excellent and very helpful in their finance section about the 25 documents you need before you die - alternately titled as "Design your dead file," which makes his fancy enough. The article makes the point that it is not enough simply to ensure that your policies are updated - it is also essential that someone in your family knows what and where your important documents are
We counted more than 25 important documents mentioned in it. article - but it is unlikely that all will be for you. Nevertheless, it is a great bookmark reference article and keep a checklist for your annual planning
Oh, and about that unclaimed $ 32 billion, if you think this could legitimately belong to you, here a good place to check .: the national Association of directors of unclaimed property will allow you to do a free search.

Don, AOT cancel this trip: security cruises and insurance advice

9:16 PM Add Comment
Don, AOT cancel this trip: security cruises and insurance advice -

got a scheduled cruise? With all the coverage of the recent Costa Concordia disaster, you could be forgiven for feeling a little uncomfortable. The reports of survivors, images and photos are disturbing to say the least. It certainly doesn, AOT helps to hear the stories of a captain and crew irresponsible!
For a bird's eye view, SOA how things can get rough, see our past post, a reminder not so soft that travel insurance could be a good idea, that includes some terrifying images of a cruise ship, AOS onboard security camera during a severe
storm off new Zealand in 08.
But take heart. About 14 million people take cruises each year, and calamities are rare. There, AOS a reason they are such a popular vacation choices. Remember, nothing in life is risk, even walking to the corner store. The media tend to exaggerate those great rare events, precisely because they are rare, they have a lot of drama, and they involve a lot of people. In fact, the relative risk is more important to your reader board the cruise ship that's when you're on the cruise itself.
That being said, it, AOS still a good idea to prepare in advance for your travels. Here are some good articles on how you can prepare and plan to maximize your safety while cruising:
Christian Science Monitor: After the Costa Concordia disaster: 8 safety tips for passenger cruise ships
ABC News Radio: Cruise ship safety: 20 Tips for safety and Off the Seas
HowStuffWorks: How to survive a sinking ship
Cruises can be expensive, so that an informed consumer will take the time to research reviews and safety records. This article in Business Insider offers a variety of links and resources for verifying a safety line, in advance cruise OSA. You can also read reviews on sites like Cruise Critic and Trip Advisor.
Don, AOT forget Insurance
If you are planning an important trip, talk to your insurance agent about insurance. Some of your existing policies may cover you for certain things, but you may need additional insurance, especially for travel arrangements. Here are some resources Travel insurance:
Travel Insurance from the Insurance Information Institute
Travel Insurance Quiz
6 tips to avoid scams Travel Insurance

Tax prep season: make sure to account for losses in

8:15 PM Add Comment
Tax prep season: make sure to account for losses in -

Everyone, AOS favorite time of year deadline for tax, is fast approaching. Although there are still a few weeks before it, AOS time to get out the balloons and party hats, it, AOS still a good idea to be more rather than under prepared for your annual taxes. Like you, Aore think about the past year, be sure to consider all property losses you may have incurred in 2011. Many people along the East Coast have suffered losses due to the Hurricane Irene, which was by most estimates one of the ten most destructive and deadly hurricanes to hit the United States since 1980. Irene was a tragedy, but the silver lining is that according to the IRS, losses may well be deductible.
Keep clear terminology can help you understand where losses are deductible and which are not. Remember, an accident occurs when your property is damaged as a result of a disaster such as a storm, a fire, a car accident or similar event. Theft occurs when someone steals your property. A loss on deposits occurs when your financial institution becomes insolvent or bankrupt. Losses incurred as a result of hurricane damage are considered victims, especially since Hurricane Irene was one of many disaster recognized by the federal government in 2011.
However, while the losses are deductible, it, AOS significant to know that if you have insurance, you must have filed a timely insurance claim. Any refund you receive from the insurance must be taken into account and deducted in determining your loss. This includes any expected reimbursement, even if you have not yet received. This brochure on accidents, disasters and theft of IRS (PDF) will help you decide if the victims, loss and theft deductions applicable to you.
Taxes are never fun, but being prepared for all eventualities shows whether the disaster is a hurricane or 1040. Make sure your accountant is common to all losses you may have suffered in 2011.

Solar storms are risky? Facts you need to know

7:14 PM Add Comment
Solar storms are risky? Facts you need to know -

Credit: NASA / Solar Dynamics Observatory
Have you been lucky enough to catch glimpses of spectacular solar storms this week? Otherwise, here, AOS an amazing gallery of the sun, aos spectacular light show.
Here, AOS is a good article that says you what, AOS happening with the recent solar storms and what you need to know about the potential for future storms
Section :.

why we Aore hearing more about solar flares is because we are moving towards, maximum Äúsolar, Âu an increased solar activity period. These cycles, which are on average 11 years, means an increase in the number of solar flares. The next maximum is expected in 2013, according to NASA. These cycles are analogous to the seasons on Earth.

In the footsteps of a similar storm there only two months, these large solar storms have the potential to disrupt telecommunications and even knock out power. A possible cause of the massive blackout in Quebec 1989 was a strong solar storm, like those we are experiencing lately. air travel may be disrupted as flights are rerouted to avoid polar routes. The background radiation level is higher during storms and could be dangerous on the poles. Solar storms are not, however, dangerous for the average person on earth, even if you want to be sure that your surge protectors are all and only works during power outages.
Not only solar storms are not directly dangerous, They, Aore the cause of some of the most beautiful light displays known night sky connoisseur. The northern lights or aurora borealis was expected to be exceptionally intense and may be visible even in Central Massachusetts. So when you hear a forecast for a solar storm, turn on the surge and pull out your telescopes.

Insurance Issues With new car sharing companies

6:12 PM Add Comment
Insurance Issues With new car sharing companies -

car rental companies have been around almost as long as cars have. The model is very simple: the rental company has a fleet of cars and drivers renting from the company. When you rent a car, a combination of your own insurance and insurance purchased by the rental company covers you for accidents that may occur. Moreover, many experts recommend against buying supplemental insurance that car rental companies peddle the counter. (See our previous post: Auto Insurance Renatl - do you need)
However, while they are still not great threat to traditional business car, there is a new loan car game in the city. The first major player in the new world car sharing was Zipcar, which is now available in most American and European cities. Zipcar, as a traditional rental company, has its own vehicles. The difference between Zipcar and Avis or Hertz is mainly in technology and convenience. With Zipcar, you sign up for the online service and can then take a drive in your neighborhood more or less whenever you want. Zipcar is convenient, but now there is a new paradigm that there will be even more revolutionary.
Companies like RelayRides, Getaround, Wheelz JustShareIt and do not have their own car fleets. Instead, they use yours. In a business model that is like couch surfing for cars, a car owner can choose to rent their cars to the previously selected drivers. At first glance, it seems that the genius. The owners are thrilled by the idea that instead of their cars sitting idle all day, they are there working and earning money. Tenants get all the benefits of owning a car without the hassle and daily costs. And the environment pushes a sigh of relief
Unfortunately, all folds have been developed yet -. You might risk your car insurance, or more. There are also many unanswered questions that raises the article, such as: What if an accident results in a catastrophic claim of more than $ 1 million, are you responsible? What if you have not been taking good care of your car and contributes to an accident?
traditional car insurance is not set up for this kind of car sharing and major insurance companies strongly recommend against participation. Most insurance agencies believe that the rental car is a violation of the terms of your auto insurance policy. The New York Times reports that the Insurance Institute of America, in an emailed statement, said: "If the 'tenant' were involved in accidents, most likely the insurer non- renewal or maybe even cancel the auto policy, "USAA, said in the same NYT article says that" We (car owners) that participation in such a program will generally result in non-renewal inform ".
However, it may be too early to write off these companies completely. Given the convenience and undeniable appeal of these non-traditional car-sharing programs, insurance companies can find a way to keep everyone happy.

Off site workers increase Intensification Small Business Risks Data

5:11 PM 1 Comment
Off site workers increase Intensification Small Business Risks Data -

Small businesses have become more aware over the years the importance of data protection and backup. It is a rare company that has no backup procedures in place, but it is always a good idea to ensure that these policies and procedures are up to date. Since surveys show that the data breach costs an average company of $ 7.2 million, or $ 214 per breached record, well protect your company data must always be one of the best elements of your priority list. In addition, many states adopt laws on the confidentiality of customer data and security, and to date, 46 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have enacted laws requiring breach notification the security of personal information.
Experts recommend that you regularly back up your data, develop data and disaster recovery plans and educate your employees on the importance of customer data security.
the latter is crucial in society more and more mobile today. A recent survey showed that up to 80% of workers in medium-sized small businesses regularly use their own portable devices such as laptops, iPads and iPhones to work at home or on the road. Although most companies have formal policies in place to protect their vital data in the office, a surprising lack of data protection has emerged with the growth of remote workers. Fully a third of companies allow employees to make their own decisions on how -or if - to save the data of enterprise customers and their own devices and, therefore, valuable data could easily be lost or compromised. Instead of these informal arrangements, it is a good idea to implement a formal policy of acceptable use which may include installing security software on the employee's device.
If your business involves the storage of data in personal customer electronically, you should speak with your independent insurance agent about exactly what your liability insurance covers companies and discuss whether you need to a specialized product to cover the cover data loss and liability of electronic data to meet following a data breach. And while you are having this discussion, you can also learn more about the cyber liability coverage for protection against various legal obligations relating to the dissemination of information via the Internet.

Buying a used car for the graduate? How-to guides to get the best deals

4:10 PM Add Comment
Buying a used car for the graduate? How-to guides to get the best deals -

With graduations looming, many proud parents and graduates are thinking about buying a used car in the near future. Buying a used car is always difficult, but the growth of the Internet has given buyers a wide variety of new tools to ensure that everyone walks away happy. This article of Smart Money provides a variety of useful tips and helpful advice if you intend to buy from a used car dealer and that of reading MSN Money should be obliged if you 're planning to buy from a private party via craigslist. For Popular Mechanics mechanically inclined a buyer's checklist of 10 points worth keeping in mind -. And remember to avoid scams common used car
There is always a good idea to check the price of a car you are considering on the Kelley Blue Book value, easily done on their website. Remember that the price may be different in different parts of the country, experts advise to do a check on Craigslist similar cars in your area to get an idea of ​​local prices, even if you buy from a dealer. Edmunds is one of the best online sources for information used cars (new cars, too) and they have a recent article on buying a used car for less than $ 2,500. One point all experts agree with the expenses is an extra $ 35 or more to get a Carfax report on any car you're seriously.
Of course, you can not have your computer when you shop. There are car buying applications for it. Edmunds is a highly recommended application for iPads, iPhones and Droids as Kelley Blue Book that can instantly give you the value and reviews estimated on a car - and with an application like Craigslist Finder, you will be notified whenever the car your dreams be for sale.
when you have the car, he will need insurance and the way you approach this can vary your student is a high school or college grad. The laws vary in each state and insurance companies also differ in their rules, but for the most part, children can not be covered by the policy if the parents of their parents home is their primary address. Some insurers offer exceptions if students will miss school, but others will not insure a car if it is stored in another state. You'll also want to check with your agent - depending on the circumstances, there may be multi-vehicle discounts if the child is insured on your policy; students may also be eligible for a discount of good student or safe driver training program that will reduce. There is much to consider and a lot of variables -. Your independent insurance agent can help you make the right decision

Grill safely this summer!

3:09 PM Add Comment
Grill safely this summer! -

While cooking is arguable the most fundamental American rite of summer, it can be dangerous to your health and safety. Fires caused by cooking accidents cause about $ 70 million in damage each year nationally and injuring more than 7,000. How can you prevent your family from becoming one of these statistics
Good Morning America presented a revealing video and ten tips a handy barbecue to help keep you and your family this summer - ?! And enjoying eating out
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player
The most important thing remember is to keep your grill far away from other structures, such as your house or garage, which could ignite. Although it is convenient to grill your guests there on your deck or patio, it's not a good idea. If there will be children in your grill, consider drawing a circle 10 feet in chalk around the grill and make a strict prohibited area for children under 12.
It makes sense to ensure that your grill is always in the best shape possible. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission has a safety checklist for all grill owners, gas or charcoal, to make sure your grill does not pose hidden dangers. The National Fire Protection Agency has two useful short videos on gas grill safety.
Once you are sure your grill is in good working condition and safely located away from home, it's time to think about what to serve. Keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot, and never use the same plate for raw meats and cooked as the Department of US Health reminds us in this list grilling recommendations on food security . Consider grilling more fruits and vegetables and less meat, because if you do not have to give burgers altogether, charred meat may be hazardous to your health. Precooking slightly can help, as can marinating, a trick that is not only safer, but delicious.
If you are not afraid enough, here's a security council, you probably have not heard before. A Rhode Island Hospital admitted six people last March with stomach perforations caused by wire bristles that have been used to clean a gas grill. But do not worry too much: it is simple to fix. After rubbing the grill clean with the wire brush, wipe again with a sponge, just to be sure.

A marriage gone to the dogs

2:08 PM Add Comment
A marriage gone to the dogs -

happy-couple.jpg Photo: Tina Fineberg / Associated Press
the last week pooches Chilly Pasternak (a poodle) and baby Hope diamond (a Cotton Tulear) tied the knot, they set a Guinness World record for the most expensive dog wedding ever. According to a news report in the, the evening cost $ 158,187.12, far more than the average wedding people, which is $ 27,000. The new report notes that the doggie bride's wedding dress cost more than the wedding dress that the woman's Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg wore in their recent marriage!
While many may think this decadence is a sure sign that we went to the dogs, the event had a serious purpose: it was a fundraiser for the Humane Society of New York. It is actually a good reminder for animal lovers everywhere that the Humane Society can use the support!
A story in Business Insider puts the price tag even higher marriage, to $ 250,000. You can read a first hand report of marriage and browse a photo gallery gala festivities.
wedding insurance provides peace of mind
We do not read anything about it, but with such an expensive event, we can only hope that the Event planners expected to wedding insurance budget!
Even if a planned event will be a fraction of the cost that these dogs have passed, human brides and grooms may wish to discuss options wedding insurance agent with an independent agent. Wedding insurance can cover the cancellation costs due to weather, disease or the place of downtime. It can also cover losses if the gifts are stolen, damage or loss of photos, rings, dresses, etc., and other unexpected problems. Besides the insurance or other problems, your reception venue may require liability insurance. You should also be sure to check that your wedding venue and suppliers are properly insured, and know exactly what and how they could extend insurance to cover any problems you might encounter.

Presentation of "Know Your Plan" - Disaster Prep App for iPhone

1:07 PM Add Comment
Presentation of "Know Your Plan" - Disaster Prep App for iPhone -

Disasters can happen anywhere - just ask the people of Springfield who experienced the wrath of the tornado last summer or communities from Vermont were flooded last year following a hurricane that was supposed to pass through the state. So we sometimes have warning on the outstanding issues, and catastrophic weather catastrophic natural events often take us by surprise
Today, the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) has introduced a new application for mobile disaster preparedness. - Know your plan - which includes tips protection of property. It includes a variety of "resources and checklists that consumers can use to help minimize the damage due to severe weather and other disaster events. users can also create custom checklists and can share their lists with family and friends by email. "Users can also access local emergency information through a high-power Google Crisis Response.
The iPhone application was developed with the Insurance Information Institute, and is available in the iPhone store under Know your Plan, or by searching "Insurance information Institute" in the App Store on your iPhone.
your preparation disaster should also include a home inventory . We recommend two tools for this. See Know Your Stuff from the insurance Information Institute or Myhome of the national Association of insurance Commissioners.

What should I know about insurance? 5 things

12:06 PM Add Comment
What should I know about insurance? 5 things -

This is a client by Gordon Insurance Agency, a member organization of the Renaissance Alliance. It is a position that has been presented on the Blog Personal Insurance Agency.
The insurance can be puzzling- more you know, the better. Surprising as it may seem, the insurance is not quite on the money. Thus, we created a list of things to know about insurance for your convenience.
1. Amount of cover
What do you want to protect? This is the general question of determining the amount of coverage you need. The best advice we can offer is for you to think about all the things that could happen. Or consult a professional agent will ask many questions to find the areas you need to pay special attention. Although you might want to push those thoughts to the side (ie, "that could never happen to me!"), Someone has to think about these situations. No one plans for a car accident or a customer to be injured in his / her house, but things like that happen all the time. A good way to cover a lot of these is by running a prepared list as the checklist for your home insurance.
2. Risk Level
The amount of risk you take may depend on one aspect of your life: money. If you have money available, then choosing a policy with high deductibles is probably the best option for you. Remember, "make sure that you can not afford to lose."
Obviously, this part of the list will also discuss the risks. Some policies cover more than other policies, so be informed about how much risk you can afford to take, and what is the cost of transferring the risk (through insurance)? An example of this would be is a dog with a bite history. The only company that will offer coverage after a dog has bitten someone (resulting in an insurance claim) is the Plan Just Massachusetts (MPIUA). But they could do with a liability limit of $ 25,000 for dog bites. So you have to ask, is the dog is worth as much to me as if he / she bites someone and it results in a request for $ 100,000 (we had one here that has exceeded this and even no a dog 'on the list'), are you willing to pony up the next $ 75,000? Make sure you know what is covered on your policy, and be careful with what you take chances where insurance is wrong.
3. The insurance company
People often assume that the insurance company will be able to handle anything and all-you should never assume. If the business fails, or even if the company is still around, but poor finances, then you will not get what you need. The best way to ensure that your company will be able to provide for you is to check a credit rating agency. We recommend A.M. Best Company for this. Other credit rating agencies include Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor's.
4. Discounts
Everyone likes to save money; Discounts may be available all around you, and you might not even know it! For a list of most (MA) Auto insurance discounts prevalent, click on our video and list. For homeowners discounts, visit our short video on owners discounts here. account reductions, where you have two or more lines (such as home and auto), are often the most compelling.
Always ask questions of staff, he / she is there is serve you.
5. When do I need to watch a new insurance?
Some life changes will cause you to look at a new insurance. These changes include:

  • Starting a new business
  • The purchase of an additional house
  • Adding a driver to the policy of the automobile
  • Changing jobs (especially if you leave a rich benefits package for strict bones employer benefits)
  • volunteer work (as on the board of a nonprofit organization )

This list just help prove a very important point: the insurance is not just about the price. For a few dollars more, you can have all kinds of things protected. Consider the dog example- imagine how expensive it would be to defend a bad dog bite without insurance! Regarding insurance, price is important, but it is not the only thing that matters.

News roundup - blog posts our Renaissance Alliance members

10:04 PM Add Comment
News roundup - blog posts our Renaissance Alliance members -

A number of our member agents have blogs on their agency websites - you can click on the left sidebar to see. Together, they give a lot of insurance expertise, useful information, and alumni all simple tips practices. Today, we have included assortment of recent messages that have attracted our attention
Insurance Agency Merrimack Valley Blog :. No compensation your winter roof can be dangerous
Penny Hanley & Blog Howley : Protect your home and vehicle in cold weather
The Chittenden Group : The Dryer Fires ? More common than you might expect
Blog Anastasi Insurance : Floaters for more expensive items
Andrew G. Gordon Insurance Personal Blog : Biggest Discount Insurance: Bundling your Together policies
Blog Pope insurance : Is your Home office Safe
Blog Siver insurance : talk money Let
Jones, Raphael & Oulundsen blog : What do you know about your policy
Bernard M. Sullivan's blog : Simplify your life with these helpful tips
the Gaudreau Group did you HAV you have a dangerous job
Ross insurance Blog : Quit smoking and save on insurance
Encharter Blog : I bought a puppy ... Now What


9 Insurance resolutions to ring in the New Year

11:05 AM Add Comment
9 Insurance resolutions to ring in the New Year -

We examined the messages passed to select some good tips to help you start your new year off right.
1. Celebrate the New Year safely
2. Update your beneficiaries
3. Ensure valuables
4. Create Inventory - here are some applications
5. Review changes in the lives of the year that should trigger inventory home a call to your insurance agent
6. Quit smoking and save on insurance
7. factor in losses your tax preparation time
8. Prepare emergency
9. Take 10 minutes to play 23 and 1/2 hours

Bonus Tip
The 25 documents you need before dying

What is really dangerous?

8:02 PM Add Comment
What is really dangerous? -

The purpose of insurance is to provide financial protection against risks and accidental disasters that can happen to you. But even if you are insured, it is always in your interest to try to manage these risks as best you can because insurance can not make you whole - especially when the risk involves the life and integrity physical. Often we do not do a good job of managing our risks. Sometimes what we fear most is actually less risky than other common everyday occurrences - if the human nature being what it is, people are often concerned about rare events and can be too casual about the dangers which are more widespread. What is really dangerous? This about danger and "20 Surprising safety statistics" illustrates this point quite well - we found interesting so thought we would share. Click here to see a larger version and source.

Helpers & Support in the aftermath of the bombing Boston Marathon

7:01 PM Add Comment
Helpers & Support in the aftermath of the bombing Boston Marathon -

tragic events of Monday Boston Marathon have left many of us shaken - especially being in our own backyard and people that affect us can know. But true to the cliché, even this cloud has a silver lining - witness the incredible courage of the first responders, medical personnel and many private citizens who put their own lives at risk to save others. Undoubtedly, more lives would have been lost without the courage of the "helpers".
It is difficult for all of us to overcome the senseless violence, but particularly difficult for children. On the webpage of the tragic events in New Fred Rogers offers resources, tips and discussions on how to scary, confusing disasters and world events in perspective for children. Some of his wise comforting advice is good for adults, too!
See also Resources after the Boston Marathon bombing, a list of useful links of our employee assistance program.
how you can help
the One Fund - Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Mayor Tom Menino of Boston announced the formation of The One Fund Boston, Inc. to help the people most affected by the tragic events that took place in Boston April 15, 2013.
American Red Cross - you can always give money or blood to the American Red Cross - but you might want to wait a few weeks. At this point, the Red Cross says it has sufficient funds and the blood supply to treat the events in Boston, but the need for blood is constant. People often rush to give a specific tragedy, but a donation on a regular basis may be more useful.
continuous Boston Children's Hospital to help with recovery after the explosions. You can support the hospital's efforts with a donation to the Marathon Program, which supports the most pressing needs of the hospital, or emergency and trauma fund, which helps children and families receiving treatment emergency they need when tragedy strikes.

Coming Up: National Dog Bite Prevention Week

6:00 PM Add Comment
Coming Up: National Dog Bite Prevention Week -

Next week is National Dog Bite Prevention Week. If you own a dog, you must be careful because the dog bites accounted for over a third of all complaints dollars of liability insurance of the owners paid in 2012, costing more than $ 489 million. While the number of bites has decreased, the cost of claims continues to rise - the average cost paid for the dog bite claims was $ 29,752. To learn more about the ins and outs of insurance issues related to dog ownership, see our previous article, insurance and your dog
Postal workers -. A group of people who are particularly at risk of dog bites - released their annual list of the top ranked dog attack in the city, and their tips to prevent dog bites ... and they certainly have experience in this field. If you have not seen it yet, visit the detachment of the former carrier Ryan Bradford mail All dogs want to kill me, where he registered dogs instant lurking on his postal route a few years ago. It's pretty fun, unless you are postal worker or the gas meter reader who has to face the pet down. Here are some clips that show how even seemingly mild territorial and aggressive dogs can be on the delivery of mail.

In addition to the mail carriers, children are also very vulnerable regarding dog bites. Here are some good sites to teach your children how to be safe
Teaching children how to have safe encounters with dogs
Prevent Bite -. Preventing dog bites to children through education
Learning to speak the dog and teach your children
Dog Bite Prevention - CDC

Cyber ​​security stay during your vacation

4:59 PM Add Comment
Cyber ​​security stay during your vacation -

June is awareness of online security Month - good timing as we approach the high season vacation, it is worth setting aside a few minutes to review your mobile security. As you travel, all coffee grounds to hotels will compete for your business by touting the availability of free WiFi and high-speed Internet access - a benefit that is great anywhere but is particularly useful when you leave the country. But when using these networks, have you ever stopped to think about how secure these connections? And even if you are on a secure network - which requires a connection - you can still be exposed to other people who use the same network. that adolescence may be sitting near you practice hacking skills? Could the user to the corner of the table trying to steal your identity? Others on the same network can access readily available tools to intercept unencrypted data passing over networks. Your session may even be hijacked. On a public network, you must use caution when transmitting any information that is personal, financial, or confidential
Even people who take all precautions at home and work computers can be rather cavalier when it comes to mobile devices -. It is easy to forget that our phones and tablets are really computers and subject to the same security risks. Lifehacker has a good article on how to stay safe on public Wi-Fi networks - how to disable sharing and enable your firewall on different devices, and how to automate your public WiFi security settings. It also suggests using SSL whenever possible and explains what it means and how to do. Another suggestion is to set up a virtual private network (VPN). ArsTechnica talk more about VPN and other security issues to the public WiFi hotspot
Other tips from experts:
Tips for using public Wi-Fi networks - from On Guard Online
Four safety tips for using Wi. Fi Microsoft
security using broadband Internet in hotels
Identity Protection Tips for summer traveler

Did you know that August is National Awareness Month vaccination?

3:58 PM Add Comment
Did you know that August is National Awareness Month vaccination? -


Vaccines (shots) help prevent dangerous and sometimes fatal diseases such as measles, diphtheria, and rubella.It is important to know which shots you need and when to get them.

most parents are aware that there are a series of recommended vaccines for children from birth to about age to prevent polio, mumps, rubella, tetanus, and more. Here is the guide for parents of children vaccination. Check out schedules and tools. See also this useful guide on tips for a shot visit less stressful

There are other people who need vaccines, too:

  • Students catch up on College vaccinations before moving in dorms
  • adults, especially health workers, need vaccines and boosters. Travelers may also need shots
  • Pregnant women should be vaccinated to protect newborn diseases such as whooping cough (pertussis)

With back to school on the horizon, it is a good time to update the status of vaccination for you and your loved ones - and to get the influenza vaccine on the calendar


It is Week's child passenger safety: Are You Doing It Right

2:57 PM Add Comment
It is Week's child passenger safety: Are You Doing It Right -


15 to 21 September 2013 is the child passenger safety week and Saturday, September 21, 2013 is national Seat Check Saturday. Car accidents are the leading cause of death among children aged 1 to 13 years. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that three-four parents do not properly use child restraints - and in 2011, more than a third of children under 13 who died in passenger accidents vehicles in 2011 were not in the seats or safety belts. Yet research shows that the proper use of seat belts and saves lives.

Central Parents offers an interactive guide to find the car safety seat child right, along with instructions to properly install the seat.

Here are some other great tools for parents:

child seat locator car inspection station - Find an inspection station for car seats children near you - certified technicians will inspect your car seat child,
in most cases free of charge - and show you how to install and use correctly. Search by zip code

Sign for recall. - To ensure that you are informed in case of recall, make sure you register your car seat

The child passenger safety laws - Not only is it essential to keep children safe, it's also the law. First offense fines for not complying with the laws on a state child passenger safety range from $ 10 to $ 500. Some states also use the points allowed to drive as an additional penalty for non-compliance. All 50 states require safety seats for children for infants and children fit specific criteria and all but two states require booster seats or other appropriate devices for children who have outgrown their safety seats children, but are still too small to use an adult seat belt safely.

Consumer Reports offers tips on child safety in cars and is also an excellent source of security and the ratings of booster seats seats.

Are you ready for robot cars?

1:56 PM Add Comment
Are you ready for robot cars? -

The race is on. Automakers are competing to put self-driving or "autonomous" cars on the market in 2020. robot cars are they achievable? Although it is unlikely that the roads resemble a scene Jetsons anytime soon, we can expect to see more features and more "semi-autonomous" self being widely available from 2015 and beyond - features such that collision avoidance systems, lane departure warning, advanced cruise control that can navigate curves and parking assistance systems. But New England and other people living in snowy climates note: In a report on what it is like riding in the car without driver Google Joann Muller talks about some of the self-driven car limits:

"... the car without a driver can not handle heavy rain and can not drive on snow-covered roads" because the appearance and shape changes of the world. He may not know where to go or what to do. "And engineers are still working on how to program the car to handle" rare events "like meeting a disabled vehicle on the crest of a hill or identify the debris, like a tire carcass in the middle of the road. "

pilots are ready for automotive future technological innovations? Check out this infographic pleasure risk Conversation blog Chubb

Driverless Cars

A Cautionary Remix Thanksgiving William Shatner

12:55 PM Add Comment
A Cautionary Remix Thanksgiving William Shatner -

planning on frying your turkey this year? We have some tips captain. William Shatner offers safety tips autotuned about frying turkeys -. A funny video with a serious message

think he exaggerates the dangers? Check out these eight fried Turkey explosives Disaster Videos - pretty scary

Even if you do not plan to fry your dinner, be careful in the kitchen - Red Cross said that cooking fires nearly double Thanksgiving day, occurring more than twice as often as any other day. They provide Thanksgiving food safety tips. (PDF)

Seasonal Animal Fun for your Friday Fun

11:54 AM Add Comment
Seasonal Animal Fun for your Friday Fun -

We expect the first significant snow for much of the region this weekend so be prepared. New England have different opinions about that - some children and adults love the snow, others hate it and find a nuisance. We thought you might enjoy this clip of the unknown Bailey Reindeer cavorting in the snow -. Obviously, he is a member of the camp "pro-snow"

Second, we have the " difficult to be a cat in Christmas" video featuring many favorite famous cats of the Internet: Grumpy cat, Colonel Meow, Oskar the blind cat, Nala cat, and Hamilton the Hipster cat. This is a promotional advertisement for cat food, but it is so cute we had to share.

Scam Watch: Fraud style

10:53 PM Add Comment
Scam Watch: Fraud style - Auto Insurance

The Swoop & Squat, panic and stop the drive down - staged auto scams are quite common the investigators of the insurance fraud rank by name. While most people are honest, we must all be aware and defensive drivers to avoid scammers and thieves. Some common scams caught on camera - watch and learn.

And here is almost incredible compilation of brazen crooks, Russian style - apparently a cam dashboard is an essential feature of the car there!

Puppies Predict the Super Bowl

9:52 PM Add Comment
Puppies Predict the Super Bowl -

If you are not a football fan (What? I do not know yet ....) There is always the popular Puppy Bowl, now in its tenth year. About 12 million people listening to this sporting event last year. The festivities this year start on Sunday at 15 o'clock on the Animal Planet - and the Obama celebrity dogs Sunny & Bo will be on hand to kick things off. Meet the starting lineup, but that is just part of the team, there are 66 stars in total. In addition, responding to the popular halftime Kittie stars. This year there is a new special feature:.! Cheerleaders Penguin

And you need not worry about missing the Super Bowl because puppies have already predicted the winner of this year

Enjoy this snow New England family activities for the week of school vacation

8:51 PM Add Comment
Enjoy this snow New England family activities for the week of school vacation -


Are you still cleaning up after another crazy winter storm that brought substantial snow to many areas of New England? You put up with shoveling and driving part - now with the week of the school holidays before us, it is time for the fun part. We have implemented a variety of activities to help you get out and enjoy the snow. And for all non-snow bunnies in the crowd, we offer other kid-friendly activities as well. Just be sure to freshen up the safe winter driving tips before leaving

New England offers more than 60 ski and snowboard alpine areas and resorts, dozens of ski areas bottom -., Plus a host of other fun winter activities. Discover New England is a good stop for a source for a variety of ideas in the states of New England. Here is a website to check new England ski conditions at different stations

Yankee Magazine "best of" lists offer some good ideas :.

  • best ways to have Fun with Snow
  • The Best Cross Country Ski Trails | We choose the best 5
  • Zipline tour Bretton Woods
  • Snow Tubing at peak Pat in Henniker, NH
  • Winter Day Trip: Historic Concord, Massachusetts

Here are some other activities:

  • Massachusetts vacation week ideas
  • school holidays: a few ideas to keep 'Em Busy / Connecticut
  • Western Massachusetts provide programs to keep kids busy during February vacation
  • You will not hear "I'm bored" during the February school holidays on Cape Cod
  • Rhode Island Kidoinfo
  • NH: What will I do with my child during the February vacation?

Terrifying Carbon Monoxide Incidents should be a reminder

7:50 PM Add Comment
Terrifying Carbon Monoxide Incidents should be a reminder -
Image credit: CDC OSHA Fact Sheet

Image credit: CDC OSHA Sheet

During the weekend a NY restaurant manager quickly succumbed to carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and 28 others were taken from the restaurant and treated for symptoms. The CO leak was serious enough that first responders felt lightheaded when entering the building.

A few days later, a tragedy-in-the-making was narrowly averted in a timeshare resort in Ogunquit Maine, where 21 people were poisoned by CO. You can read the terrifying story of a couple from Connecticut who poisoned and nearly succumbed. They experienced flu symptoms and lethargy. After the man fainted and broke his nose, they left their room to go to a drug store. On the way, they told the manager of the receipt of their symptoms. His 9-1-1 wise call probably saved 21 lives.

And now we hear that a family of four Idaho probably died of CO poisoning.

These experiences highlight the importance of working CO detectors in both homes and public buildings. Each year, an estimated 400+ people die from carbon monoxide poisoning and thousands more are treated in hospitals. Often called the "silent killer," CO is a colorless, odorless gas that can leak when the fuel-burning appliances such as furnaces, water heaters and malfunctioning generators. It can also rapidly accumulate when cars, grills, lawn mowers and other fuel machines are used in confined spaces.

If you do not, here's a guide to how consumers purchase a carbon monoxide detector. Here are the state laws regarding carbon monoxide detectors

Here are some tips from the Department of Health of New York :.

  • If you think you or someone else has CO poisoning, seek fresh air immediately and call 911.
  • annual maintenance
  • of Annex on home heating systems, including furnaces, chimneys, fireplaces and other heat sources such as non-electric water heater, to ensure they are properly vented and maintained.
  • Install battery CO detectors in your home. Check them twice a year to ensure that the batteries are working properly. Checking CO alarms when the clocks are set to the summer time savings is a useful way to remember.
  • Operate portable generators outside and under the buildings of wind. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a distance of at least 25 feet from the house.
  • Never use equipment or fuel powered tools in a garage, basement or other enclosed space.
  • Never use a gas range or oven to heat.
  • Never use a gas grill or charcoal grill in your home or other enclosed space.
  • Ensure that non-electric heating appliances are properly installed and ventilated, and they are regularly inspected and maintained.
  • Never run a car or truck inside a garage or any structure, even with the door open.
  • Know where engine and generator exhaust boat outlets are located. Keep away from these areas if the vessel is idle.

The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning
Because CO is odorless, colorless, and otherwise undetectable to the human senses, the people do not know they are exposed. The first symptoms of low to moderate CO poisoning are similar to the flu (but without the fever). They include:

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Breathlessness
  • Nausea
  • Vertigo

the high-level CO poisoning symptoms in more severe, including:

  • confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of muscle coordination
  • Loss of consciousness
  • ultimately death
  • state laws


Carbon monoxide Safety Association

information and CDC fact sheets and FAQs

ABC Insurance: Types of automatic protection

6:49 PM Add Comment
ABC Insurance: Types of automatic protection -


auto insurance is something every driver needs, but how do you really know about cover your car? This clip of 3 minutes from the Insurance Information Institute offers a good overview of what you need to know. You can also see this information in an infographic format. As well:? What is covered by a basic auto insurance policy

Call -we for the help!
If you live in New England and have questions about auto insurance, why not give a call to one of our agents? Find Renaissance Alliance Insurance Agent near you on our map -. Or choose an agent of our list in the left sidebar of

Do not let scammers intercept your tax refund!

5:48 PM Add Comment
Do not let scammers intercept your tax refund! -

scam bait

If you have a coming tax refund, you are eager to get it as soon as possible, right?

This is what the thieves rely on intelligent and they pose as the IRS in telephone calls, emails, texts and websites to promise a faster return hoping to provide sensitive information to that they can intercept your tax refund.

There are also telephone tax scams with fake IRS callers saying you owe money and threatening immediate arrest, deportation or fines if you do not pay immediately or provide information sensitive to prevent some disastrous consequences.

Be very skeptical of all calls or emails from the IRS. At this time of the year, in particular, it may be criminals who are trying to intercept your tax refund. Tax evasion is surging. The government estimates that scams cost taxpayers $ 21 billion this year. Do not be a victim! See current IRS Tax Fraud Alerts

If you receive a threatening phone call or phone call promising a faster refund, do these two things :.

  • Hang up and call the IRS directly at 800-829-1040.
  • Take notes on the caller's number and report the incident to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration at 800-366-4484.

all the scams are phone
are similar rules for e-mails or text messages claiming to be from the IRS. Phishing emails and phishing sites can be very sophisticated and look surprisingly realistic. PCWorld offers common sense safety tips that everyone should know: 10 tips to protect your tax return against theft and fraud

Today, Portland Press Herald reports on a number of victims stolen refund of tax fraud identity in the medical community of Portland. The article says that it works like this:

"From a home computer, with the tax software or free forms from the IRS, an identity thief may have a false return that generates a substantial refund. This refund can be deposited electronically into bank accounts, several bank accounts or even a prepaid debit card. when the legitimate taxpayer or the IRS discovered the scheme, the thief may be long gone. "

It can happen to everyone. People are righteously angry when personal information is leaked by the security failures of a large corporation, but it is too common for people to be duped into handing voluntarily on sensitive criminal phishers data. It is essential for us all to take the time to learn how to be safe and skeptical online and off.

We spoke several times on the blog, because it is an important subject. For more information, check out our archives of messages on tax fraud and tax evasion.

Next week: Dog Bite Prevention Week

4:47 PM Add Comment
Next week: Dog Bite Prevention Week -

May 19-25 is Dog Bite Prevention Week - the infographic below includes some interesting facts of dog bite. The Postal Service commemorates the event with its annual ranking of best cities for dog attacks - they have learned the hard way, scoring 5.581 postal employees attacks - just a small portion of the 4.5 million people last year US bitten .

The Insurance Information Institute says the average cost of an alleged dog bite in 2013 was a huge $ 27,862. They offer a list of 10 states with the highest number and cost of dog bite claims. For more on the implications of the insurance dog owners, consult our insurance before you post and your dog

National Dog Bite Prevention Week 2013, May 19-25
Dog Bites by the Numbers

D-Day: 70 years ago today

3:46 PM Add Comment
D-Day: 70 years ago today -

Today, on the 70th anniversary of D-Day, we take a minute to honor the heroes of our nation

See a gallery. move pictures from then and now In Atlantic focus

A brotherhood of heroes born in Normandy landing

D-Day to

The lifespan of a tire

2:45 PM Add Comment
The lifespan of a tire -

This video contains all the essential elements for tire safety in just over a minute and a half - take a look. .

Tirewise is your one stop regarding tire safety and consumer protection. (It is a part of Here are some helpful resources

How to learn the age of your tires -. Regardless of tire wear, the rubber may decompose over time. Some manufacturers of vehicles and tires recommend replacing tires that are aged six to 10 years, regardless of treadwear. See the diagram on this page to see how to date your tires

Tire Note Lookup -. You can search for recalls, inquiries and complaints about the tires - and also for safety seats for children, for automotive equipment, or. all of your car

Check tire recalls - NHTSA assessed more than 2,400 tire lines, including the most used on passenger cars, vans, SUVs and light trucks. Consumers can choose a tire brand from the drop down menu below

Another view of safety. Make sure your car insurance is ongoing and provides adequate coverage. If you live in New England, one of our members find local agents near you.

The benefits of working with your local independent insurance agent

1:44 PM Add Comment
The benefits of working with your local independent insurance agent -

We liked this video clip of Liberty Mutual, one of our insurance company partners, which talks about the benefits of small companies that work with independent agents.

Whether you are looking for a commercial or personal insurance, an agent can bring a lot of value to the table. There are many online price comparison tools, but getting the right coverage to protect your business, your personal assets and your family requires more consideration than just price. Check out some of the other benefits of working with an independent agent in the links below. And we invite you to consult our list of independent expert members Renaissance Alliance in the sidebar or to find an insurance agent in New England near you.

4 Advantages of an independent insurance agent
FinancialWeb summarizes some key benefits of working with independent insurance agents professionals.

Why use an independent insurance agency?
Our own Renaissance Alliance member Joe Harrington Markham Priest Insurance talks about 3 ways to buy insurance and lists some of the advantages of an independent agent.

Insurance: An easier way to compare the prices
On the personal finance blog Get Rich Slowly , April Dykman speaks experiences that led her to use an independent agent instead of flying solo.

Advantages of an independent insurance agent
Safeco, one of our partner insurers, talks about what to look for in a good insurance agent.

Enjoy the personal attention of an independent agent Travelers
Another of our partners insurers offer a testimony to the benefits of buying insurance through an independent agent.

The game of claim: Filing an automatic request

12:43 PM Add Comment
The game of claim: Filing an automatic request -


Filing an auto insurance claim is never fun. But with these simple steps from the Insurance Information Institute, you can save yourself a lot of time and trouble. "Is Insurance The I: The game of claim, Auto" put you on the way to experience satisfactory demand deposit, giving you the basics of what you need to know what your policy covers and the information more important to save when you are in an accident.

Celebrate Lion World Day (but do not try this at home)

11:42 AM Add Comment
Celebrate Lion World Day (but do not try this at home) -


Sunday is World Day of Lions, a global campaign to celebrate the importance of the lion and to help prevent these majestic creatures to go extinct. If you want to know more about how to support the Lions, click for a list of organizations active in lion conservation and research.

And we have some amazing videos to get you in the spirit.

The first is a clip of lions interacting with a robotic camera buggy -like all fun and fascinating cat, they were more curious and photographer Chris McLennon got some really remarkable shots - up close and personal. If you can not access the video, see photos and animated gifs here.

The next clip is 11 minutes on Kevin Richardson, called the Lion Whisperer because of its unique relationship with these majestic but fearsome predators. Unbelievable!

If these videos remind you of their domestic counterpart, housecat, you can be inspired to adopt a cat slightly tamer your shelter nearby!

Funniest of insurance ads to start your week

10:41 PM Add Comment
Funniest of insurance ads to start your week -

It is back to business and back to school after the long holiday weekend. We thought one way to go smoothly you in the work week would be to post some ads in our humor file

The first is a minute "ad-nimation" cute -. A smart promotion for Certified General Accountants of Quebec.

SHEEP Guillaume Blanchet I Filmmaker on Vimeo.

The second is a post from Central Beheer an insurance company located in Apeldoorn, Netherlands, a company that is renowned for its smart advertisng.

Do not be our next sad story: Look in the rental insurance

9:40 PM Add Comment
Do not be our next sad story: Look in the rental insurance -


This is a sad story that we have heard all too often: a tenant a fire and lose everything because they do not have rental insurance. We are not the only ones who hear this story - the Red Cross said they run in this scenario more and more often. In fact, a recent survey by the Insurance Information Institute (III) found that only 37 percent of renters have renters insurance, against 95 percent of homeowners who have a homeowners insurance policy

We hear all kinds of excuses .:

Myth :. my owner insurance will cover the loss Reality : the owner's insurance covers their building, not your property

Myth: This is too expensive. Reality: This is cheaper than you might think - especially considering the alternative. According III "... the average cost of the policy of a tenant is only $ 187 per year, less than four dollars a week"

Myth . My possessions are not valuable enough to cover Reality . It is very expensive to replace any Even for students in furnished apartments, the cost of replacement clothes, books, notebooks and other goods. staff may be added. in addition, renters insurance covers many things that people often do not expect. It would help to protect you if a customer were injured in your home or if a laptop were stolen from your car. It would also help pay for temporary living expenses if your apartment is destroyed.

III provides a checklist renters insurance and check the short video clip below to get advice a mannequin 😉 We also encourage you to give a call to your local independent insurance agent for details.

Handy Household hacks: creative uses for everyday products

7:39 PM Add Comment
Handy Household hacks: creative uses for everyday products

- Here are some video clips of great hacks save money for household products that you probably already have in the one of your cabinets. Learn some of their uses less well known and save on costly alternatives.

10 Super Vinegar Life Hacks you need to know

6 uses for Windex You should know

25 Creative uses for ordinary household items

Do not be too scary, but how much is your body worth?

6:38 PM Add Comment
Do not be too scary, but how much is your body worth? -

Happy Halloween! We could not think of a more appropriate subject and macabre for the day to find out what your body is worth. The excellent infographic below gives you a good overview body part by body part of your market value. (Click to enlarge). Or complete a short questionnaire for a more personalized version of the value of your body in dollars and cents.

If you really feel macabre, you can visit the The Death Clock, which appears as "Internet friendly reminder that life escapes him ... second by second." Enter your date of birth , sex, BMI, and smoking. You can choose from your results on a scale of "sadistic" to "optimistic" - ". Normal "or simply If things really seem to say, think about your life insurance coverage and update your beneficiaries. Oh - and we really can not think of a better way to celebrate the day and ensure that your longevity to register as organ donor



The best times to ensure safe road travel Thanksgiving

5:37 PM Add Comment
The best times to ensure safe road travel Thanksgiving -

If you plan to hit the road for Thanksgiving, you'll have plenty of company. Road travel should be very high this year, supported by favorable gas prices currently - according to AAA, this week began with a national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline of $ 2,885! is a good source for the best prices - and this year they investigated Thanksgiving Travel with more than 80,000 people and has learned the following :?

  • When will we 36% say their Thanksgiving travel begins on Thanksgiving. 30% said it began the day; 18% say they are taking the road 2-3 days before.
  • What about the house back? 25% say they will fight tryptophan malaise and drive home later Thanksgiving Day; but the majority, 42% say they will wait 2-3 days and drive home Saturday or Sunday. 22% of us are waiting to hit the road with a fresh start the next morning.
  • How are we prepared? 95% of respondents have a smartphone. 52% say they use 2-3 travel apps for their Thanksgiving trip; 34% actively use 4 or more applications.

Google Maps has examined the traffic conditions in the past two years to 21 cities in the US and translates that data travel advice for those of you who will be on the road: the best day to travel? This would be on Thanksgiving Day itself. Google offers tips for day to avoid, the best time to go, the best time to go home, and more. See the complete list of Google Thanksgiving travel tips here -. We extracted some infographic style tips below
travel-1 travel2 travel-3

Get the Santa Tracker App

4:36 PM Add Comment
Get the Santa Tracker App -


For more than 50 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the Command of the Continental Air Defense (CONAD) followed a Santa's flight. They deploy the latest technology to track Santa, including radar, satellites SantaCams and jet fighters.

You can visit the NORAD website to download the app Father to follow his progress via an account clock timer, explore the village of Santa Claus at the North Pole, play games and more.

Asked what road trip from Santa, NORAD said, "Santa usually starts at the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean and travels west. So, historically, Santa visits the Pacific South first, then New Zealand and Australia. After that, it takes up to Japan, over to Asia, across Africa and then West Europe, Canada, USA , Mexico and Central and South America. Keep in mind, Santa's route can be affected by weather, so it's really unpredictable. NORAD coordinates with Santa's Elf launch of staff to confirm its time launch, but from that moment, the Father calls the shots. We just follow him! "

The little-known fire Batteries 9 volt

3:35 PM Add Comment
The little-known fire Batteries 9 volt -

9-volt There is a security risk hidden in the 9-volt batteries that most people do not know probably not. Do not learn the hard way - watch real life Dave drama of a destroyed house. He, his family and pets all got out safely, but you can see the total damage to his home. Now Dave has a mission to tell her story so that others do not make the mistake that he made. Here's a safety tip sheet battery 9 volt NFPA

In the second and third videos, Dave shares his frightening experience during the fire and breaks down the many mistakes he made which would have cost him his life. - Hopes that his mistakes will be a life lesson for others. If you take a few minutes to watch the videos, you will probably learn some safety tips that you might never have considered - we did! In addition, Dave also encourage everyone to keep a home inventory, an idea that we support! .

Be careful: Shoveling snow can kill or injure you

2:34 PM Add Comment
Be careful: Shoveling snow can kill or injure you -

"Shoveling lot of wet snow, heavy poses a real risk of heart attack if you are not fit for the do. and musculoskeletal injuries are even more common. "it's a reminder of Lenny Bernstein, which offers great tips for shoveling safely in Washington Post . The following short video accompanying guidance.

We also really this big list of Roy Berendsohn of Popular Mechanics peak: 16 cardinal rules to shovel snow. Roy also offers a handy guide to help you choose the best tool for the type of conditions and the task: Snow Shovel What is the best


Behind the scenes: the film industry is a risky business

1:33 PM Add Comment
Behind the scenes: the film industry is a risky business -

Insuring Films When the Academy Awards take place this weekend, it is unlikely that one of the actors or winning producers will thank their insurers of the podium - but insurance is a component vital behind the scenes in the business of making successful films. It is one of the key factors in ensuring that "the show must go on."

At an event in the film industry last year, the board of Lloyds spoke about insurance of film and television productions, noting that the industry requires insurance to protect against delays, damaged equipment, accidents and natural disasters, to name a few common risks. Lloyds panelists identified greater risk

"the majority of requests are from cast or crew failure to appear, according to Elliot. The financial cost of the loss of a principal actor or director can be huge. Elliot cites the case of a film production in Europe, where the director has suffered an illness during the production and post-production phases leading to an insurance claim of about $ 2.3m. "

In the insurance 150- year marks fireman Fund, Richard Verrier of Los Angeles Times looked at the century of the insurer work in the film industry, and how the company has helped to keep the cameras rolling.

"fireman Fund covers about 80% to 85% of $ 0 million or more in Hollywood political spends to make movies and TV shows. Premiums vary from 1% to 4% of the film budget, which means that a film of $ 0 million may spend at least $ 2 million in insurance coverage. "

The company said that in 2012, average demand paid to a film or television producer in 2012 was $ 60,651, but some were significantly

"When Audrey Hepburn fell from a horse while" the Unforgiven, "his back injury delayed the shooting of the result in 1960 film by John Houston. Fireman Fund has paid more than $ 240,000 to cover losses.

"Spartacus" was more costly for the insurer, which paid $ 245,000 for delays caused by an emergency operation for the actress Jean Simmons, $ 53,000 for a viral infection star Kirk Douglas and 335,000 for $ severed Achilles tendon co-star Tony Curtis.

But his most expensive application was "Wagons East." Firemans Fund paid approximately $ 15 million when star John Candy died in 1994 during production in Durango, Mexico.

the insurer has paid a claim $ 7 million after Patrick Swayze fell off a horse and broke his leg while filming the 1998 film of the crime "Letters from a Killer," Diaz said. "

enjoy the Academy Awards this weekend. insurance nerds who lack recognition of the role behind the scenes of their parts of the industry could benefit from some of these insurance-related movies

  • 10 classic films with insurance
  • 8 Great Suspense Movies that revolve around life insurance (Seriously)
  • safety and health (SST) in the movies: the full list

Drowsy Driving: Scary video shows how fast it happens

12:32 PM Add Comment
Drowsy Driving: Scary video shows how fast it happens -

Depositphotos_5342842_xs The National Road Administration security conservative estimate 100,000 police-reported crashes are the direct result of driver fatigue each year. According to the sleep of the National Sleep Foundation survey in America, 60% of Americans led by drowsy and 37% admit to having actually fallen asleep at the wheel in the past year.

The terrifying video below shows three different angles of an accident that happened last October, when a Michigan bus driver nodded off for a second while driving - it cuts a half-strip mile of the wreck. Amazingly, no one was killed.

A 2014 AAA Foundation for the Study of the Highway Safety found that "... drowsy drivers are involved in about 21% of fatal accidents, up 16.5% compared to the previous study in 2010, as most drivers drift out of their lanes or on the road. The drivers themselves are often victims of accidents who die in single car accidents. "

Who is at risk? According, everyone can fall asleep at the wheel, but surveys show that sleep-related accidents are more common among young people, especially men, adults with children and shift workers. drivers and business people with undiagnosed sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and acute insomnia are also at greater risk of falling asleep accidents

flying warning signs of drowsiness include :.

  • difficulty focusing, frequent blinking or heavy eyelids
  • Daydreaming, wandering / thoughts disconnection
  • trouble remembering the last few miles driven; outputs or missing traffic signs
  • Yawning repeatedly or rub your eyes
  • struggling to keep your head up
  • Drifting from your lane, tailgating or hitting a shoulder rumble strip
  • feeling restless and irritable

Here are some tips to to help prevent drowsy driving

  • a Sleep good night
  • P lan to drive long trips with a companion
  • Schedule regular stops every 100 miles or two hours
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs
  • Take 15 to 20-minute nap. More than 20 minutes can make you groggy for at least five minutes after waking
  • Consume the equivalent of two cups of coffee; Remember, caffeine takes about 30 minutes to get into the bloodstream and will not greatly affect those who consume it regularly.

Looking for a career in the insurance?

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Looking for a career in the insurance? -

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See more about insurance jobs to this story in Bloomberg News. Hat tip to Jayleen heft to PropertyCasualty360 for the pointer on the video!