Cyber ​​security stay during your vacation

4:59 PM
Cyber ​​security stay during your vacation -

June is awareness of online security Month - good timing as we approach the high season vacation, it is worth setting aside a few minutes to review your mobile security. As you travel, all coffee grounds to hotels will compete for your business by touting the availability of free WiFi and high-speed Internet access - a benefit that is great anywhere but is particularly useful when you leave the country. But when using these networks, have you ever stopped to think about how secure these connections? And even if you are on a secure network - which requires a connection - you can still be exposed to other people who use the same network. that adolescence may be sitting near you practice hacking skills? Could the user to the corner of the table trying to steal your identity? Others on the same network can access readily available tools to intercept unencrypted data passing over networks. Your session may even be hijacked. On a public network, you must use caution when transmitting any information that is personal, financial, or confidential
Even people who take all precautions at home and work computers can be rather cavalier when it comes to mobile devices -. It is easy to forget that our phones and tablets are really computers and subject to the same security risks. Lifehacker has a good article on how to stay safe on public Wi-Fi networks - how to disable sharing and enable your firewall on different devices, and how to automate your public WiFi security settings. It also suggests using SSL whenever possible and explains what it means and how to do. Another suggestion is to set up a virtual private network (VPN). ArsTechnica talk more about VPN and other security issues to the public WiFi hotspot
Other tips from experts:
Tips for using public Wi-Fi networks - from On Guard Online
Four safety tips for using Wi. Fi Microsoft
security using broadband Internet in hotels
Identity Protection Tips for summer traveler

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