Don, AOT cancel this trip: security cruises and insurance advice

9:16 PM
Don, AOT cancel this trip: security cruises and insurance advice -

got a scheduled cruise? With all the coverage of the recent Costa Concordia disaster, you could be forgiven for feeling a little uncomfortable. The reports of survivors, images and photos are disturbing to say the least. It certainly doesn, AOT helps to hear the stories of a captain and crew irresponsible!
For a bird's eye view, SOA how things can get rough, see our past post, a reminder not so soft that travel insurance could be a good idea, that includes some terrifying images of a cruise ship, AOS onboard security camera during a severe
storm off new Zealand in 08.
But take heart. About 14 million people take cruises each year, and calamities are rare. There, AOS a reason they are such a popular vacation choices. Remember, nothing in life is risk, even walking to the corner store. The media tend to exaggerate those great rare events, precisely because they are rare, they have a lot of drama, and they involve a lot of people. In fact, the relative risk is more important to your reader board the cruise ship that's when you're on the cruise itself.
That being said, it, AOS still a good idea to prepare in advance for your travels. Here are some good articles on how you can prepare and plan to maximize your safety while cruising:
Christian Science Monitor: After the Costa Concordia disaster: 8 safety tips for passenger cruise ships
ABC News Radio: Cruise ship safety: 20 Tips for safety and Off the Seas
HowStuffWorks: How to survive a sinking ship
Cruises can be expensive, so that an informed consumer will take the time to research reviews and safety records. This article in Business Insider offers a variety of links and resources for verifying a safety line, in advance cruise OSA. You can also read reviews on sites like Cruise Critic and Trip Advisor.
Don, AOT forget Insurance
If you are planning an important trip, talk to your insurance agent about insurance. Some of your existing policies may cover you for certain things, but you may need additional insurance, especially for travel arrangements. Here are some resources Travel insurance:
Travel Insurance from the Insurance Information Institute
Travel Insurance Quiz
6 tips to avoid scams Travel Insurance

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