Drowsy Driving: Scary video shows how fast it happens

12:32 PM
Drowsy Driving: Scary video shows how fast it happens -

Depositphotos_5342842_xs The National Road Administration security conservative estimate 100,000 police-reported crashes are the direct result of driver fatigue each year. According to the sleep of the National Sleep Foundation survey in America, 60% of Americans led by drowsy and 37% admit to having actually fallen asleep at the wheel in the past year.

The terrifying video below shows three different angles of an accident that happened last October, when a Michigan bus driver nodded off for a second while driving - it cuts a half-strip mile of the wreck. Amazingly, no one was killed.

A 2014 AAA Foundation for the Study of the Highway Safety found that "... drowsy drivers are involved in about 21% of fatal accidents, up 16.5% compared to the previous study in 2010, as most drivers drift out of their lanes or on the road. The drivers themselves are often victims of accidents who die in single car accidents. "

Who is at risk? According drowsydriving.org, everyone can fall asleep at the wheel, but surveys show that sleep-related accidents are more common among young people, especially men, adults with children and shift workers. drivers and business people with undiagnosed sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and acute insomnia are also at greater risk of falling asleep accidents

flying warning signs of drowsiness include :.

  • difficulty focusing, frequent blinking or heavy eyelids
  • Daydreaming, wandering / thoughts disconnection
  • trouble remembering the last few miles driven; outputs or missing traffic signs
  • Yawning repeatedly or rub your eyes
  • struggling to keep your head up
  • Drifting from your lane, tailgating or hitting a shoulder rumble strip
  • feeling restless and irritable

Here are some tips to drowsydriving.org to help prevent drowsy driving

  • a Sleep good night
  • P lan to drive long trips with a companion
  • Schedule regular stops every 100 miles or two hours
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs
  • Take 15 to 20-minute nap. More than 20 minutes can make you groggy for at least five minutes after waking
  • Consume the equivalent of two cups of coffee; Remember, caffeine takes about 30 minutes to get into the bloodstream and will not greatly affect those who consume it regularly.
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