Off site workers increase Intensification Small Business Risks Data

5:11 PM
Off site workers increase Intensification Small Business Risks Data -

Small businesses have become more aware over the years the importance of data protection and backup. It is a rare company that has no backup procedures in place, but it is always a good idea to ensure that these policies and procedures are up to date. Since surveys show that the data breach costs an average company of $ 7.2 million, or $ 214 per breached record, well protect your company data must always be one of the best elements of your priority list. In addition, many states adopt laws on the confidentiality of customer data and security, and to date, 46 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have enacted laws requiring breach notification the security of personal information.
Experts recommend that you regularly back up your data, develop data and disaster recovery plans and educate your employees on the importance of customer data security.
the latter is crucial in society more and more mobile today. A recent survey showed that up to 80% of workers in medium-sized small businesses regularly use their own portable devices such as laptops, iPads and iPhones to work at home or on the road. Although most companies have formal policies in place to protect their vital data in the office, a surprising lack of data protection has emerged with the growth of remote workers. Fully a third of companies allow employees to make their own decisions on how -or if - to save the data of enterprise customers and their own devices and, therefore, valuable data could easily be lost or compromised. Instead of these informal arrangements, it is a good idea to implement a formal policy of acceptable use which may include installing security software on the employee's device.
If your business involves the storage of data in personal customer electronically, you should speak with your independent insurance agent about exactly what your liability insurance covers companies and discuss whether you need to a specialized product to cover the cover data loss and liability of electronic data to meet following a data breach. And while you are having this discussion, you can also learn more about the cyber liability coverage for protection against various legal obligations relating to the dissemination of information via the Internet.

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