Presentation of "Know Your Plan" - Disaster Prep App for iPhone

1:07 PM
Presentation of "Know Your Plan" - Disaster Prep App for iPhone -

Disasters can happen anywhere - just ask the people of Springfield who experienced the wrath of the tornado last summer or communities from Vermont were flooded last year following a hurricane that was supposed to pass through the state. So we sometimes have warning on the outstanding issues, and catastrophic weather catastrophic natural events often take us by surprise
Today, the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) has introduced a new application for mobile disaster preparedness. - Know your plan - which includes tips protection of property. It includes a variety of "resources and checklists that consumers can use to help minimize the damage due to severe weather and other disaster events. users can also create custom checklists and can share their lists with family and friends by email. "Users can also access local emergency information through a high-power Google Crisis Response.
The iPhone application was developed with the Insurance Information Institute, and is available in the iPhone store under Know your Plan, or by searching "Insurance information Institute" in the App Store on your iPhone.
your preparation disaster should also include a home inventory . We recommend two tools for this. See Know Your Stuff from the insurance Information Institute or Myhome of the national Association of insurance Commissioners.

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