Helpers & Support in the aftermath of the bombing Boston Marathon

7:01 PM
Helpers & Support in the aftermath of the bombing Boston Marathon -

tragic events of Monday Boston Marathon have left many of us shaken - especially being in our own backyard and people that affect us can know. But true to the cliché, even this cloud has a silver lining - witness the incredible courage of the first responders, medical personnel and many private citizens who put their own lives at risk to save others. Undoubtedly, more lives would have been lost without the courage of the "helpers".
It is difficult for all of us to overcome the senseless violence, but particularly difficult for children. On the webpage of the tragic events in New Fred Rogers offers resources, tips and discussions on how to scary, confusing disasters and world events in perspective for children. Some of his wise comforting advice is good for adults, too!
See also Resources after the Boston Marathon bombing, a list of useful links of our employee assistance program.
how you can help
the One Fund - Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Mayor Tom Menino of Boston announced the formation of The One Fund Boston, Inc. to help the people most affected by the tragic events that took place in Boston April 15, 2013.
American Red Cross - you can always give money or blood to the American Red Cross - but you might want to wait a few weeks. At this point, the Red Cross says it has sufficient funds and the blood supply to treat the events in Boston, but the need for blood is constant. People often rush to give a specific tragedy, but a donation on a regular basis may be more useful.
continuous Boston Children's Hospital to help with recovery after the explosions. You can support the hospital's efforts with a donation to the Marathon Program, which supports the most pressing needs of the hospital, or emergency and trauma fund, which helps children and families receiving treatment emergency they need when tragedy strikes.

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