A marriage gone to the dogs

2:08 PM
A marriage gone to the dogs -

happy-couple.jpg Photo: Tina Fineberg / Associated Press
the last week pooches Chilly Pasternak (a poodle) and baby Hope diamond (a Cotton Tulear) tied the knot, they set a Guinness World record for the most expensive dog wedding ever. According to a news report in the latimes.com, the evening cost $ 158,187.12, far more than the average wedding people, which is $ 27,000. The new report notes that the doggie bride's wedding dress cost more than the wedding dress that the woman's Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg wore in their recent marriage!
While many may think this decadence is a sure sign that we went to the dogs, the event had a serious purpose: it was a fundraiser for the Humane Society of New York. It is actually a good reminder for animal lovers everywhere that the Humane Society can use the support!
A story in Business Insider puts the price tag even higher marriage, to $ 250,000. You can read a first hand report of marriage and browse a photo gallery gala festivities.
wedding insurance provides peace of mind
We do not read anything about it, but with such an expensive event, we can only hope that the Event planners expected to wedding insurance budget!
Even if a planned event will be a fraction of the cost that these dogs have passed, human brides and grooms may wish to discuss options wedding insurance agent with an independent agent. Wedding insurance can cover the cancellation costs due to weather, disease or the place of downtime. It can also cover losses if the gifts are stolen, damage or loss of photos, rings, dresses, etc., and other unexpected problems. Besides the insurance or other problems, your reception venue may require liability insurance. You should also be sure to check that your wedding venue and suppliers are properly insured, and know exactly what and how they could extend insurance to cover any problems you might encounter.

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