The questions you should ask questions about homeowners insurance

2:21 PM
The questions you should ask questions about homeowners insurance -

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners offers a wealth of information to insurance Insure U. When shopping for homeowners, here are some questions NAIC suggests you ask your agent:
• are the agent and the insurance company recognized by my state insurance department? For how long? (Your insurance department status can confirm the answers to these questions.)
• How do I find the claims history of the house before buying it?
• If I apply, how will it affect my bonus when I renew the policy?
• What discounts are available?
• What is the coverage of the policy? What must not cover? What are the limits blankets?
• How much coverage for my personal property do I need?
• Should I buy insurance against flood or earthquake coverage?
• How will my credit history will affect my premium?
more to the rapid consumer guide to home insurance (PDF)

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