Buy in bulk and Couponing: Why Have a Stockpile is for everyone

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Buy in bulk and Couponing: Why Have a Stockpile is for everyone -

Buying in Bulk and Couponing: Why Having a Stockpile is For Everyone

Have you ever watched Extreme Couponing and wondered if people on this show are crazy?

Does it seem odd that these people need an aspirin bottles or 1000 400 tubes of toothpaste?

Yes, they get it for free, but does that mean they absolutely get?

personally I shudder whenever I see things in excess, but that does not mean I do not believe in stockpiling and smart shopping.

While spending 10 hours per week may be overkill for most, learning sales cycles and keep handy coupons for products you normally use is just smart.

I emphasize that there is an essential difference between the crazy hoarding and storage of things that you normally use.

Why you need a stock?

Saving money. Yes, it saves you money, but only if you spend your money on things you are going to buy anyway. This is the biggest difference.

Say, for example, your favorite shampoo is on sale for 60%, take 5 or more and you're ready for a few months to a year (depending on how much hair you have), and you just you saved money, but say you see a kind of juice for sale for 70% off, but you do not drink juice. Silver Well, in that case, you just lost.

Just because something is on sale does not mean it is a smart investment.

less time in stores. OK, so it's not as clear as I'll explain. Initially, you spend a ton of time from your stock, but once you have all the bases, you do not need to make last minute travel reducing your shopping time.

you are ready for emergencies. If an emergency situation ever comes up (and not just a natural disaster like a hurricane or something of that nature, but job loss or serious illness), you don ' not have to worry about the grocery store because you will already have most of what you need in your reservation.

you may have to buy some things, like fresh produce, eggs and milk, but other than that, you should be set for a while if you have enough to keep you longer stored.

How much do you really need?

This is the most difficult question to answer. If you are single, you can do things last much longer if you have a family.

I see people get carried away all the time. They buy more that they never use and eventually get sick of doing the same thing.

storage food is an art and a science, and to find the balance is the key.

How to get started?

Figure out how long you need your reserves to last. This could vary from 3 months to 12 months.

Start by looking at the sales to your local grocery stores. If you see fantastic sales (not just the "good" sales but "fantastic" sales!), Available on the items and add them to your library.

Remember only store what you will be able to use before the expiration date.

Find coupons to help cut costs even more. While you will not be able to use them on everything, find the right products you can use them on can make a huge difference.

Make sure you set a budget for how much you can spend on storage. Its very important. I recommend $ 5- $ 20 per week for storage (more if you can afford it). Do not exceed the budgeted amount. If you do, your savings go up in smoke.

If you do not use all your "inventory allowance" in one week, transported to the next week. Some weeks are better than others for big sales.

Where to store your reserve?

Storage seems to be the biggest problem, especially if you live in a small apartment. But with a little creativity, you can stay your actual and hidden reserves of sight.

closet. If you have a closet that is slowly becoming useless, you can store your inventory items in there. of course, you may not be able to store too (unless you have a large walk-in), but even a small stock is better than no inventory at all.

basement or garage. that are great places to store your stock, but keep in mind the varying temperatures, and do not store anything that should be stored at room temperature in the garage, especially if you get snow in winter.

Wherever you can find space. Some people keep things under their beds in a hallway closet, in the rooms of their children, etc. I personally do not have / want any of my clients to see, so I keep my stock in discrete locations.

Having a stock is great but not if it hinders your lifestyle.

Everyone can create a stock and saving money, it is the smart thing to do, but you should not go crazy with coupons to do.

do you have any additional tips for using coupons and buying in bulk for building a stock?

photo credit: dmdonahoo via photopin cc

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