5 myths about Do-It-Yourself Tax Solutions Debunked

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5 myths about Do-It-Yourself Tax Solutions Debunked -

5 Myths about Do-It-Yourself Tax Solutions - TaxACT
Make this the year you start doing your own taxes!

Using online tax solutions can save you money compared to a tax professional.

There is also much faster, easier and more accurate than preparing your taxes with paper, pencil and a calculator.

If you have not yet tried the online tax software, check these myths against facts before you decide how to prepare your income statement in 2015:

5 Myths about Do-It-Yourself Tax Solutions Debunked - TaxAct Blog

Myth 1: I do not know much about taxes, so I might miss deductions and credits if I do my own taxes

Fact: A tax preparer asks standard questions, and request additional information as he or she sees fit.

online tax software does the same.

developers tax software and accountants have years of experience and design Interview with the right questions to make sure you get all the tax benefits to which you are entitled.

In fact, you can find new tax breaks or benefits you have never heard of using tax software.

for example, the software may ask if you paid educational expenses for yourself, your spouse or a dependent.

If you have done, the program will help you decide which educational credit or deduction you may be eligible, depending on your complete tax situation.

tax professionals know much about taxes, but no one knows as much about your financial situation you do.

When you combine your knowledge of your finances with integrated expertise in tax software, you can confidently prepare and file your own return

Myth 2 :. Making my own taxes seems difficult and complicated

made :. online tax software is harder to use than most other navigation, shopping, and other activities you do online every day

In fact, it may even be easier.

If you follow the interview step by step, preparing and filing your taxes is as easy as answering a question at a time.

tax software does the rest for you

Myth 3 :. tax software asks questions that have nothing to do with my situation

Profile: questions you answer in the tax software are determined by your answers to questions previous.

If you do not have an interest income this year, you will not hear more about it.

If you have a simple return, tax software determines exactly what you need with minimal issues

Myth 4 :. It is easier to use a tax preparer and let someone else do all the work

Done :. for many people, the hardest part of preparing a tax return collects information

In the best case, you track your financial information all year, so it's easy to find when you need them.

No matter how well organized your information, you still have to put them together at tax time. No one else can do it for you.

The moment you put your information to your tax professional, you have done the hard part.

You may have even completed a professional for your all your information with tax

you have already done the hard part "organizer." -. you might be surprised at how little extra effort it takes to complete work

Myth 5: I'm afraid I'll audited me if I use the software to tax

Done :. The chances of being audited are very low in a given year

in general, your chances of being audited are more if you make a very high income, which means a million dollars or more per year.

With tax software, you can actually reduce your chances of being audited.

Indeed, the tax software helps you spot potential errors.

For example, the software asks you questions to help you determine if you meet all the requirements for tax relief.

In addition, when you use tax software, you can not do math errors.

This is a good reason why the IRS audits of software prepared statements at a lower rate that it verifies returns prepared manually.

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