Affordable Care Act: 4 ways to get health insurance and choose the right One

9:16 PM
Affordable Care Act: 4 ways to get health insurance and choose the right One -

Affordable Care Act 4 Ways to Get Health Insurance and Picking the Right One - TaxACT

What is the one thing you want possess, but you hope you never use?

This is health insurance!

In fact, the average three-day hospitalization cost $ 30,000, which would disappear altogether accounts for most families savings and / or children's college fund.

Buying health insurance is an important way for you and protect your family in case of injury or illness, the more the new law!

If you did not know this, you are not alone

42% of Americans are not aware that most of us should have t insurance health care from January 1, 2014 by the affordable care Act -. Tweet this .

45% know nothing at all about the health insurance market (also known as exchanges).

Let's take a look closely at the different health insurance coverage options to help clear some. confusion

Four ways to obtain health insurance

employer: Continue to purchase insurance through your or the your spouse's employer. The vast majority of those who go this route will see little to no change in coverage and will not need to buy through a market

On your own :. You can buy directly from an insurance company, with the help of a broker or an agent, or by an online service

markets :. . you can buy insurance you health through your state market

government-sponsored plan :. Those who qualify for government programs such as Medicare or Medicaid can enroll in these plans to get coverage

There are those who will choose to go without insurance in 2014, but most of of them will have to pay a penalty tax (estimate the amount of your penalty in 2014 with the tax penalty calculator TaxACT health care), climbing every year. However, there are exceptions.

Use of health insurance contracts

What's New?

Anyone who has ever made a purchase via Amazon or booked a trip through Expedia or Travelocity, used a "market" to compare and purchase a product or service.

health insurance markets operate similarly.

market coverage typically include:

  • emergency services
  • maternity and newborn care
  • health disorders and mental abuse
  • preventive services and wellness
  • chronic disease management
  • pediatric services, including dental care and vision


You can ask the insurance market in your state from 1 October 2013, with coverage commencing on 1 January 2014 (if you buy 15 December 2013). Registration open for 2014 ends March 31, 2014.

Patrick Blair, CMO Wellpoint said: "There is much to learn about the exchanges - the health insurance market will change health care as we know it. It is not a maze, but you may need a map. "


You may be able to get help paying for your health insurance costs if you buy coverage in a market. Discover if you may be eligible for health care Calculator TaxACT tax credit.

Select the Right health insurance plan

It makes sense to have insurance here January 1, 2014, because in addition to the penalty, even a simple broken arm fee, without surgery, could cost $ 5000 +.

so it's a perspective "pay me now or pay me later." There is no need to pay more than necessary for health insurance

Just be sure to use the checklist below :.

  • Visit the market in your state review the different levels or planes, and to compare the cost and coverage of each
  • Make a list of questions to ask before buying a plan, including: . Can I keep my current doctor and the plan cover emergencies in another state or country when I'm traveling? Does my plan cover my prescription drugs?
  • Visit your state market. Review the different levels or planes, and to compare the cost and coverage of each.
  • Calculator Tax Credit for Health Care Use TaxACT to help assess whether you may qualify for a tax credit on premiums when buying insurance in a market.
  • Review your budget to decide how much you can pay for health insurance and rework your finances to make sure you are not overloaded.
  • Decide whether to adult dental care and vision. dental and pediatric vision can already be part of your plan in 2014; you may want to decide whether to add coverage for adults as well.
  • Stay informed by going to and TaxACT to find updates on the reform of health care and taxes.

Be Wise through preventive health practices

The best protection against rising __gVirt_NP_NN_NNPS <__ medical expenses is still prevention. - Tweet this

So consider embarking on a healthy workout program or plug into a support group to take control of your health, such as Weight Watchers

.. These kinds of support groups can provide an opportunity to change your life, not only physically but also emotionally and even financially, as you can see in the health connection richness found in the book Lean Body Fat Wallet .

Find out if your plan includes "health initiatives and wellness" and financial incentives.

For example, many health insurance companies offer a financial break on an annual premium if the insured can prove that they attended a health center and fitness three times a week

What are you doing to comply with the affordable care Act

photo credit:.? Lekke via photopin cc

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