The benefits of the Affordable Care Act for self-employed

6:12 PM
The benefits of the Affordable Care Act for self-employed -

The Advantages of the Affordable Care Act for the Self-Employed - TaxACT

What are the benefits of the Affordable Care Act provides for the self-employed ?

Three important benefits under the ACA

  • the potential for a shopping experience easier,
  • the possibility of financial subsidies, and
  • the ability to easily compare one plan against another.

compare health insurance options

comparing health insurance options for multiple health insurers will be very different from the insurance shopping in the past, said Claire McAndrew, health policy analyst senior Families USA. Previously, the self-employed had to move from one insurer to another, making it difficult to compare plans and options in the plans, it adds.

In addition, all health insurance plans offered in the market must comply with federal standards laws, which means that each plan must provide full coverage.

In the past, insurers have offered bare minimum plans, which were often inadequate if the costs of the health of a consumer were high.

You can find your state market on the federal website, or if your state runs its own market, such as those in California, Kentucky, and New York, start there.

The Commonwealth Fund offers an interactive map of markets facilitated by the federal government and the state base.

available financial aid

One of the biggest benefits to which the independent federal tax subsidies for qualified individuals whose income is at or below 400% of federal poverty level. If your adjusted gross income qualifies you for a grant, you can receive a tax credit on advanced premiums applied directly on your monthly premiums, says McAndrew.

Or, use this calculator grant

Do not Worry, Be Covered

another advantage for the self-employed is the ACA requires insurers to offer coverage to everyone, even if you, your spouse or a child with a preexisting disease.

Previously, insurers exclude independent candidates for pre-existing conditions because they were not part of a group.

Moreover, health insurers may not pay more if you or a family member has a medical condition. In fact, when you apply, no one can ask if you have any medical conditions. All you will be asked your age and whether you smoke. Some markets, such as Washington, DC, and California, do not even ask to smoke, says McAndrew

Mark your calendar :. Dates

You can start shopping now the state of your market. But you can expect to choose and pay for a plan until December 23 for coverage that begins on January 1 McAndrew advises.

You also have the option to wait until March 31 to register and pay for coverage and not face a tax penalty, but McAndrew warns that until then, you will be assured. After March 31, anyone who does not have health coverage may be subject to a penalty tax when filing a tax return for 2014, she said.

Some important tips

The self-employed are like most consumers that choosing a health insurance plan often means having access to a doctor, hospital, or two

. to ensure that a provider is in your network, verify by calling the doctor and hospital, McAndrew advises. Do it after choosing a plan, but before you complete the application and pay.

to watch for?

There are two issues to watch in the coming years.

1.) how much your health insurance costs increase or decrease each year, and 2) what is the amount advanced premiums tax credit change every year?


photo credit: DOK1 via photopin cc

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